THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. M.dHIGANG c Time Table (Revised) Sept 2, 8, MallandFx - 1 47 N. YSpecia .. 4i N. Y. Sp ci el -_- 47e 41Sat .8 43 _________ Etantol Ex -__117 N .S Lw ed_ 9 25,,y ak a r _ Atlantic Ex -.. 3.i Pac c Fe I 25 -r l, wg 0.N. Nores....5 4(1 Weter tx---115 eka/5 G. ItR. Exprees-__11(5 Chi. t Fe __ 9 10 - + yC°ttl ¢ i um w Ow . Ruao F, H. X.HAY . - G. P. &1, At,.Chicago. Agt.4nn hror I-d A ns > ~i c fThe Oni Sleein ar Line between To- RAILROAD cd ii d- ie andColmu. Tie Tal, .1 i. Y11 07 i h 0O11g Sleeing or Drawig Ream ar NORease al. Line between Tale, Columbnus and. "11t t w ' T ~ -he Ol Drawi g Reem ar Line between 'Clue Ibetee Anna Arbor all dTolddaonly,"oovaowa0moio aaseooa.eesoww~- eeO- I'e '0e ~ '0 VIVa. All tas(ill1 Hy e117lep11un1 11-1-.Wewilsedoecnee 111 ullman hinpera between 'Clubelow anl , S I.LIRF, Aget 9 eod t>.i1j1I lt.O W. IH BENNETT G I.A Toledo 0 4 U .. 1 d l< ,4a. T aOL t htrai~nas oeachwal" F s ep erlxal3l Fe. TE OL LIN 11ith lea,-each wyn 0013.7~15 .. 0 1Sund0aoy Ibetwee 3Tleocad Coalto. THE KINDERARIDEII BILLIARD HALL te.NeYok THE 0OOIYLT 7I twih teeieeceachway dily 0 T1 .w. . y 4 eteee''.oleo, ineiGriee ad 1TEE ONLY LINE twih2trallinseach way daly RAILROADTIICKET OROKERS___________ ______ hece Fnleldaelyh.leo, T a TUE ONY IRET LINE beeeneoToledo Wholesale ig,> Tobac1o1st l Cid CE] POPULAR 0lNE tee Taoo, Cso ri, 0cru, 01511an le ieapa. CigarettAes.ITOS 1l (1 131 (A OSITIONFll inoCrlwtiConreltiveeto1 vnc, time of Cor. AMain and Liberty Sts. Htan, etc.,wilbeheefullylrnishebyay CI ie scnl 111i ll "] in 1111.S[lN 11y&3sCc,1th 1 atilei.;good eclacl.Iii Agenothe Olio Central inee. oludlnlcI forCal111- Ie I. 1.Ci g0 natein. Wa WIaiohepll'cnatalll 1,o011oure MOULTON HOK, 4. . A. AlasecoM pln, 51011111 cC publi tic01. I TOLEDO, ONTO - ALL ABOUT THE BABY -e. .lolgca1oo~ Look foCci.,ldcal Studets.alo ItalCoc e ad Gicl 111e,119 ac pp00 lia,.ton I ' SPECIAL REPRESENTATIVES l> e 91 1.1C1S 111 0111 no-Il. fIlwoclccl 1111 11111it cin(, 'i c e Id 110 i l9.1positio <' 1JRAND, McNALLY c CO., Chicago This space is reserved ^'tla - ,yo rav' ges i nnura" I Iho L Y CURLil t he CII a D 7 ienS ta new 1891 ModelCIa111oCCi L±J,. RK RF2UtifPe for the4Grand, Opera q Guitar, NMandolin, Lift1 Banjo or Zither Wha1 C II CIteli Ccl , to11011 1 111 7 ,A pCCCt fcn 1114 1111 1111(1 ely tIl e IC House. CoipaiCyI.111 01 111111101J.I 3C. FREUD. '99 47 S.Uniersity Ae .. 9t1- 1llI nlICfl the c-llt 11t1, 11.a. Ave rom $Ps ee Upward. 0111111119 I Illl i ll01410oc1r lt , 3Regitration at Large Universities 1 ENXTIlS~LIN I-AlTI5 1'OI\)'W1II- ~.i -w-C.- I 0 c 91 e01 i t I~ C I 111. c dcIC, cc.l 11110 lhe ,hih h wl h. e t CC oclhCII n: el. iOl 1II ,11114 11ou o 11111111 9110990 1110 ilia 9- (111 ltio c eremoniesCf 111. 1 dll1t C -- ,pt ,tIIC Ce~CClICI. Ir lyC l a rtil t ro CIII 1110to \\i~~it l y wC " 11C IeCill .ec vl l CooIl clI11r,_ lCe v I rcI-Cl ioll liI IL19 flll 11 0111f1 e~fe.:u~t~o~11111 111111 C-o. ion llu -CC II a CConefall.tutItef 17 ANOALL THE POTOGRAPHER .9y.Sbu aoelormprvsewith age and mhke y.a ,I uuylO-dnal . .... .. . I CIIIn ....11 0 l 1 .1119,119 hii elHel it sca dlly noaille manyimeeaito ios11.11 - - - 27. i. 7 11111 . l I11ll Illo rolltulii to Anw~iAbo. LYON & H-EAL0Y,-----------....2........ i t t1 cli Sil. WARA Il 5 AHAVE & ADAMS ST., CICAGO (01e ...1111.. .. -fit v-_. I 1Col'n i1t .. . .1511 (IN0A 51. B 1-A. 1XI1 1? Uid 31IlilO 1117 1 iCI o .. .. 11.11t 141 hl italebcbatd at1th11111f1'ol o R ' I 1 niittiC.C o f iNewI XIk . ..1 I ~lfo andConlly $3 pr 11CCsol. T.yo lo jI sihitlI Iof Tel-Chnllf y .....1l---- 5 Broli-~wn It .11rl 1111UTSUPPLIJES 0 1111911s110 of Xcll1Cinlont ... iII lerI11 o i,1114 9111j l, . , 901 1( 71 1 lootl 1l11i1CCC 11111 111 I 0..CCP if CIIto Cal ,)1111i1111t1 1 I Ietc . .. . . . ,I Csl L iee L c Ce l anld OIclCl, Cu " ! al01011111. _ t12 Dearborn t., Chicgo, III. corsea, tChicago AllulnilIcumlbr. IIEverything to Iplease at i'rettyl n s. Bada 'et"na',o .Ui t'i Go ooCgad1CicO FteU IOtR SALE-A talkngnmachineI, 11 Ctyal~S UN el SGod bord, oodservce ad th U.Vriylave. Yell swill find tie Daily - .of A. Daily on Ithe table to kep y o 11111001.allen toledwnellgrl in. ishoapdI there to gret yen aeh say, Wth all .posted o11 what is going n at le aiy,111IDn tree ts.rai.L1151011the latest college news. ; retunniversity. fl .Sti-ie.-2________ t 1 Ci opS,11f7 "A 51071 1. 1,17 Idhauns LOM1r-Wednesday,iFe. :3, a Kpa Sdc." A55011OR1011 er esralesit KppGanma laey in, set 991it1 WA NR 9 O.oETftroos, 18/jFoest adesir.Be st Iit7 _________ pt115. ifinder please retuna to 10 S. 21 S. MAIN ST. of table board, Swan Linen has a fCiIm, even10 finish. Taye 5., and be rewarded.