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February 09, 1897 - Image 1

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U. of M. Daily, 1897-02-09

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- purpose of discussing athletics gen- 1
m 'i The Adiletic oaid to Considererally. For instauce, should it seem Peiiayu~i o h n
eauoo ja o Many New Ideas. to the by-laws of the association it tral D~ebating Leaguae Fixed.
________ would give the mneimbers an upper- ____
AND T19PORTER, trinity of discussing the matter iu-!
There are several topics topics Prof. Truehlood has returned from
____________formally and exchanging views lie-
FL - -- Iwhich the Athletic Board will uno- for the aii(lmeig Aiib Chicago, where he represeuted
6t p SPCAT.douhtedly take up for general slis- Michigan in the conference ]List Sat-
ULUISS SUITS AcPEILT s nsion at its next mereting which foreo after any ouor big gamner it udvfteorniertesnte
--- are inr the nature of innovationis, wei epoutv fcleeoii ewly formed Central Debating
'if the inemher, of the association'
NO ,WSIOO r EHMNand may prove of great importance League. Profs. S. H. Clark, of Chi-
; , 'i~s $E HER MINin the furtherance of one athletic would mnset with the memhers of teeasndalmterovr cago; D, B. Fraiskenherger, of Wis-
Sprojects. t tiss anopd t l ater ove- cousin, and J. S. Clark, of North-
The ieas ave uggetedhem-igs in the form of 'smok ers' in wtil otewere the representatives of
®selves to several of tile snore protii- otsCis'riyHl rt th ohe universities. 'The purpose
t~~e'vc ~ goIsie 5r ~ il o et meol othie Board ansd they will douhtless resuilt iii the creatiots of tlis useetitsg was to set tie the dis-
Wev siase',eilucla iteiidpressiitiiig thems, although iso omreclgesirttailiahtsputes tisat arose whets the league
,ooi pure toilet oSips, no per- deint mor colg spiri thnha ee
tusie in tein, lasl soap sui all ato '" Iseeni artoutd the Camspus itn tile Iis- WI ~~iei mcme s
-sa tee at ae. , 2 . 'rpy the fesibiility of the plans seiims tory of tile University. 'ietosietnshfr iei~l
iilIeee.etlime. . assuredl _ _____ feretice that interested Michigan
A short litte ago INle. Jh. Gl. tnia- Proposedi Trio to Washington. most were, first, should Miciigan
PALM~ER'S PHARMiACY. 0 plian, presidenst of the Alumsni Asso- --dehate with Chicago every year and
46 S. STATE ST. cieatioti of 'loledo, suggested to It cani nosy hs retititely ans- the winnter of tisis contest inset the
S".Dutch" Is'erhert a lilaitfor estahlishs- nouniced that the Repuhlicain Cluh winner "of an anniual Wiisconsin-
ing a life membiershtip in the athletic will lie uttahle to secure a charter Northuwesterns dehate, or should the
a lssociatioti atntg our aumitnii. 'rho party to attensd the iniangurationi of semsi-anniuials hetw-es thse uiversi-
C aoslngtuinOa Sale ides is to~hriiig the taen actively en- (Presidenit Afteltiihey as first pro- ties he held in regular rolatioti. Clii-
gaged cr ititerested iii athletics into Iposed. 'rue lowest rate that cant be cago anid Michigatn were in favor of
STILL. ON close touch with our old mn, whso obtaiined hy thin clubh is $14.90 for tile tis first place, owinig to the spirit of
save bieent out of college for some roiuid trip, going either over this rivalry betwen tue twvo universities,
PRICES mIT EPE years, hut who still retaitn their old- Michigati ('entral or this Lake hut they conscededh the poitit as it
fErO titus eitthusism atid ititerest ini our Shore. was strongly opposed hy Wisconsin
sc pogress, President Hurt-s, of tis Alger and Northwestern. Thes otiser ques-
EVER . It is suggested lust the foe for this Chitb, of Detroit, hiss extendhed an tions was, shioulds this professional
membahership be $23, JIm return. the inivitatioin to this tmemsbers of the departments ho tdearred? M~ichi-
memssibers would he sent the associa- University Club to join theti in gllS oppiosed this aiid would hisv-
By -. li tiots bisttotn each year, as we i1 as this their excsirsioni, which Is by special accepted iso suchiitiations, sand as
'40,consplete schedules for echd sansos train, leaviing Detroit as 10 o'clocks Chicago 'ass te only otis that sup-
WASINLGTON STREET. I anid a reviewv of our attleotic hres- iip. iii. .Match 2d andi arrivitng in i portedh the proposition it wsas tiot
___________perle. This woulds eniable thisis to IV sshiitgtou at 6 p. il. oin this follow'- adsopted.
'To r aior s id osir teams materially by looking tnug dasy. The esletdig' cars wiil be 'ruts year Michigan wvi tueet Ciii-
Your ilor out for tunic welfare tiii regard ho retaineds anis oeccunioh for lodhgiings ci~ ag uitn Wiscoinsiti contest with
