VOL. VII. No. 1 0. " ANN ARBOR, M ICHIGAN, 'DAY, FEBRUARY 12, 1897. FouR PAGES-3 CENTS. FRI] t o WJLLD,@o Leading Tailor AND IMIPORTER~ -fULL DHESS SUITS A SPECIALTY, NO. 2 E. WASHINGTON ST. NEAR MAIN. WHEN YOU BUY A TOOTH BRUSH you want one that wont all go to pieces in a short time. #We sell the kind we can war- #rant to hold thseir bristles. They cost 25,louts, if you don't finad thorn satisfactory brisng j 'em hack and get your money. P 0 PALMER'S PHARMACY. 46 S. STATE ST. 0 Closing Out Sale STILL ON PRICES CUT DEEPER THAN EVER, E JACOBS & ALLMAND, WASHINGTON STREET. Have you seen those nobby Suits Milward is turning out. MILWARD 40 State St. KJA ALam. ' Babylon Coal so THE BEST. All grodes of hard anod soft Cool. Camel Coal anod Coke. 39. STAEBLER, Telephone No. 8 One door East of Ameri- cao House. UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF DANCING WASHING'lrON'S 3IKRHDAY. I ianner. receivinig simeIii well e.,rised women'n Gymrsium. -A. silao. Alberta Jonas tien gave a 'Tie fussdilfor the Ws ren's (xlinna- T he Program for Its Observance Ssal n( onr .Aolsr .siminis tlit present :at II sttndstill. It Given Out. Nov-ellette iniH illier; d. Pife s'of is ieelI'isls welf kniown-ithat when Re- Ili .Sieliini stdie. is ~lrisc-gent Barbour nades his offer of $2,,- 1101 iou off hue thirdi snumibe'r wOs -speer-00,il150se01111widloe Nearly all.arrahlgemnents liveben 0 i ts te omn's'iirase3 11ly1in0(10ws ul- aprcitedby11a1'by:te < sliisgtsi's Hrtlldaly ' slditiollalx$13,,000, it wa's imhiseialte' Ihis asudience. c,7lslttel's fos' lie celebratisn ilhfi. 1_____n___t-____ IY followedi 11y oils: frossmRetgent Hetb- s'llsitO' hatil'oii1she(22sf. 'fie ""o1n- ldwo-ih 98 Medics Elect Officers., ri 1( Oii ~luniknuown-u friend elillces of Ilawi'classes's ilvti een elil 'sil'nior111111 ii ciass I'l sNosld give t$10.(00l1siore 515 use ssi yald Avork Is- istke tiisyear"11' eels- cunitisons thatit heit'r5st s os'erllilfe. Slec-tion inth jipthoslogic'aliKcilpiss- brito ,ssu~ssu a hoeofp sheatre Ills Thuuisday.Thf1olloo isig An rour and lt'e neig-liboriisg -rubs pers hepogamenlite h.oferns soerechseni: tresill('nt, ('115 ;15. jusldergone Is siege in 1110 sis- slat yet defeinitely ,no cd h r-H. Wiliis, of Mliclligal i;ce~l press- igo 2,0 o h nnsg~hhr "1.11butist Iiwill Ilablltlyell'14 fos-) et01s0Cri Clmn!o 01d 'n;str 111d1 so 151' Ladlies startedil 1 lo)ws. Otl('llil 31 iso laFl mie Diunsn,.ors-Noll'' Iwith dislldO'lltl;),es uiller whiicll lhst Orgas so5'lellon..... rot'. 0il~lli.y 2D11kota.reise u-. . Cae(o . f lire still 1f1sboing. t-p tosale $7,301.07' Music. . . . .teer (iii 1ba s etlsaly beenid liil ilto theise rss 15l111111101015 -...t'ref. H. B. hIl-tcilns I ________hand,_whchaount_____bee Oratiosi .. -..Pres. IHenriy Wasde Itogersl Mussr. . . .tles't'llll S. L. A. Course. raisell byIly 5111tiriltioss ansd rariolls; Mui ... ...... xe '1)Arrasigesiislo sire ils h beisig madeilI' sllser ljatlisohtlls, 5w-ill it-Illsl on IIcrtlr way1. Beid~cOs 1is I lsrr' still soills 111h 1 Iti5'i'I"1ty BandandO. they 113"L~ssosfrntllis 1cll-itlill thseSti- r1'l'1514 oneI-1 'iIsusript~ionlof $1,()f)( tend11otliersil-eir one1S s rlotsstiag -Is about $2111. These iInlsl-rilios-s 51' bellievsed Iso11e'gloolan as 0o h're1'- massins .111 1111$101)00still Io be raiss(l. 1111'l1111es 11L11'e'sisely givensthse oily' a r11est:for talsrt limest'ands tse 01113 1511110V l'ece'ivedIlsince thes ('Iri,-slsosss \ _ ,llolillay's is 1111' (donations of A$5. Cal Fel-'t 'th211;1151')- soill givse a Busi'ass- fs'lowl'lIill 1a 11011t11or so 11y' chlilli - wlhi Silltkessielrs's llayo souwll1be - ~ ~ -~~ - ----.