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February 23, 1897 - Image 2

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U. of M. Daily, 1897-02-23

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P l ev. Tedrow on Lutheranism.
U " f Sundaymonis ,Fe.21, 0'. L.
'ubllslbed Daily (Sundays excepted) during
the Collect cear, at Lutheran Ob'ureb, addreosed a body of
THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, studets'ini Nes~heivy Hall upon the
P-rowF Timeos building, 79 S. Main St. be- subjec't of "Lotlieranis-in." Dr. Ted-
tween Liberty and William Sts. row first stateil that liesdid not stpeak
31 U1fAG[Ntl EDITORI in the oslsirit of exclionl or asetarian-
.1. F. Tn~oO, 97.lt, that he bleiev'ed tiat wlieii the
0. IH. HAxo, '98. fundamienal doctrineo of (dcli reli-
EDSITORIS iot are crsiruld (lixt 20paices of
E. L. Onaxota, '00 L. F. S. SDoNox, '00. igreciicilt to me( of (lislgreleltlR'ill
F. M. Lo.Ns, '98. tH. 0. SnuoL:uAN, '98 L.
H. H. CoRwax, '99. BUxTERLAB, '09. lie foond.
C. M1. GiREN, 99. Athletic Editor. The sieailke'r iii'i gavie a slhort his.
ASSOCIATS1 EDITORS 1010 Of liie'('illisia01 ll ovcllilIfroi
W. WV. laglies, '98. S. XW. Smith, '97.
P. A. Facib, '98E. I. A. Campbell, '0 llie tillie oftif eii'liidlli ages: ini tarni
W. P. Mlorrill, '98. C. I). Hudilutt,"'00. lhe spoke of the Clny refiiriii. (if ADy-
A. Ml. Smith, '97. C. Lull, jr., 990M.
cliff. Ituss, Sos aiiroloalsand iiiiier.
00 Titir nglt on il ndretorills, he ald
tali 11)h 11(0eiiinoti to esioiil 'what 0(10
The subscription price ef the holly is $2.50
for the college year, with a r egiilor delivery ile. voice of Mlie ('holrel,"' 1ilt "what
beiore n ooa each day, Notices, communica-
tions, ond other matteer((tended cor publica- t005 tiii'voice iif lie Scriploirro." Thii
tion moot be handed in at ihe lDaily office be-
fose S p. m., or mailed to the editiir before 03 Oociiincs of (lie riforit-ialion werei'e at
inzx., of the d-; jres'loi,- to that on which
,.tthe eepeetzotto arixeor, fi li i 1l3i 'byOhyiilip i SelaolitiloO,
Subocriotions may be left at The Doily
Office, AMeyer's orStiodtlet's Newotiiodor 111 lii is seeric ie hernregarded
with Business Manager, Suberibers still cot-
fee a furor by reporting proptly a) this 1-14' -MoIgiio I lltoni of l~iltheraliiin.
office any failure of carriers to delis-er paper.

i ,0
, s/1"

win iothe jury of shoe hbuyers 'ald W1
oura by a heavy majority. Footwear
should he tsp quality. The feet coolt
stand anything else. Prices ohould he
low, so as to keep the shoe tax withia
hounds. You won't feel our oboe
prices, hut they will make you feel
pleased. There are oo corn growers
like had nboeo. Come to us and gel
something that you can wvear yourself,
instead of the shoe Tearing your fool.
L. GRUNER, nn Arrbor..

