VOL. VILI. N. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN. WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 10, 1897. FouR PAGES-3 CENTS. I Fl N0 P @(j)JiL.1JD, Q EORM1tRMICHIGAN MAN.} eading Tailor Spaniards Arrest Sylvester Scovel J in Cuba. AND IMPORTER, Sylvester Scovel. wha will be ie- inemnbered by soany ais -a. fosrmeriW- ULL OUISS SUITS A SPECIALTY. dent herei now the New Yok, Wosrld (-Orte-poflient ill (uba. 3. E.WASINGON T. EARMAI. X disptch lttensWashington. ltea1r- ____2__E._WASHINGTON____ST._NEAR___MAIN sin sate of Feb. Il.states tsat Consni ^v, t -i Genterl Lee today telegraphtiet the SStale Deleartntenl fIro01 Hava~na.is5 SO A P !!follow's: wec rot a fine assortment of Sylvester Seovel. We1-0 rl ( -- rs ;ood pure toilet soaps, no per- piondent. arrestetd yesterday +al Tusnas. fame is them, just soap and all SatCarpovne soap for t0e a cakse, 3fotoec5. Try Siit (oalvse. r aise nest time, Sylvester Secovil, the nesspapelo-r- responidenit, less bestsfist a lensgtis of PALMEER'S PHARMACY. tsiesilsssCstasasyiisitcl. 46 S. STATE ST. HseIsas hadl eonssierabtle slit eec ill -_______________________________ e luisnssgtl(-h vigilasncesof thes Spanishs S tosiassd getting disopatcesoust of losiuglOu-t sale C(isles iis Ia5010 of thss- les-. D. 1. Scsevel, presidenst of Woosstr!IO., Uiii- S TILL ON 5 CI ity tt s. iswell s-dtsi-aiesiandui.ai 'RICR CB' EEPE THN ialsaosud attslete-. assisais if spil-edid RICE CUT DEEPR THN phy sial lproptortionis,iin expet ore miansanass" sgeniiswerrrslsns. EVER . Scovel wits siaager of te l vean A,11feticClub lis te(sCbasretel- 0- YT N 'fl lioss hioke ous. Iniispsiirit if ,idvess- "( RI°OES .t1.jJ jLLL1 to e hle rietermoine-dito joins th; - tsrisiss P J 'Your Tailor! Hatve you seen those uobby Suits Milward is turning otit. MILWARD 40 State St. K Babylos Coal Is THE BEST. All grades of hard and sott Coat- Camel Cool and Colse. 19. STAEBLER, Telephone No. S. Ose door East of Ameri- casnIHoase. UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF DANCING Opsite iOLase nailding. $.O as emester toe tweo lessons a weccl 27 Thompson Street. -.AT- WAHR9S BOOK STORE, Now is the best time to buy SWfEATERS We have the best quality and at the lowest price. Sporting Goods and Gymna- sium Supplies a Specialty. WAHR'S BOOK:SToRE Up Tows Dowtt Tows 20tS. Slate st' Opposite Court IHouse, Ass Arbor Main of. s land in October. 1855). lie left Cliie landulfor Ceuba. A later tilspateli fromisstvi, ;illis ste follow-ing: tC:osel-General Liei visited Cith. Alittiiotl, ssetissg t-aplsili-gertlildulit- lng the absene- of Geui. Weyle-r, lil afternoon osn belslilf of .S;slveslt-r Sees-el, liie soas- eorr-esondentof lie Nest Yorik World, reen-stly -arresltdby Spanosishs gserrills-neair Tssias in. tie southesirniparl of thsesissvi-ce.ofSatnta. (l"ess. Ahlttsiuehi ri-fees-in5-10 islii easte, said that Si-io-el hadd heenstrais- fl-sredi ts Ssosseli Spirituts.iHiessn- ittittt that Sees-el had lit-ssiturnsed oer-'to tse tivil sauthioritiesslid thuat lie wvould he tried -sceorstissgto lie rtreaty btlweenshlis t-ledStatuses ansd Spals, Gen. Aistsiada. also said thiat Its is no,"s- isvietigatslg tesisatlis-. " Efforts of the Comedy Club. 