THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. IWE WANT TO MAKE IT HOT FOR YOU, 0 Hot Coffee, Chocolate. Beef 0 T'ea, Malted Milk, Oyster 0 Juice, Clam Juice, Lemon- 0 ade-In fact, we try to s make all our hot drinks 0 just right. 5 and 10 Oentsessisms ICALKINS'-;-PHARMACY. aaaaansmaaaaaaoaaa4 Be Sure You're Right On Footwear. There's late af tricks in the tradIe um they're practiced aoe than you think but ntAthere. This storret shkes yea sure you're ri-hi Thisstore guarantees yoasafe invest anentt etery dollar you pt utetohare WHY IDON'T YOU TRPY HALLER'S a A hog of that delicious Peanut Brittle at J WE R BROWN'S DRUG STORE.STR i ~Half pounds and wounds, 10 and 211 rents. A few hoxes of 40 s. Slain Street. a Velvet Molasses Candy, one-half pounud 10 cents. WHEN YU KNOWPATRONIZE HOLMES' LI VERY w, W EN OU K"No0 Wand get the hest service. Whome to oo for Office and Stable, 32 Forest t your work-you fiud that well made Ave. Telephone 106. clotes ost o mre tan hop Branch Office at Palmers' Pharmacy shop wvork - We ose only the host THE ANN ARBOR SAVINGS RANK neaiter al-tle most th01ootihly train- Capital S t~to 5,0. Surplus, 8150,0t0. ed operators-Study each form, and Orgaizle underrthe Central Banhing Laws 0 of his Sate.Receives deposits, buys and 0 sells exchange on the principal cities of the A fit t- iOnited States. Crafts rushed upon proper Identification. Safety deposit hoses to rent. OFtICERSo: Christian sNhue Preru.; W. 0. 0s ODSPEED'S,,Ticer-Pres,: Chat E.. Hisecc, Oastier: M J.Fritz AssstasntCashier. 15 S. MPAIN ST. FIRST NATIONAL BANKraie1363 DOES YOUR LAMP SMO11 "KE? Capital, 81.0t0,0. Surplus and Preftts, $40,t0 t! I l dd1Tronsacts a general bunking business. TRY RED STAR OIL--NO SMOKE, lettersexcaedit. tad od.Frns E. 0. KINNE, Pres. IIAIIRISON SOULE, No Chand Wicks, No Offensive Odor, No Fouling of Chimneys- s . A~SO. asie Vice Preu. A White Light-Burms freely to liha loot drop of oil intohte lamp id -Clear as sprinig water-i0c per galloii-Delis'ered in our cans, aI'jrmg &rrTC Tfrni z, promptly-Sold only hy AiD -_ 44 South Xain Street. lBAN &1 T CO M PAN-Y. c Cor.a0'Masinad tHuroniiStreets. r1 l~tildllC Captal50,000.Suriplus FS10,000. Transact generalhbankintg business. R. lieuPF, lees. C. FR. OssiEs, Vice Pes wesell. It is a good Sloer Store, full of UNIVERlSITY NOTES, Gov. Pingee's Visit. good Slices at prices way down.,,_I____ Cacti tubbers'tooo if you want thsent. 'il' icsls' s i - caa -ioI "isr lt' i ige So'it'd l ithei'1iy 1.oIt'lss 1:1itt 121 alnilal tibilc ia9stit lli':t. ci liihe ifteiloii trin lifromi latioic . u-Inehflu t ThIlie tinii' 11top cittinitt"' ill aa yesterday citti spentllt'e vc-cog withi 42 S. Plain Street, pitcture 1a-kin Sutitlay fir lt,' Michi- Piresidlelt ikgell. ,.78cctaikitg the 'iailIiiciaii. (lightlslt in fat' Lisiilii lii' g(5'srsioi HANGSTERFER'S fDr.\Vii. lsl.i' stilt s'ak at the staled lto a LDaily reporerethlat his l'isluirsils I. At. IC. Aits111oillslat -cbeni sitit Piresidecnt Angell ihadlutoe IIfl IF fl*fNF Y 11 ui ubly. aCotl(itlil ti 1tii ialici' ut «'Os l i eiS'Si I iii liii Eliii' iliutiicrliii'l, ikas liiifri tidly 'till. Absolutely Pure! l di t iu tiea it'-,1 Testing of M 151 s. it luest if islstulsiplsierin aIlirait. Always Fresh! Prf._I Int':h. lCooltey atilrt-autI1.ssell htoi 1 111 i ,tliet 'il thle nli ttl il attendeditli'tliitit ,g of lii'e iglet I- n1gste rfeU r 's ah i c:Iti i il ltittg tt 'Sil latst o eeillig. lIt' spokithe lit CjDI lyAasl'd1)1 rJAND FOURTH AVE. 