--Ir'att'ed. T'111 1' l lcl'ts foll'tis Is-- ( -i LaUy i'lIinnouncel'0 Ili. Besides givinig' elttrtljiniull'Ils the ladis's havs' s- 35' 5's 1111111n011011d01101'for lust'ill use lbatils lI tlle gy-1I1lii1liI. Qmit'o 5sIlllob r of Ithese 1h,15 'beeinfpurcha~sed i the ,,9/.eA' - - Hopc of 5sellig '-e111(1 11thus sicereass- isig therir 011sf. 'Phe 01101' Is for' 11011 LUTHER LAFLfN MILLS.1111asi'slt'11111511'istf I - I for 's'sllks isl 011csccoldi lililig. "'tll 'before tihe r-elaris or 55'Q h'i li.In,:l I +' 5. 1 tls~ ley'. 'i8.5, 1'el'Iia °'3 Ofltakelll t'll 3'essrs to I i 011'till're t of 11105' 5law 1st'dentsoil ill'' 1iiiill(,1w Ch1 (ic ilo Aluisiisii ssecialis-7l.t.) theIir' 13150. Ieneis a. god op. 1l1555 lillisga1111 lirli IIoIth11111111 inij w-il l i lr e 1r. T us, soill arive I' rt .1'11i1 fo~r 0(1110 1)111'to 011)ow'Iii; Opp'ssite Law Building. $.00 a semester for , two lessons a week. 2 7 ThIompson Street. at bodly. 3I. 50. tolday. -AT Century Faculty Concert. 31.Mlslssoslsu'lii l'hI0 W AHf'S BUUU STOR 'flue fauly of he Shoo111of AThlisIIlcture' us'givss ouigliu ol '11lsubi- WereisOgretedsbllsysrIsgs' lnll 'oulhius- jectt li liat uigs Illhs pwsllo ' '' lo 1- Nosy is the best tine to buy hst' audsienuce flast slight, 'shess ils h' 1hl'l' to their highstpIitichs. S W A E S llthFclycnerIrsgvn Legislative Committee. S vy L ~A TE1 Th fisrBst numuber oil'lie prlograusi soosa 5.,quasrtset for I'iasuoforte, o'iolin, 'hi' lt' gishaio-e comittese r lrhivedln We hae th bes qualty ad viola ands 'siolissclofI, .Srlhitssauss, op. the citylyasstt ovehiug 111111took suplpssr at the lowest price. 47. -rensdcred by Clerfotte ha fe-Zeitz, writhHelp. A. J. Sawooyei. his use r- Sporting Goods And Gymna- He rumuas A. Zeito, lnos. Spence und log (fury atuenusedl thur sdanciug fparty sium Supplies a Specialty. Fredierick L. Abel. Who melody in the give'biY the Iffy !(ls t itGraongs'r' __________________ thirdl moveenct wsao seseaif 3'pleas- 'T'his muoriiing 11103- begans theiriict- Wn AH 'SnoK:TO E ag, though rthe entire Quartett" was tions of the University, asd osill snob- W IR O~ g tJ E very owell rendleretd. Garsdner S. Lain- ably c0o1tinuitftoil Saturday.'To- T8S. Toten DOposi Trouse.son followed owith, len songs fromo the iighit a recesption u-ill Iso tenidered ©Annt Arboe ppsMaIn tue , -Cycles (H-eine)fIna411f8sUsual impressive thsem sat Dr. \'auglsasus. - Herschberger Captain. Alt a.uleolihig sof ths'Chicsago fos-tball Irtaus 'lsst Wt'thhiesdh3' sfters(,-on Ileuss'sisnr'gsr wosu lssuahuisuif'eet- eof casptains fsor'ut'tn ''ear. It so-ill1Iss trs'lulouuieli thaitthRoiy, wo had111boost re-olestetl, owas foredslto resignss-o-hug to the new fs-tr 3-oar clauise. F'raukfiss aud 2hartisi Csll egoeflas jtust besnreifsquseathietd$10,000, o-fhell is _to 1t iuuvestedi andI the inceomettsetd for Ills-purchiase of books four the - I btusry. Have you s'ser nensfto?