THE UINIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. SWHY ]DO N'T rYOU TrY yHALLET R+'S Developing 0 A box of that delicious Peanut Brittle at TLBELRY +a AND + BROWN'S DRUG STORE. STORE H } 0Ialf pounds and ounds, 10 and 21 cents. A few boxes of46SSliStet Prfint ing o 46__S.__ ______ ___Street. 1,Velvet Molasses Candy, one-half pound 10 cents. __________________ ferrym an having dis- KNO PATRONIZE HOLMES' LI VERY poe fhsgallerywe and et the best service. 4 have made arrangements a, G oodspeeud'2sFres wihkl od hswr SpringS Office and Stable, 2Frs HATore dyitsS. ainSt Ave. Telephone 106. Pltsowim ethr Branch Office at Palmers' Pharmacy will be developed by the $HA S ae e dy nsxt day and prints made THE ANN ARBOR SAVINS ANK n four dlays. ~D E T~T AiT~~IrTapjCapitl Stck, $5,ti.Su5rpls, $15,. 'a DOES YOUR LAMP SMOK. R~J.I iesorce,.$11000. Organied underhe eral Bankng Laws ' lv 1~a ( TRY RED STAR OIL--NO SMOKE, of this Sttde lireeeedeposits buys and CAKP 0 C HAM~y 1 rb)eled Sa the prioipl cespooper SHAMAy, NO C hand Wicks No Offensive Odor, No Fouling of Chimneys- Idntificatin. afly tesost boes to ret. d0FiEa hisinl' l Pes.; W. 1). aaeav~ameswsvemtse~owssmaam I A White Liht-Bunrns freely to the last drop Of oil in the lamp usHarrma, Vice-res.: Ctas E. ulaoc, Cacker: SI. J. Ft Assstt Cashier. -Clear as spring watr-10c petr gallon-Delivered in our cans, Be Siure prmtyIl nyb FIRST NATIONAL BANK o nAro DEAN 8& co111EPA NY Co5ita$j~100.LSurplus ad roispes0 g 6 e i 44 outh Main Street. oricn exchang bougt adsood. Furnish ______________________________________________letters o eredit. E..lli. INNE, Ses. HlARRItSON SULE, Churoh Services Toimorrow. Preliminary Oratorcal Cntests. Vice Pres. -n S-~ ar . iW. CLAII3sON. Cashier. iJ i lTor nssrs-ssit' es as Si. Asihlrte-I Tonight ltheirs of lr iies: 5 f it Thrlitoso otics inIsthsstrade sandliehli h7:.30la. I it.oly I sstnniia prieiliminaisry i-as intsut-l ir 1t ie kYj.r'ilfl':t l'&f r a P. ri73l theyre prcttscd smore thas you think, 10:llsa. Il.. nsssshrsg itr. itasny go-ien Iy lthe sliiitelitleayt iti1s.. -d4-_ but oot hire. - oe. Mis' andti liuoa Streets. Thsis ster oskes you urs you're ight -sl.ds t ms 3:1; i.. Paislis Slltlal Tilct esltans ad t hi utu otitits. I iiCpitl $50t00. Surplsts SOti. Transact This toeruaranotees you a safeino-rt- ,col il ci ' nl(o i,1)l x 1 itln A .l~'T srgeneral bakig bsiness. moit Of ivery dollatr you put into shoes ilsll ill ut ~~ sis~s-lisciiil:A 1 b7i.~ It Iifors-,Pes. C. ECRpE, Vies Pe we Sell. Itis agood Shoe Stors, full o i n 11(111: ; 3Iiii- . i. srv-ice -:11 (0.1:1.