11 _ O nVOL. VII. NO. 110. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, WEDNESOXY, FEBRUARY 21, 197. FOUR PAG s-3 CENTS. W j ' 01I >C' 1iiG13 SG~; . An Unfounded Tae.1 Junior Law Orators. o (~l1112D CNRr' ILB SGE. It to eng rumored among he lw The seond of the preliminary oa- Lead~ivi Tr lojjr Watkins WU1il Coach the 'Varsity students that Prof. Mlehem wll cver forial contests viasell last ingt n 0 This Year. Iis onnectrion wih the Vlirer"Ssy at byr the junior law class. Tere wecre -the cd of hIks,; ear. The rum or wasl more entries in is rote( than in A1NDJ3IM~PORTER, Manager Atkinson will sign the eron- probabsly started from the fact tha t on atlit r of the others and the cot- St " p y asatIt'a ith 'iakins today. It has eens the'cielirtet anoun cement for the' est proed to tbe a vey strong oe. fULL MJISS SUITS A SPECI ILTY, iruimoed 11ha1 Watkins would Is' slililit *eist' te louer clsss ae S. I). Tomes. aii'l spoke on "Pi- ______________ li-en to coch the teaii this yer . given su~jects iso Prof. Meheln that lis Ctie Aholiinist,' oo give, first NO. 2 E. WASHINGTON ST. NEAR MAIN. ami it 1is o i(il.ilnolliiitaiitt that It hi re ot sivnh iiiililthiisemen0laiice b- he.usdige s, and le ill there- _________________________________i_____a tifsctry srraiigemnit has becn iter. trof. Mecs statedIto a Daily tierellreselnt his -lass oiite final f ® ® > ii11ide lall that lie ils ieen eigsge d ripetelrtht tle rumor of his le ain, t isersitv cotest. Tee 5 oud 111cc WHEN YOU BUY A TOOTH BRUSH forthe lii' llolicliiiigsasol. Wieuii l wa 11S sissed anaI lisiat he clurses t'u"asgiven Iso1C. 8. Bartlett wose suh- you iwant one thatsou't all 5150 S tllitIardto t ie lu-seisillaaci.ilt, ii h eseeeinsde sting ltothe ct ti was-TIuitantiians thehRepub- so to pieces isia short tinie \l toi cm Aihssn said: fitl.thsst te work ie has tben liii ing lie'' d Iwesellliitoo iwecausawar- j ® anit to hod their hristes ''es, 1 isis SuhlssutoliiSigii1111litWill- swil th is'e iso. t-gsaduat s tsits sitl l iiiThe pl c th lougti anisi omist- They cst 105tealsIfyou dos'tS hhls,.alit I tconsisdt'r'hist I have hitt lertecfie 1sb'gil-in1thlit'sessors. sidti oss serese rofs. 1'. I.. ell-m, .. 1C. fidcm asfctourysbriy. SPATMERS PHARMACY. ii sil n.II. lii selt''of the is- liy Isii havig toIthi s motlils will le vi- nsl Bltlcrcey Puofo.Bogl', oltlses nd1( A -46 S. STATE ST. i lli(s11a t ed.itlssitls'tl l e s-ts-- itt sill slto g it'elosse's'class's,. Wtinklsr. lisi sisnmniiilt'of 'sssk- 5 1 " ® ® ® di anil 515-1(1 liias' Silltill \Miclsgsl ! IOld Mtausript Found- gsgai''ell theasesaher t'efolotiig Cl sn tou Sjd ~ale 1lto loo 'bottssamoresti'lt'e bessi iof - itmi olsi of Isttl lses1 cI'''lip L' S.I. 'laassnlfitst, I C . ilsis'lttsss shls l ath s s. I f sslly ish i lt sate ens-'l il'sss'l l isser y t' r s'tsitI'so'I *l 'sus. elG. Aete'llsistosu. dA'i'l - srcI.11 QN' 's's Itli " ltilg tilt' niit Iii wantesld. lo st sI.'.T'liss' es(' of it .5I l t aisl s. l, A.. A. y a lt-i ha dTs iiI.'sA. 17 swok lst'e is-1itsill ts''pat Gi i'ssIek n-st.inused ls t cl l yliselt il:-( ttslleutl ssslsixil. P RIC ES OUT DEEPER THAN s tl o t-lir. sdil1st' is fills-I ots 'I ht it I' sssst-i lst's Is'-t li sist'tise1c oigtthelirst, sIyear lass-osiswil UtU al(l, ul(slilmi :a1nd1sii lhat i, ed 1slthe I' itli l v ol It 1'111 0 n"lit'I~ta l itI co'ssiessst ii the Iswi's- ttt' EVERIIIsisi'slttsisi' lsts Isll is'- sl'-'l'lsl isIs i tid, t isitl 5 t~First Indor 101et. I 's's tl s'is'iiilssi is-Ili-sis t m uosgo. l indsistltsss' I iltt Illel i t 5' JACOBS & .ALLILAIID,1 .e1d wil ii issfitfllll'liiiiliss' 1t11 i" lt, iss se1fa n Teelsls ssss il' lt"l.lri-sophomore 51t' idots WASHINGTON' STREET 11me11it5tins'sthas, kt lis-ys 51n51parig " is'sl, lss:'ts ares'ol.ts- '(cissl aineel.,10as eosslt'tiioilllt-'s iill lit I i sbbthasi- i~i t lthe -15's" silsl loti Football Mtrial.