ispreitniuiary arransgemnts. (while thiere, at anl extra cost of oiily Noirthwestorti, but titers will his iso
aveyou seea-n thoso stubby M~r. Ralaplian hiss offered to do l$5.00 it berth. Rtrning they with flush contest hetweeni this witnors, as
Su its Mils itil is tituti ut.i all thin work a mung, this diferentI leave WVashiustous Saturshay night, this lelagues wvas fornied too late to
ILWARD 40 State St sumntuti tassociationso scatteredh over Msrch 6thu, andu arrix's in Betroiheth e rlmnr otsscm
-40 Stte St. thus country necesary to arouse Sunday afternsoniu 'rie Alger party save" i tise ileuiii oues dose
thusir interest inm this uex meiasure saihl numbtuer abosut oti hundredh, sunud thus foliowitig srbs duhe of sereusinuals
Lamis to iusiks it a success. Mticligami, sit enjoyahle timse is sasures t allI for thus first six yeaurs bsgiiuiiuug its
BAl n Ca ise THd eE ST.~013 next tuo ColuuIuT~a, hiss tis greatest xvwuo joins them. Oli thus othier ]anud, h1ll8:
Al rae o uod s Coaa. nsumber of liviung autmasui of ansy smi shuoulds those goinug frsum lists I refer h1ll3, AIR-iigaui vs. Northuxesteruu at
Cae oa n Ct.versily its this counutry, there hing tsi go aus a seisaraute 1aruy ands v~i this Attus Arhor: Wiscoussimn as. Chicago,
1. T EBLaeR., over 13,000. Front so lsrge a sueursher Michsigant C eutrol, arrnsugsmoeutss cumin at Chicago.
Taiplsoc so. S.5 One doo amCsit of Anis mu it seems isrobable thuat a crest manuy ha musde for a stop over sf several 15, Wisconsisn vs. Northwaestern
can tHouse'awoulds be wiling to evirnce its sch a hours at Nisusrae Fs. sit Matdisoun; iichigaut a's, ca at
U NIE S Y CH way, the thei Interest thust they feel It is hospedh that a party of at least ICi N V R IYSH O norahei rges elma emd pi n ro.10 Mcia Vsosna
OF DANTCING Susch chose contact betwveen osur smut. Ahl whio are thsinking' of taking ad- Annm Arbor; Ciicago ,o. =forthix' s-
5t~~uosl'Lii sssloso Ph u ssoeuS ergru'atstes and alhumnsui wvuiuld also vantage ot this ecursionar re- ern~ it Chtic Ag'o. as uigo t
ottosceB~rvtvoion-i~stteeseestr orlserve to keels thus nass sad accom- quuested to huands tiheir mamnes to this 191 W4iscomusi s. Ciaoa
27 Thom pson Street. plishmsusha of osur old mitsu comstamnt- presisdent of thus club, A. L. Dhavis, ~adisout; Michigans vs. Northwaest-
________________________________ 15l before thse unuderraduates ands '99 L, somsetimse waithin thus next four at Chicago.
AT- , ~thuis woisld foster a msore musutual its- slays iin ordher thsat fiusal arranuge- 29002 Michiganu a's.C 'hicago at Alinu
lA erest in college aftfairs. mieats mauy his comspleted. IArbor; Northavestern vs. Wisconsini
- T R, Svrlmmeso h or n at Chitess
AOln T RE ebr o hsiosdsms0ey Offeredt a Professorshmip. 193Mcia vs Wisconsi. snsims at
teri h dathais thmi or ebrhi oh ssociation averse iitr Madisoni; Chicago vs. Northuwesterns
Non isth hot tmio I himy reduced to $2 that thus roil of msen- Stt -srci's isisisttn T esuifluo ihbeehom
Now i the est ime t buy herswaould he materialhly increased. fRmhrsdOeymstta fatCiao
W A ~ h S Itis rgue tist ii ths avy rore charesf Eliot to take the thle secoud Friday its January and
of thestudentsavould becomusactis's- arrditrstintlvathethis wimnners will meet ini a final de-
r~t lHsroath laws school at tiso end of bate out thin second Friday iii April
. ehv ho bst quity anti ly interested inathletics, and that isis present torm of office,.fec er he iuidbtswl
attebss ac, all branches of athletics would re- - fec er hefnldbtswl
ceive more general support. Each pupil its Prof. Russitl'salbehdinCcgopralyt
Sporting Goods and Gymna- Another very imuportamnt iumnova- course in Phtysical Geography has Itime Auditorium.
sium Supplies a Specialty. tioni, which will be discussed by the had to write sit essay descriptive Tise constitution of this league
_____________Board, is that brought out by The of somno one of the grand natural' makes express provisions for lbs s-.
1g Daily receutly concerning this advis- objects of America. Iletion of qusestiomns, the choosinug of
YT HR's BOOK-STORE ability of holding informal meetings , iete msanner of appointing the
of thes association at suitable inter- Thus Ilsava 'basketbmall testis was deti judges and all other details, so that
Up Town own Town vals, niot with the idea of transacting f('atsd by~ Chicago Friday bty a score no charges of unfair treatmsent can
20S. Statense OppoieCutHue
Ann Arbor lai tr lIsas business of any sort, but meeyto Of 15 'to C. (Continuetd en Second Page.)

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