- -- itI -F Mi. Seads,-Hl. C Sanley"; - Foes. .1,BL -StR, Casisr. good Shues atpoies way down 1trc?,Iischoliotii I slist5432.I1,1 B I.Jhsn EItail n h CooedRubbesstoo, ofyou wsn ts 1 them.II tlssit, osisti1:1htLowvney's Chocolates. ®si'i'ttsigOf SI. Ansli-i l'Iterhsiosl Sale: 11. IUcirts arasi "BenII ranousi W~. C . Rei nhai~rdit~, 7.i,0i,11. c-- iii i IcI-:-itl sti--;il; (I.. laii l "h T it 1511iit fC.-I Hot Lunches. 42S. Main Street.l-Iii r___________________________ iiti IVsligelit l latsllr't'siii c Isue;'~a' iilsiil TV TI'S 48 S. State St. T RF R is - l11r5- n 1.. slOitsnI -il-c ent10D15- luc k,, l:~ 51 lon iglhouIh i 1nd isllis :tuIsot.Iic-c- of is- 110111Isnmiiiis iss i i- ai uii G '. I.tills's' . iI iibeiss d111 1 ^N R edu~ction! I OuIY fteIiili ssf 'iilip Iteluu-lvtissuI..A.tiasOILs (del-iliive} us L 'v rf Our pricele reafter- GONFCIONEY iO is11iisuaddress by lrsf. L. 1 1,5- lS Ult- an1d1 1. F. I slon.Initi:i.151 1 " for IU. of M. buttons si-. 'hl itherlss'rites 5an :1S follic".: iii , all patterns, will be 50 ents. Absolutely Pure! 12ii:in tislsi~chooisl 11:1 i ieChtlsis.- icont-stllsviii sgissisis: iat11WM. AR NfLID LEADING JEWELER. A w y F r s !I c" (,t0 p11is1.issiHier ar"f the:V. .Y . S :.q-i:]c-]. .listbiliu- i lisi l ,, is ell f l C 1; -y-s7res ! 0I 1 i.,af i o--gl iiiiii d n t i:' .st s scill lhe'o-Issili 1 lii ii it an gsterfer9'solsi e sislje eln Alf ACi iii Mieu 7i'li'tsil ul stt-, escult if(i M oney Loaned Ililsls lis5 iii On W 7 Ciatch si ;1timyi ocds. lWhels or othe COR. WASHINGTON AND FOURTH AVE. 'tv.:-svshslswsing mIsionasis issto Ilnt to ttedo o tr t.e~ tPagRcaiere. Waicsrsdsw-E AND 26 SOUTH STATE STREET. lillnitgs 5 an1d5:5its. bli theiso-: fist,0x i l i in the ii-aeries silli Libertysci, Ann sArbor 11h. All bu(- .,: -. _:..:...«..,Y..,- TA S ..I -e I nescofietial. iors, 7toItla. m. and U. OF M. SiHAVING PARLOR and ath- 1it51o f Ihe Isii sill bI ii ii'tedtoiI Ili: Gra11s oftheii'JtnirI arts ltsdailsl in :to 9 p . 105cm C. Vaes.aOndgrid 1.rooms. All cppointmntosmst lasos. inStsdtadisheadOaod. imported cod domicile cigars. Ladis artis- 1 Il 1issrssl kliY stiis. I Ii . 2. Thliiix siX i ttisf iiitciills- tic hair drs-ssicg and biing parlors. op ust Reeved a ares and Elsgant stairs. J. R. Tesossoowoki 3S. Statestc. .Chucrchm of Christ, S. University- ve.u s ltit a.5 s illsiis: 1..A. lkel it L ineof , l. siar Sate of., AW. A. Forrest, pator. 1Wftlli- Sllsii. P. 7ttillnutsss'11kis Line ofanewneipes!A'7I RN PR IUG 03 t i, emn ujcteklgS l ten .I.1auladA 1.frlulrCl uce tilasadhusr.Aet - Choolate Boos Boa. liteolli . Cnsliti ges Il . i' i s issi-' t< 1 w iii.. itsi7t-lii:Ies. R. E.JOLLiY & co. Defaulte, o-i, cis e si a1plt f _gNIMtii S011}p.IIs.. V.1I5- C S. 30 l) 1-- 20 I. s. --SS. Stat St.. Sager Block. sirusugiliandde1ointter(liti-s, tou'ther ~.sti~-.