THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. 'oblilhed Daily (Sundays excepted) daring the Clleon year, at THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN. resrt Timses building, 79 S. Main St. be- teeua Liberty and William Sts. 91 1_N.50ING EDITOR 7. F. THOMAS, 97. BSINESS IdnNAGiEI 0. iH. HANS, '50. E[)ITORiS E. L. OdIuME, '08 L. F. S. SIMoO, 'is. F. M. LootsIs, 'i. iH. B. SnnLMuAu, '9 L.. B. H. Conwis', '99. HcmeL~tLAM, 'i0. C. M. GREcN,9, Athletic Editor. ASOSOCIATE EDITORS W. W. lHughes, '98. 5. W. Smith, '9i7. An Outside Opinion. The' icidical jotirinalsof itie idoiieo- 1,,atti-c school liri'warmly siipporing th'e ficulty lint)the departmieit. 'The following froiiit(le Aiiierieaii Iom1co- ittic puoblishie'ri Ncw Yoik is rigilt ini line isiowinig liii'interest (tie oit- side profesosin is biking ini (ii de- Woird coon's fiom Detroit ou,,, Ann' Arbor Thiat some of thie former 1.1119 Ci of Mllei bill for reniovilg (lie .iiii Ar. baor schrool to Detroit, arc goinig ti'(ri thir h landsmoliire',iuponi tilelegili- lite and so hobble mny appropriiiion for lthe support of thii'University to t. U I A 44D 4 1 A GOOD CASEB winstoe jury of sine buyers and it's ors by a beavy majority. Footwear stouid be lop quality. The feet can't stand anyting eloe. Pricco sbould be low, so as to keep toeoboe tax within bounds. You won't feel our oboe prices, but they wili make you feel pleasetd. There are no corn growers iike bad shoeo. Come to uo and gel soimetinig that you can wear yourself, instead of toeoboe wcearing your foot. L. G7RUNER, N~i8 S 5t. '',THE WORE 0- P. A. iFucih, '98lE. I. A. tCampbell, '0t0____ ______ ___ W. P. MOorill, '90. G. 19. IllodutlOS. Wil iiikt' ittbligaotry oii lie cl ittof- A A. mih,'9. C.Lul,1r 9 M A. 9. smth,'of. C. Lll,(".0 91 to eregents ti oiiitiy 'itli tie letis' la~ur'scomad ant. n' ose the scisol LADIE JACKETS l tolDetroit. Is it ntot about (tiet' It,0 The ssutscription price ofth le nailyitoX2.50.itis.remov'al liusiilesstdrtop? 5\'lhenan CA E for the colleoe yeao, ot a tregular devey before noos eacihday'. Notices, commne','110 itt hiest Conr iliilieclia'teldcieils tions, and ottorsmatter intentded toeritotlica' t tion must be honided i t Die Dailyofictrobe- . hast't te'aictionlif (lie legis. foie e0.08.,or nmailetoithle editc efore3 p. in., of the day previoussto ithst o wih l llt'u199wasiunc~ositulitinl, to coii-j they are expeteid to apps-'ar. Nvratm oeoprueta Subscriiptiosnsmay be left as Tie noily itint' i"te iogfioin looks f'ery'iliii Neemutmcmrhliotneia Office, IMeye's or Stotilet' sNewstand, rnwt rvd orefwt tls with Business llger Suicrittero will cn- .tsifsott'titoteobject were 1back of nwt rvd orefwt tls fee a lavo yer tyo0tiil promtilyoattis.Ca rCaea oltteepne office ally failue oif carrier o drppr . ttt eteii thain tele o giotf tie Ca rCp ts iteepne shol. Wliten the Dtrit h1iys ito TWe liave nosw in our Cloak Itoolni 'i'11e1111' of (teBul ltile"t hl l 'lt'shoeto the h(elit' hic world tatiiiany Jackeis as elegant in design, iletig tl ibllrar'y's sets i rC-t'h(Itta11'able lstlt'keiioer t'arie of make and material as tiocountry of- porls in t'e Engilish ttiig " .io :si-,t puici iielsinttlls I Tylreit' fotrids-luau whict no large 0119' can Tha au fndstht paybe ;i~11tll hvethl t er i rs'y11'cmei'] t itoboast better-all of which are selling re ige ii isilthei out'iii 111001test'i'ei't' bet lwiii'r('ots ii ili'hclioiliii's. ((illii ~li lt'hetittiiitttitot lamon ,5.o- ' tralaCn9,WoSaMn " iisti~ i tii'isnio~,(it1111 n lcrcSa tl the re';In' ct'11 ( ttO 'art'if ofma liite 5n- t. When Requires moe furniitui'e tloan you have 11n your room~s. Wlaen you would like to replace the old furiture for new, for the day or evening. 