- liti ilit' 1s'sleS'liaisgylillss iss Sa- sslsI hios staitetI Osslic' sills's' llslllIcisisy. 1's-i. 27 st 3 ).l i. 'No adisl- A ® Ve l p in Ib s in s-l '-sis's- sisi il's' iiss 1st-i Cc- wlsssojortit'iioftt eI ld ,s cuIit h rts sillsfesill be chaged o lls'lis s'stass 0 ° i 5 l oUs tYnr iiht I - 0111 515. 'Iirntyu0st talssl. fli titlI 55 to it;-i'-. All entrie's'Omusii t s'e haded's o s ha erraearr angmet- 055h ilst s sltssslsouhidue l tha htsho}-lnvlA lt-eaml wi ' il t's'lilts'e 1s ,it-l tigt'i'srdhurlsses (twoslow' urledaitg wit haeisatdoarthiswot.- ° oa0 su 15i temI for is. 0 P Ilates or filmissleft here (:1'fist' us-s is id'sc lu h e1s' it--(a;01s cll s, Aen Ll iss ld ow"tler,'l' Iit.11;shil it)idus s pttale isusl. tusthis 0 0 Il next tbda a tiprints miate s stlltsits'weltlrk. now t its.'l;iex-.tt hisite ahs' 111.11'1suto ruh o e 5 l. gs nn ues tatticktls tol.te. i fo 'dty. l'ltI e t mius sues- ti gooduisl h's'y°a bit iel'ra ia" e I p heL155 rle Ill -v 'Iltsr'au t o f h-cl ovics in's Cfhss Gat me silts'tn 0CALKI NS' -:-PHARMACY, i ut St -°iug '5lt''tstlt catsuo$1 iol istisresleMoesnChssGaes -AT---- io to is lt'hiss- s-lll' forl it'se i s at te b x otsis-s-snus11 sute t t it' ss''huv useen sutht'itsthe two -A -bIttu.,spr ustitssce ift-i-'t'eeks illstit --lIts -st -l au i 12.iwhis-usheImp1ushs-isl igassseisnlg pliae'i' l i llsneotsly h's W H ' BO STOR . suil. TIhis'aitilie' ildis tosually9 4 S RE ' us uts w ui ve Ithis'nesst luilSils'-on05 5'etsIolstl'litt'betwentheis' nal thttstti Ito h ess' ti's l esi-ri'It 'i iniih theli5 5. . ( -Ch us h ltat of Ba's' ii': Nosy anstiSecondt-HndText- thnu'.essghs fsrse, ' 515t h usls ilt j Cocker Again Nominated. 1-rot _tacii Ea's usguhiuit, Ba. ta'yl'' perisson s gantd [ie orsiil-itue; Miciigass blsck: 1. P--I 4. Books for all departments. te mataeriallys-retarlt'1'1ues 1-eio Riohal fMcia tPI ,2 t- 3h tiB3 Copeestock of law books bisseeleft testte'hu i d theher05 t'miuseuius u's2iilcs-t .N BIK4,NB-QIB 4; 4. P-Q Copeteserdrslss' 'ouiitettaso 'gentlA'. Nt. 4. x;5 'QB 3 - t4 for all clasocs. Pr'.ettI.MeauglunlsdSut. Ieest ocl ('os-sfuiAdrissn, sand nouisted R,-Bx;A.IQB3,--(Il4 1 d t isto e 'hpoi tha thee gn- P.-Q 4, Px'; 7. 0-0, PxI'. Seconed-Handt Books bought 111i st elole htIst e-foe hiss samue offies'C. 1. UsI wleu, o Second atmguse, tns-Roy isepz, BayCitt's tiemuen iwill lookwstllsfavsor upnCle A'unltni'etuut'slyhinlac' ifi I. .hak icugL ilue .PN4 ccncupropsitio' Rhastolirs'G told Demsorat, 'alo also ni ;2 tNB3 t- 43 ATflO ~ Asaltet C Fritze, '9, formely treat- sceul the Republican noinahhtio. . K B-Q Int. 5 P-Q R I; 4. B- WAHR S B0®S SOKEflL ni e of the Athletic Atarti. -ie, died D. B. ('ieeves,'91. and 'fi LI, swhio K 4, P-Q Kt. 4; 5. B-Q t. 3. Up Tows Down Tws it liii lione in Ohicago ma Saturday lisa hit offie at 143 'hi' onadnck. E. N. Baldwin, c--'97. wa. in .ani 20S tt t poiecutHueA Arhr pMaissIt, lst froim pneuonoia. Chicago, i'su in the city ,yesterday. Abr last wek