-I 11' ls i-Washington's Brhdy Exercises._________________________ tiiuxi.Te1iultlUe-iosmli li-ssii s5 ii o':isYoung Mn.'lThi- 'isiguins Iiiirtdly co-i-isG .roceies, -:- P oisons brimslusandlisispelii-tltie-s, cc-litii s rli xriesi vrity Ill5and all kinds of Sanitariuma introducedin lli a ter' jisieiots5 111:111- Gv ige' ots 1iltzf ncwl ei t2 Foods for sale by ner,_revryitereting___ Te ijugis apposintlue by (ISI,' PIn- i'slsi:,.'k.'Icl-lashlesl:i lsa- 1-I StirTISon .& EC o., A. A. & Vt0SI. ST. RAILWIAY. g0-ithii oliststforiiiisov sliuens usssigul -i exelkle iirogamlirotutlisa 24 . STATE ST. have.i awar~cdd liii- iiii:' of$237o I'1'. .yailinasu iuiat n sul' g I icu-iso x7Il 'PltE TABLE. JrIs:'.t, '911':I. 7:'Li-il~, sere ~ill a:1 OlulisIti atnd liis nton 'Teufel, Leaves C'ontress5 ofleet, Ypsilanti, at ltof isvtir10Ils s l inIill ft' siovigi it unii it,.niEsPQC7AieEO FRn 7:00, 0:20, 1140 anil11:00 tma.n md Irunks YaliatusesoksDressweeSuitgrat:sIs 12:40, 2:20, 3:417, 3:00,(130, 7:50."1:10 AND-ii TELESCOPESh.t Iliisii' islgiuts enlsoria'll. tA, si- li-icii-isi. A-. A.V l illey N EECPS mnd 10:20 p. 11._________ Trurlksd Vliss Repaired Naly and Leaves coumrthorise at Ani arAibr at Sllii yetuimg ib 0,ltl-"Yollocv andilBlueI"..-.... leClub Cesply. NoS. Main s. 7:40, 9:00. 10:20 111nd111:400 sa, an1d -i-issits- 0tloal of tll iil,. will gieat r tiiirilili .p-of. 11BiHut .his 'yy 1:20, 3:00, 4:20. :40, 7:10, :30, l:50 programin tary fori'chlisSlitetislaudo Ailieso..tri-s. henry l' dsit Ioersa FULLER & HIXON amd 11:00 ip. m" .liii orchestraill Crishlri li his AmriPub .........lC(li A Sah in Prices. Fom- ashort hhO ['.time we will SUNDAY TVIM. is partiliulaly intendueil-faror ise - '~tI.Of Al. Baid ccill miskekt s Leaves Ypilanti at 9:20 atud 10:40 tendng flit J. Iidp ols v hae'been fis ear~tiace and takein-in ithii PRESS SUITS FOR 25 CENTS' a naud 12:10, 1:50, 3:10:0, 5:50, unalel to seurnuse o se pat- etertis'lst CLEANING AND REPAIRING, 7:10, 8:30 and t9:50 p. in. ie.2S. Stats at.. Over osy's Billiard Room. Leaves Ann Arbor at 10:00 and 11:20 Tims run On ite amk setut iiit Li- UAN'T BE BRAT. WIlAT? oin..Cntv i otlda MOi-o . MARTIN, Fsneal Director, Cloth a. in., and125,23,35,51,:3,JCatrsbgmIdzasu-0 and Metallic Casets and Fins Grade 12:50, 2:3 ad 0,35,:1,i:30,p n That fine table board at the Porland ess, "The Defaulter,' exels in real- Cofins. Embaming a Specialty. No. 178 - Cafe, and only $3 per ceek. Try it isn anyihing Of Slit kindtevecir plaed Furth ae. Swan Linen paper for office use. and be -convincd. oin Itesi-ge. Subscribe for he Daily.