YTIE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DALY. D W HY raoa ~aeawtr e XSi.11 D ON 'T r YOU TR Y HA 1 t L L ER S! -1 eveloping a A box of that delicios Peanut Brittle at TEWELRY 00 AMID + BROWN'S DRUG STORE. STrORE Half pounds and wound, 10 and 20 cents. A few boxes of 46 S. Miain Street. Veltin vetN Molasses Candy, one-half pound 10 cents. __________________ Prnig __ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ Mr. Berryman ihavingi dis- PATRONIZE OLES' LIVERY posed of his gallery, we KNOX f and get the best service. have made arangements eUJ GffceandSabee2Foes with him to do this worke 'S ring fieadSabe 2Frs s" for us. a ~ Ave.'Telephone 0. Plates or fIlms left hzere 15 Si]Mai Branch Office at PaImrs Pharmacy wil le - developed by the T A S aeray HE ANN ARBOR SAVINGS ANK i next dap and- prints made I ifordy.DOES YOUR LAMP SMOKE? Oq:itol lSi eoa si-c$1,00,000.5,0. dof this 5 , aoi 5dp sits, tys ail 10 0 ~~TRY' RED STAR OIL-NO SMOKE tensi hlncslnte princialciie0s o h JaUied is-ie s 1- of.r sd u0o00 roer OALINS PARMGY N. oChand Wicks No Offensive Odor No Foling of Chimneys- deaifsssxl fl ct} dslepos it boses to ret: A White Light-Burns fieel y to the ast drop f oil in the lamlsr OHaeliman. Vi e-res'o.- Chs E. Hiscoc, .aa~caaoawa~oaono cn~a~oaasaavn 1Cashie: N1 .i Fit -sisi- ci Casie. -C lear as spring water-l0e per gallon-Delivered in ousr cans, f Ass Arbor Be Sure promptly-Sold only by FIRST NATIONAL ANK0r550zd51 ' Sure I~DEAN & 0COM PFANYCaiotal 81,000 general ad Psots8000 44 South Main Street. Foeig tesh to e loliad sold Fraihs lettess(o, ceest, You're Fight R)) l F.. IN, Fes. IiARRI5ON SOL, Sophomore Lit Oratorical Contest.'. 011. OLeirsy. rot ogeic (,lois Vice Fes. I_5_W,___h ON.Cshier. "('"'17 ¢ tKr~liii'y -were 'lilliy siieti'i - -OrsFoo wear I~s1 lol'SIloay evening ilteii ilei licatilsfrs fth eieso l is I he lno -- ie tTde >~d~e 0:Thr' os ftik i h rdeadwl i hl.'Cocatrat hi there prlotcd ofr-s ts anCiyou tiai kais I ii ii li lit lii. Fiisn lid 10 ilisl ilseli the 0 pi Iticd tha ouelsol, lii l~'lllili 1y slos vsiliss 5 snl it i I su.b.1 - lllint'li-1. Or. Stic adsiilora Steet. bttnot here. 0is eii by le soisoli i-e s ll ii't Capitl 5000 Srpls $000. Trasact This soroenakes you sre you'reeright IJ"(1 I iii tiieIDiiy We l)i ' Hli's"; geeasl bakig booiness. This store garntes yssa safe invest- As thisiea s riv0e butsi ne sills ' Millii ci _ s 1' Ilit li s', F es C 1C. E iiF s, Vice Prsl d\t tttt('nl l -Csir ment of every doll-r yu pt intosishoes esi-isilirlies i h l isi cioiest. s-si Vs is"o1' I IiSE,oCssir we sell. It is a oosd Shoe Store, full of J 'Ils''illsliT liie tDssif of lthe'Ijoii"' good Shoes a pries waystown. Il 5ils 1iil5 s'S-1551 hlilisel'lto tis C.Iis lllii II, '1"heis li11r11 ai l Ills'Low~lneys Chocolates. Good IRublers too, if yu wet thorsn. 