'fielceis to steComeitdy (lutsesitir- ttisssset arte sow sitssalt-. Thety inly be prot-sredi-frosis=sny isseitbes- sf lt- AIltl i- Bosard. tlessls oitccor thtreet-isses a. wte-ek, ;asd there i isno ideubt nstw htut that the +-1th will sit- lies all psrevious efforte. "Thsi Pri- vale Secretary" io an excellent cons- etig by Winl.(Gillette, whose "Too Mis-l Johson" antd "Se-cret Servie" sore ielig received wpith masrkotio- prov-al. It sill he resmesmberedt that "Too Much Johnson" was givens a-t the Grand Opera hiso-setsmetimtue ago biefore ass ;apreclatis-e asiense. Thoes who hse seesn "The Piivate DEGREES ARE U NEQUAL. Si- retary" deltiare thaut it is mloe pleasisig thou "Too (Much Johsone." Plans for Uniform Study in Wino Legislation. IMichigan. Thu virtuotuts'indtignautions tgainst At liii-regular mseeting of the-IU. of fethail entissies to boil in the lis-AI soiaon f icgu rml cusls of legislatrs s110o hav-celiisi seltoso ihgnNrs~l te,the presidente istr. Henry v. Se- fes t . Vie philsophter ss-ho hie nier, eadi a tissely pater oiss""Tle intodued ntoth Inian. huseofDigree Curse tfte State Neoriisol representativ-es -ts'bill forbidticing fte SbladteRlto fteAr Hoosiers to tplay football, says thatsutuaColgThrt.Teppr susi suetsists-etsiss illti y f el-ilisesstratedtalte followsing ipoints, bssalluauniby puigilist. Likely enoueg-I; aettiog istlitt: tiet pugilis is ose of (le letlthlstst Ties s ssrsitsthlii-Nrmsal School suit leastitansserousofcipisofessions, Ittilt fatovur sestee- sandt fishy as sfe is mstt thers: ansd cturse a foisr yers diplesacurse, afodttutll gansi- iputs t least 22 msetissdtn ieysr i-lettri tsh ini ltheStelitd, rtsatitta sit ark, weres z 'but rt oxi luig ii all eight yeato of is-rhk required sis onish sly twov if w-loss at te obtainth le degree f Bachelsr of least one is liattie to te t fakir. Lecgis- Peiist gics, after leting te eiglth atiets like tisis Odnhisa sage- -re mstss eseixpoied-ithisdasigerthtiansthegad."1h Arc is-lColgeits ft-simsthe eigthitgrade eiretly to lit-oesef ttifliitbililitlit At ttijafoist yetrscusre, ets coitstleiess if stosent wistdomi smsy bto ipltdto e"sttt svltirh te tdegretef B. S isratd tiry eout.frosts thei'skie,fisi the pe teinausitis ii serefussts telite of Susihssages. osr t ss-wlirtwisd Agricultural Cllege- are giveniiat. ofi thteitrtiwis tougils smas sw-ctlipsi i hi ena t -tsscisat to-its sfsitsthe sight f sis-s. ifs in-yeasrs ssork. 'So ntha it tke te Iltls thi Neit-eha stiti studetntt esisisgtby say of te Agri senitativeeti asobehit--introedlsicl bl cetttisi (elee esl fie ears tt get prviedigthasit:-errs conv-itstictd if clua olg nyfv plain fotlthi sasetus utgre fetrwhic-h te Nornual hiuyn fiit:tll ottall lpaists-e f fo 515$25 hs to10,sr bhimprsison-it fn:' tstst iss-lkelcgejos tite so hes-ee-s thri iititiO.-~At 1te Nrsoalit Iskes OlE years wills ;aIsisge iamsonitf t-efesstonsl boh;lls:111tit hes- ss-ilt-5giily t t is- workheto isak aitiseofesionl te aacer. pos-hic, ssssshiissioriimit-lly isuisg Puent t sch aws at, lsoto e a aislr Of Pedagogics; btl ae lr- listd. While-hi thusproviss olsw it-lifesiesut fatrlier, st gadatiieof thse tstus heisitutt isisit sesu- tsssiste Agitttisrul Colege-. san be ts-sie us Onareendwe an :tat il amunt lfds iltst esshesr ittneseyear. A of sprtetime theI hisv sse essthisi- t1atl.'ipe-isos is-tves-tile IsDetoi ihi Sehol frsost'thet-eighttgrade, grsii- (alt it hi- thatithesssso tg iet tae is