'i' t'asCody tilbis litl llr'ilc' cilt, "'i'u'Sling iof Muliisa ," tlii1 AND 26 SOUTH STATE STREET. s, src'o o'i._fi h'tx i t-iii;tg ilto fourl11.11 l, plorcariig far IT O Id.S~iAi'O PAROR aid Pith o ils a relictrstil tilllit'holdl iseri roo tems. All appontments fseat class. tetri hn h et ~hn h I mpitrted antI domestic cigars. Ladics' si tis' iii-i, tu rletlg lt is. 'ieal tic htair dressiog aid bahtsing piailortt, up 'Ti i'e still lit'a ri'ii ly i~y 100 iress st-isei'liveiul y lrsillal e - stairs. J. RIt 'leclauaslti 130. State 't. l11iii'',t eah lioiifee ite Among the Colleges. itusit'ciiiilt'\ o ' tiafternooiti l i-::81 ilt i _____________ 1<': ilii ilii s ytllieD-i'c lcnf~a ~I.1lt ltl: sIewl e ce~db h h=i lThe iiit' st f irm nsbte 1)1tact willbeiic'achd itigil tdli iiitd ~cain oftipit i itcesc il io't5 cc lii'"I ia l itietitli Nnlselcilc ali- M o e t o e Upoy nighetat6Souhes nftret, Stte tret,'or.Wiliam Lowney's Chocolates. Hot Lunches. TUTTLES, 48 S. State St. ONLY 5OC, EACH OUR NEW Us OF M, PIN, WM. ARNOLD, LEADING JEWELER. Money Loaned! Ott Wtvtte iaontds, Whieels or otlier lerconali Proprtiy. Watches asidOJew- elry Reptaired. Othie at residente, a33F,. Librty si ,Ants trboic, Michi. All busi- nss confidlential. lourisi7toIlta. ill. tand 7 io 9 p. am. JosiiaCi''. WATTS. Brgaluins is Secnd-BiandWatclcesand Diamonds. Oust tRecied a Liege atnd Elega'tt Line of New Piper. Hot cud toldLuncsetall l uis Aents fits Itoylci's tand 'Wiliams asd Werners Cc.' Chocolate PlaitBles. R. EB.JOLLY1 -V& CO. 20 S.Siate St.,SagrBnick. Groceries, --Provisions and aill kiiids of Sanlitaritum leeds for sale hy Stir. sore & Co., 2a4 S. STATE ST. Aknton UTeufel, HsAoQpaiiTEiio FOR Trunks, ValisesBross Suit Cases AND TELESCOPES. Ttunkts intdVaslises IRepialildNeatly asd Ceply. NSc 5S.. hitus t.' FU~LLERH& IXSON01 A Slash In Peicrs,.t'or ashior tntoeste mill PRESS SUITS FOR 25 CENTS CLEANING AND REPAIRING. 22S. State st.. Over Rosey's Blilliard Rosin. 0. MARTIN, Funeral iretor, Cloth 0.adMetallic Caskets and Fine (Trade Coffns. Embalmingf a Specialty. No. 17S Fourth awe. Subscribse for the Dally. All hose who itend to tcy fee hie '9S relay loam ace iequested to hand in their namies at once, 111d to reioert .at the gymnasinin for preliiminary pralctice. Acte training- will begin next seinester. J. M. TII OM A8. LOST-Sitnid-cyJan. 30, a gold wsateci with art of gold heads attachied no chain; owvnersnaime trill he found onl inside of hack ease. Finder phease retuirn to 72 Viohtenasv ave. and re- ceive reward. Cm-un rinesen cisswell in letter WE MUDST REALIZE UPON OUR STOCK AT ONCE We therefore offem our Stock of Tnext Books, Isotilitui Pens, Blaunk Bosoks, Stationery, in FACT OUR EN- TIRE STOCK at prices lower than have evter hofore beens offered in Ann Arbor. Students will do well to avail themselves of this sale, and procure their Second Semester Text Book now. GOODS MUST BE SOLD. 4 I has never been here hefoe. M O E & W T O E