'jiI E UNIV ;IZSITY OF INtCIGAN DAILY. R Ews ® ® s~ ~ a v n aS T 'o a a a T h is is t h e W e e k t o A D L N TWL8O Buy.............. PRIESTEL I ON E FU L A Mandolin at ---- -------$ 1.98 , A Wasliborn Mandolin at ........15.00 when you are tired fromn : A Good .Mandolin at ---8.67 walking about town, to OTHERS IN PROPORTION. stop and take one of our 0 See T le "1LU" manolin o hot drinks. Beef tea.,__ confee, chocolate, malted ANN AFEOIF.M\/ILSIC CO0- f smilk and a dozen others, . s 0 21 5AND 23 I-,AT ' XSUJN c aTON S TIET. an eve srvonte is o.-c H 46 Pd' om B ci 11 U CVGl VV11C 1.1 1_V1/U. I I You'll find that the five ___THE .R or ten cents is well spent.a THEM IN OUR WINDOW. C X -- Pr0 ' ALKINS' :- PHARMACY, FANCYene M 00 f Ammb ~ B e Sure RSHRSS Yo 'r;Rirh The name is a guarantee. Fareti nu Footwear. 2S.Mi T XANO o HA ALEFCS STO1RB 0S. Main Street. P RONIZE HOLMES' LIVERY and get the best service. i8ce and Stable, 32 Forest Ave. Telephlone 106. Baeh Office at Pailners' Pharmacy ANN ARBOR SAVINGS BANK -pital IStabk,50,00,Surplus, $15,000. Rtesoes.s$1,100,000. alizd usderthe Geseral Bankhisg Laws his State. Rceiees tdepeosits, bays asnd exihangeesn the principal cities of the .ed States. Drafto sshsed uponl preper tits'aties. Safety deposit bexes ts rest. sIcEus:thristian Alock Pres.; W. D. rias, vice-Pres.; ChbsE.g Hiscock, bier1T.J.Fritz bosts 51' Cshier ST NATIONAL BAN'KO ofAs rbs sal, 100,000. Surplues ad Prsos, $+40,000 asscts a general bankisg businss. co, echange bought and sold. Furnish 's of credit. INNE, Pees. tiARItSON SOU'L F, Vice Free. S. WT. CLARKSON, Cashier. 'qL! j i 8 V' V-9 P, ." %e RLI* i 0 i There's lots of tricks in the tradec sod DOES YOUR LAMP SMOKE? they're practied scare thansousthisk, but theee. I 'TP' R DTI T1 QT5 AP PTT.-. Tn QC~fr'l ~Iktnr .& h:rhunh ink Thils.storeeesslozes yoszsueyou're right 1T£ V r , Cor. Most sod Caren, treets. This store guaatees youa asafe invest- 'Y Wicks, No - .CaplitaiOl sooo. Surpise 00,000. Trasact ,snent of eey dillar yea patiCtshslestO .ni y-cetbo io escn gohitetoses Its 0 Ct r, Vice Pses wec sell. It is a oe Shoe Store, fell of A Wh ite Jilil-ilnis freely to the last shop of oil in the latpoRl KEMFREDItPr s. 3 .B s~t, Caslier. cooed boe, at prncsoy down. -Clear as sprinig water-0c pet galloii-De livecrd in our catis, sodtosestoiyiottes. prtoiptly-Sold onely by Lowiney's Chocolates. C R in ad, 4Sot ai tre. D E A N & CO M PAN-Y. Hot Lunches. 42 S. Iffon street._48SSteS. UNIVERSITY NOTES, ( I s lt t ti e inies in loirs -oill rViTLE'S.8S tt t e N THE EQUIPMENT OF A I. ii. N oiiiy,171 liiit(, is s isitlc5 at itiPhtllis l in theyi 1)i111i. STDETe ROM isrViiIt11 I. iIttiIi.ii sitvvs re-eii 'Itd .ONLY 5OC, EACH STUtDENT'lorS'CSRO.Ositt Iiiis- lilin f liii'8'55 tisihiall is il ii I "t.OUR NEW hotir st yi ' losi'idthnals ute ncsit y.id o f ' a.hsllol'insi dl 1(;1 lEetiio f th' lli'ls \c 0 liii. '"'tire otie'greatt'st enoytmtitInt aomt hedIiin('i OF M. PIN prseo t elis te et ormonyii etitiy till atfioid. iDi. Seyniiintr W 'iodworth',i.of a'lo I t .loch, as ifl ithe