'Ilie Doily nhue's with plealsure Ihe
abse'li'eiif ally such sotiolis at1theii'
ercloes yesierd iy afiteilooil i, cr
'ielei'ized tin ' as'inl~goll's lli'iiid~iy
celehiation of laost yearl. It sIo'x
Iliat thistienttlil'body. is .a sohle.'
sponosible fur iii eo 'c ibll of a fe\sVhot-
hr~eil ,iucoiitro ilohle peisolis. 'Io
"Al'iiki rs 11tu'' episiode' s te
w01k of a liovtiiiell, liii it will bo'
remembelii(redilaigreat while loli-r. rt-
tles'ting discredit: oiliiiisi 'islo p;1 it?
ipalted 1111(I1 loriching 11(11 lerial 1fir
"1seiiatioital''sheetsIto deprocri. l11
geierts I ioractriio f r'testuden'its 11
theii'lire oily. "Ill(,c-celebroliion iyes-
l1ei'.lay '-is intrki'il by noohiti" oshieli
mierits oiifas'oraile comiiiii't.
Booed of Regents' Meeting.
'The iBard of tRegen'l its et Liot Wed-
nesdaly (afti'rnoin. A iioiiont osas
piassedtl o noise tiii'r('lltliri'lilt'1t9ii
the hlaw' departminti. After Otiiler 1,
1900, the l'equlire'mentlilsfor this ep,iar-
oat owill b he ltamlle as they .111' at
preseiot in 111 1 tlel i'5'depoiirolen.
i'rofessoi' Pattersoin 5a05 rianted a
leare of ahoence'fur our yeaxr and 51(1.
Dow, wsho is niow ,in Europle -cras
giat~ t51( iii llthitioiial year i slilei
to 'ontinulIll'hs inve'stigation's. [lie
llegree of B. A. was conferretd 011 C.
I3. VanoTyiie, '95(;, Nvoti'of thanks
was extenideil to Senaltor -Me'Mill iii for
Is gift to thie Shakesp~eaie libirai-y.
The easinnitlee on bitildiiigsoiaid
grotinds ws autshorizedto Is'ist a news
hboller in the 17ni'el'sty hositl boiler
'hlouse. The budget will he annouced
at the March meeting "of the board.
Course 15-Lectulres aon the P'rivate
Life of the Ancient Athenians will he
given on Tuesdays at 3i p. nm., ilst(ad
of Miondays at 2 p. in., in the muneumo
building. This, course is open to al;
students. M. L. D'OOGE.

. lb's.'Tetdrow' cliie'iby t'xplaiing lie
('cliii 'anti ohio' r ii'is of ileLut-11
-Next, Sooslay ilioriling DR. S l2royl
wiul epex k up1o011"'t'hii'Spitritlof mlih'
Ni a leisseilisoiaioll ileal' or1s of
thei' . A'. A
Junior Hop Wrinkle.
Moll .i~g'iiei's cred11'to ci's o
tiii'IJunior11011 Wrinkle ixisno st
tlhig ill his line 111111 \W'inkle' has
1ver h1. Aside from 1this. ioss' 'o'er,
a irl of las rrse i 11Anneal1iBall
Wrinkle. 7'11i' mid(dle 1ag' is by
WVliiirheotl. andl herr ore iitler 'tos.1 v
1iligo by Afs't".ill. lix ler, 5100islAo w.'..
C.L. Etiii1oots anld S 1rnis. tooc' c
ii, 11. 51.Ilio11niol. I.. Llio'i-
Iwijii an1(0lb.t' . Blotlrlold. 'liii'stin',
"Mixed T'lroblex' "i 5 llyG.11. 12. lxi-
't''iiikle ssill furnishti (ii 1 1;2 1 lfor
lie C omediy C'ltb', lpresen'tsV in of
"'ilie Private iS'c'retary.'
Department of Philosophy.
Theii'1111('ltioli of stun s is Idirected
.lo the lilitleriiott'd clifaig."o in the pub-
lliti' 'lilllit'eliieiiifor i11(oesecoid
C'ourse' L-R.Stelin IRoom 21 1'.I.
t!ourses 'tailand Sb..-Should Itese,
codic'lt owithi History eti'., siller houors
isill b(e'arrangedl.
C'oulrse 1.-Aristotle's Ethlicsalre. sub-
slituletd for Hlunme.
Couirse 11..Hegel oh A1. slid NIT. at
4-p 111. iii 4 T. 11.
4 'P.H.
t'ourse _22 will niee)in bRoom 4 T. H.
If. 5A. WENLxEY.
LOST--A hlltonfocus of a. weafii
with greeit leaves and set with peeals.
FI oder please return to Theta Delta
C'hi House, 10 Corn-well Place, ande re-
ceive reward.

you ought to attend the performance of Wmn.
I Gillette's Comedy,
... i.. .Y THE..........
Grand Opera Hou~se, March 6th.
Tickets on sale with directors of the Athletic
L Assooiation and State St., Stores. Reserved
Seats at Sheehan's Saturday, February 27th.
PRICES: 35c, 50c, 75c and $1.00.
'Th Stim- -nto op___ on w

Imperial Quartet--
Oratorical Contest.......
Ex-President Harrison
Lucius PerryflHills__
John Kendrick Bangs-------

_ March 12
_ March 19
-March 22
- -April 2
_-- April 13




Oratorical (Contest I25e.
JAMES H. PRUITT, Corresponding Secretary..

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