THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. "t Ihed Daaly (htodays excepted) during the College year, at THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN r'ilnee buildig, 79 S. Main St. be- t0110i Lierty ad William Sts. ,q 'S 14G1-N(;EDITOR J. F,'.ItmaS, 17. 0. I. hI-a, '9. E. L. Gnieoo, 19 L. F. S. SIeONS, '8. F11. H.ootis, '9. I. B. SILLAN, '9L. H. H. COeios, '99. HUTLE LAnB, '0. C. M. GDaiw, 99, Athletic Editor. ASOCATE EDIITORS W. W. liche, '9. . . Smt, '17. F. A. Fcik, 'E. I A. Camplell, '9 W. P. Mrrill, '98. G. 1. Iaudntt, '00. A. 1. Smith, '97. C. Lll, jr., 9 i. The subscription priceof dihcDaily it 52.01 for the collee yar, tit arelerrtoelery before no000echoltday. Notice. 111omunica- Huon, and otlermalirer intended for pblica tion mst e hated il at the llaiy officc be- foe 6 p.m.. or nmaild to the editor bfore :3 p. i., of the day preious to tat on whih they 01eteced to lPear. Subscriptions may be left tthe Iaily Office, Meiyr's or Stoillet's Neloelud, or with Business 9Maager Cecrierswtil con- fer a favolr y reporting promptly at hit office aly failure 1f crrier to deoiver paper. The first lappetaranciel'of li i' liii 101 ity BHee ud 011 ot11 ltO 9beei11a111 at a belier 111m10 Ihan on111WdtilgtllliO BihtIlay. I itt911' rgetted tiat they weri'i'i' iven91911115e11071'inlliil'l partInthei lcoiseo. Aso 1111was0.,11a11y of ths ee nt 11 did01 no1911'ielhar 111y'of 11101r 2111011' ecillc0of 1111'dtly'ill leavin~g liii'B111111fter the lool spekei. At1h110b111011lil'ltioied bfoe'. 111e logeillind it 9 'liIIOto 9711 s219I college ninedrn h 111111'111119 111 laio .1 '11:11 Nearl'iey - l','out'ttilb lad of11111e i seleeiiof'W'attis forcoach1011dlti- a inety erd a a O il1111rl anlcglint. A mentioned1011by lManager Akisten, te il 111 a. Exei 1111the 110Wam alo ill that 1will 001119900 19o1ur0te11, wou011h11 to9 be ait111'elieildf the l,0tl'000101 wbenle seson 90 s er, boo 11100f111 ohlier rsllit'ies1('w1111111be Ii 0111111' pos5itin, 11111 11l1,y'not bt' folllate Wakinl01111's Ility 111brin 1111 heir flll strength. H'ASEHAEI NOTItXE. Battery iiin anti candidaesi for fiot base 100 reueted 'to report 'It the -age evey fternon at 2 olock. All ther 'nkditeeowillrep0o92001 111li gynlesill or a 3:0 o'clok. LO)ST-A 11111 i11foriiiof i.t11r00at1 wilil green leaves and st.xitii ieals. Fiinder please return to Tea Delta Chi house, 10 Conwell Place, nd re- colve reward. - S Lectures in Sociology. 'ieCsilli 01100 r11 blemsi'110of s'loloigy woili iiltle 001100111lect100es19y 11191- hiitsto 191onllllted vthlithe t'l1i000- s117'. Do. Itla . XW.Ilitl'l1oek, of Do- 11111, -t111i leetlre upon11 the "De-feetiv'e ("lassoes." Dr. XW. A. Ylelgl-,ase. 01' 111 1Sta1teIntitionillfor thei'Feeble 7111111- "I cn "'hefin 509'bieMinided, '11101 ('.100 and ''Ii-inlg." tic. H.1'. Xy'- 1111 1110)'(of lEpilepot11,'" 191111Di'. lloll'7'1H. IBikerctf hlilt'a111 te oard of in1 A-ioigii." tures0 1101'brought ieree is 11a1)e'11it'e .,1.11'e7B111011 tf 'tllorities 110(9t"'000('t" 111100 irllglittil' s'cretary,'Mo. I c' 710.4t (I, f 1,11101197.'i'ne 001101 1111110 Changed Courses. '1110 C11ss ii 'll ote' 2ini llitory'will! moot in 11Roo)111,24. T'i'ltl)' 1110t' ii 11.1 '1 III tit 211119nd 'i'3llTll'11'iuond"01- li.e ot' clt in lglseliinlo \19111 b G1' odidaen. AiI eAod given t'hbcid l.\ol,l'ti 11'.17 \1r. ',hnsn. 17 i.11) IF Mailk Iinnas wouil only I I .taci st "AND DO YOU KNOW?"1 you ought to attend the performance of Win. Gillette's Comedy, THE PRIVATE SEC ETIIA Y ......BY THE.. ... U. OF M. COMEDY CLUB FORt THE HENEFIT OF THE ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION AND THE FRUIT AND FLOWER MISSION, Grand Opera Hou~se, March 6th. Tickets on sale with directors of the Athletic Association and State St., Stores. Reserved Seats at Sheehan's Saturday, February 27th. PRICES: 35c, 50c, 75c and $1.OQ, THE ANNUAL ANNOUNCEMENT -_-o go__ Imperial Quartet YOU Yoti woili besnpriedatOratorical Contest 0o10 gellerositybtut Ex-President Harrison _ March 12 -March 19 -March 22 ----April 2 - -April 13 EEwe have to hustle for Lucius Ferry Hills_ S onrselves, So John Kendrick 7Bangs_ ITbecolnes iiecessary to slash Iright and left IN order to keep oii top. Coii- INsequenlty TE Huron is crossed and DAILY LR1 rs of year IT S a fact. We know it is I ' creating a sensation and making oor would-he competitors feel S ore hut bosiness is business. Send Cash and Address to 0. H. HANS, But iness Manager. GIENERAL ADMISSION TICKETS 51.002 RESERVED SEAT TICKOETS SING.LE ADMISSION EXCEPT Oratorical Coutest ?5c. 1.1 123 A POSITION, Cnbe secured twith Rued, MceNally a Co,- that will bring good returnt to students, for thia workl duel g vacation. We wisbh Repestentatives on our Atlases, Mlats and sther publications. ALL ABOUT THE BABY By Robert N. Tookler, 91 D. of ChlicageolMedical College just issued, is lthe booh for Aledical Students. Catalogue and circulars send en application. SPECIAL REPRESENTATIVES , I We want a few seecial representatives in the College. hue ihiu position experienced bosh men should write us at once, stating past explerience, RAND, McNALLY & CO., Chicago. WHY DON'T YOU