'When you think that a pair of curtains, drap- ees, a iug oi two would brighten up 'your ap'rtruent. rhen Remember We reut all kinds of furni- ture, rugs, draperies, china, etc., etc , alt satisfa-ctory prices. Furniture aepairlugy and upholster' Iig our specialty. 0 ion gain.I In Kaiisos lt'e legislature' recently lossed o bill aoptr~riatinig $80,0tlOto ft'e lst'eunivetytI9. fOue 01' (be irs sisiono, of*Itie bill wsthait stusdents btt leteil toplit ,illiannhual fto"(-If $10i. Ulito0 t'eiresent Knisas lios Iluial fit'of f lii' ornitleni ittliii' statt' intstittion os f le'aritg. T'flit'titiod.' osf (be .laiusls stoiitttpre s sal v'ryttif- firent fi'omiithatottf imaritry.'bigttnr i'a'pers'.ig lll it' t'i'ut's'ceti'..illi Iteir iteis iIglut. Iit lilltsitit*loti i sl t:lillottl. by 'til ta(xe''ofitt il pris'ileg(-s fret'. 'itts ittlicy' is,tfI o.s', aso i i ii t ac' ro ir 1111 ii v't'sit9', fees muttibeli' harged ittrtit'r Itat ft'einstitiutiniiiwr exist. Faculty Sarnctions Honor System. 'Site cttlliiiitt' froiii'19 9iappieared leftire ft'e Ineiicllifaculty atIliii'ir meeting yesterday afte'inoon to infornm thlcolfuthCe aiction of the class in ci' gun) to ftie ioiior systemi. Tue planii swas fully conssitdetid by liii faculty and received its official sanction. Swan Linen paper for office use. Society Programs. 'lt' O'eltot''anidiJ.fft'tstuitatt -o- leiswl odIaei.s tutazight. .9 t'ffirstsniain its t'e ftols'iic' Gt'itdbuirn; oraioti, dl r. lix t tttt: s1.o1, olirinoaile, 9tr. istin1s. ift-i Tut liii'oibitrotion treat- 'shioultd b, iihilllt'th11y ithe SUted Stit's,'' tIjiln- atilsi, Mr. lii's anidi 9i. Itoniner. i..a- ti i-, t'. it' ttiff inS111dr. Sotilge". Tlt Pl inhigis 'tieeuo'i 111 ito' 91 tsl s. Sahisl3ht-. Kidii 111(11 1 'stlis' tdtbat'.''St's )icedl, ilt St'e l'ii-et Stlot c- shltlti Citiis,'a hnConl 11w' itoariugoaConal,'' atilnitiis'i'. 1' ("taClt's oatS 9tr. Ittiuil. Recital at Vespers. Thiii'o1fttittsing recilal ssiiilit'egiscill a i'espers his aflirnitont Sct'hat, i". minorih'(twosso hi'nlenta). Meikol Folk Song ... ii io Iiiternuezzo . ............ icordo Alitaute in CI'.......... Sills Fune~ral 9A.cIh............Hotiste Offerterie ....... ...aiste Ovserture-"Poet and Peasant". . Suppe Board at Pretlymnan's, on N. Uni- versity ave. You will find thic Daily toere to greet yen each dlay, with all tlue latest college news. n m alls I DRY GOODS. ,55.58-60 S. MAIN ST. - FURNITURE, THE ANNUAL ANNOUNCEMENT Luther Laflin Mills, (Cicago Alumiui Nunaihuer). Imperial Quartet-_ ----------- Oratorical Contest ----- -------- Ex-President Harrison_________________-____ Lucius Perry Hills------ -------- JolinKendrickBas _ --Feb. 12 -March 12 -March 19 -March 22 - -April 2 - -April 13 GENERAL ADMISSION TICKETS -$t.50 RESERVED) SEAT TICKETS 1. 00) SINGLE ,ADMISSION .5i EXCEPT OIratoriral Content oar. JAMES H. PRUITT, Corresponding Secretary. A ,DVERATISES in The DAILY-.