11515 lii to s's-li' ise Coeted'sl 111.155 Ishls I-I- o ss 's111 ~sE t 1~~xca VV. C Reinhard, 1 1 1 iiitusi issisilaile'dii isTlisll Alisliisio4i8AS.I.State IiSt. 42 S. Main Street. iilgci onsill lii i ndis hsSilllilsilriou ,i li ld 0issibit t c i i ssio11 ts TUTTLE', 41Sltao t and onsindelis'ry Iii liins' ii ssioiisiisd. h slli is iiS inbi '. slsi hs-s e - ,,t~iesa 11Re ls siidl I.coicissilasReduction! IIA NGSIEIFE P. (des iis Ilelandlliii II i 111111 to si[ n 1 sill 5Pi'lllllli1 r1n1 ikll.i -' - ""''cso d~ve} il e ee tOur p i e reafter ill 5515llllilsslen l'll ld irs hplel' Ml. .for 1U . of M . buttons ed 1 i 55e ins- t~liis (l p'iilyallptterns, will be 50 Cents. Abcsoltelyr Pu~re! pl 1111111il 'll1hideilieri-,oslcoss-iig t'f1' lls'sl-hiltilt i 11ls Chi- WM ARNOLD, LEADING JEWELER 5 ii s Ikig i itheIlls' jofthe lshh', e , 15ay agI- iliveisty l e ihtIui 1 reo 1~iI'~7I~a3TS I~'Ies i. l 5hiest 1silw iii in gn. i '-Sis I 1111-' ss 151il H /ag I no1s 111)11 _Ag 1.if lyl.ithi',ois ills 0 Slili ll(fictll 0 51 V/i ney I..oanec s ~e er { aill no 11 '"Illt ii'ss'iihe Ils'151 1:-hei'so-e lit 1liii l,1ltr, mot:"Os 's he-, 1I ofolds. SWhiel os thos 1 il's oe n9 Yollu s: 1. J.licr wrsotr iBl i'iopry- iWstcs and ew- COR, WASHINGTON AND FOURTH AVE. 15 i Inu15tslss:n.1.M sss: ssy. 'iigi . 'lil' h ii'hiigt ls'sssil't i-y"si ,Ared.loil Office a rsidec,1 i.;. A I.Ily e G. i. 1.,ionls~nIti Libse rt ns , A rborlisi, Mih.t. All busi- I itK"heess's ytAonidl'sltio Hoss,7 ol110,m- sd AND 26 SOUTH STATE STREET. CA 0.hyl'li Iihsils ~slsiii i-l ii lins "-Il'm, ^'""°" ! .ai-, l'llh22 . 1'M. Sieaidi2, A R. -I____Secondipan doWats's nWDio nd so. TTOF M. SHIAVING PARLORad oat' B1ord Sat Irettyiau~,on N. Ui-fiseca-oaWtcsadDamds U1 ons.Al ppaama 5 vi s 'dssiii 4 esily ave. You will ind Ilie Daiy ilcid.sti-oisd loa mpoetd'anid domestidsscigas . Ladies aris- JustRe ivdaLm anElg t tie issueridressng adbathing parlors, upn' 5ii llnr fI1Oli'55'i'i ld~slss'lillgOW lithere to greet yu50 1 seda~sy, it ll orl stairs, J. 1t.Trojaski .155S.tate s50,Llatest college ness-ss l Hot ad Cold Lunches at all horsAets -, fo I- isyleoc licnd Willias adl Wrer CC's ""MARC 1ST -WE WILL CUT PRICES Cocolte Bon lions WAY' TO THE BONE ON ALL R. EJOLLY&8tcO. kJ 205. Os-ate St.5 ager-Bloc, IMPORTED CHEVIOTRJOUSEIN GS GroeiS, Prvison I -_ ----_ -- - and all kinds of Sanitaium Foods for sale by - lI-dso ynao?" o5" pres i sils eee -- THESE PATTERNS C NNO Eso FOUND5000ELtiSEor. & Co. r;s cma is Really comlete WHERE AND ARE NOT MADE IN CHEAP GOODS;. ~ t STATE S . 'ilhot a new 891 MO&I0 SelAE T /ye ufrMnoin. .Anton fTeufel, .5 Urnb-. scWAG ERd&dCO. asOaAr dOu c'en eerssnpnlitsailhtses IMPORTING TAILORS. TfRukS Vaises Drss Sint CaSeS From $.o.oUpw d AND TELESCOPES. Sh, ssistse, SManlinhisl, 0 4 0 " "Trns nstVlises tRepaiesi Neiy and l -ite s Itile zts ma a 'The A lu i u G ia t os ^ sissoir.asihie, c 'Ie ,7 1)1 5 111theplly No. 57Sisnsst . er 141.r1..nlt ___o___fineold_________. - ii ii.oi-,sIeherier.m ~sap FULLER & I8l 5s ytercs-dGle ritsx t H T'qi 7 O E A Slash In Prices,1or ailot to c+eessi, -stsinislelsori-a UEeUs.r 4..A.time oc0swill te'di, sls 5~I5, 5,,i -otea , tEpn NOT PRESS SUITS FOR 25 ENTS .£ss Aesis ltish - l-tf i -otas The tono is full and brilliant. CLAIG NDRP RN. tut l- : ise s in ales thsaei yec.arcs a t5C I s ayworth manins is s t y. aExamine it. 22S.StSate st. Over Rosey's Billiard oom LYON & IlEAL V. C CO.W5%, 5iAVE. cAD AnSi-ST..C'ICAGiO ANMN ,A RBOIR, MIU SI C CO.. 0. land MARTIN, et Fun sersal CPirerad Coins.c Embalmig a Specialty. No. 1if Subscribe for the Daly 1 21 AND 23 EAST WASHINGTON STRE'ET. Fourth ae.