ciist~11 Stoat' i otiet sstfinsit i te r ltd l til li, Ito'ind iii lii' iil..i rodIlifii. ii5i hI I Lh f f LEADING JEWELER. Atic' nisecelt i ns trument i is t he ,io f Lsigi, ii tilsi Wllo ntoii l.Sirnlahim of thisRflflULU, i1i1".iI.iii l'o\ii I ,fI ___________________Incl., BAY STATE $10.00.I stliltilils 1at1tle I'. if ,L.. W''Sd iii ii I/ I isili. ii l Iiii 1in is lrhs \,toekcc v isitlilsl°hiesSoilI, I ioD.u .oa e B A .14..JJ 0 . liii iiIt liisilig l: n l i.I' 'ii'l 'i '1, l, sill rsS C Sacic.isssi.V'ce o etr T liimhsseItil i1i)r . .,.Poweeltl ieety iotgiratilles \\'e Isee~v i stock h eclieer b.lrst5sil~i Piler ii'lisi il~islit sl roed ty.lli ci' s dJe w-sR k°thas thlis.blnts loras saili. sereic' 0 1~" at d ront10 Alied'icals Sliiol. Vls lii sl i i ypicrs e. Orissareilis.ild e ol- s , t1c ' e. sosst nino, 0 Aslll's 1sa iili.,l. th l1l slO li50 nsscassirtit'i. Iiiiit" tOt Ise. r ti cas CI'i ii~ bri iiS ll'ilty. lii'eiclas fiii" itl, dI la 'ree t li ns o p . leiil stn t os' 1 a-c- m.srgands hettO for illusstrsated sataloguc, itrosislcni .A. (':iipbl 11ofitho 115' I(n eon-an W the il Daons JtlS ;.II 1Y iO , N d t n (. s'iy I'ss 'lllsesllo~ii ~.Si O 'T-- lltl di, :1. :ll 5, a ld.il't h s ' Ih s llone'l1' utR cie ag n lgn 4'43 5 Sashintoe street, B5ostn' It. Ite 111 , torI ltseoi'vso' 111"1 . swatsch iill set.Iif lItitllbeastiiat itiiihed~w i~ e Ii tll 555 lce'sel\\"si'11lihi'found ineo a ie! . ~ . ~ 'slt Iisi it 1i'ii's's'ls. Ilis iloi li Il i n~ossiofblt caise. I' issls's' 0 ae Hot stid ColdLunssatse Oal lths Agents _/ii 0)y0' lydrle ti 'ii 1 istoI n- fir l'rtylr's atnd isiilisass atnd rtaes C.e's- THE OPERA HOUSE JEW ELER, lis '551 li'5 1 ls'lliti oIlll lth I 'Ciii rs'lr-e r(swtrd.RiB0S tt t.O . Bok Cats fustrnis yea with safitst-cls'isPFotsaia --U - Pea. 50enald iig repli lia ssspecialty. ( *' . . INIIU=&E ! f m=IAt4 A E--GIVE HIM ACALI. y 'Groceries, --frovis1onl~s * anti all kitids of Sattita:':eni PHOTOGRAPHS Foosds for salts by --Spsecil r ases to Scniostt s n & C..r, IlBerryman Moore& WToe , St11TE . E. HuronSre 6 South ?Main Street, - 4t'ate Street, Cor. William. .A.nton rEj'L fei 05?OFIM.SHAVING PARLOR anath-b II HRAIEUPNORSTCETOCE1ukADQsSURERSui s ltic halr phi erdessig antdd bstli a .. uL ittosW'N salrs. J. R. T'roissaosohi 30SSState sO.A I FL S~}',; Trunks atdaiss noebpate Neatly and 1'XCUIiSO AE OW5i We therefore sfer osir Stock of Text Books,' ot'lil Chieoply. No 57s. Main st. ING}TON 1000 TRIN:- Pens, Bl'snk Books, Stroticenery, in FACT OUR EN- , Q AUGUItATION. TIRE STOCK at prices lower than iconV ever before FULR&HXO Ol con fthe ' d ietI 'Itiai been offered in Ann Arbor. Students will sin well to A Slash I'll Prices. Peoraslsort caenne ttrl h avail thenmselves of this sale, asnd procure their Seconsd tmewl 0.It il el 11, Semester Text Book now. PRESS SLITS FOR 25 CENTS Anls Acbor R t il elexcursion tielsets f5rosn all stations to Wanling. A y y y rCLEANING AND REPAIRING. toin and returne at one fare for the W J 22 S*10 . State st.. Over Rosey's Blliard Room.. round trip. Tickets will be sold March D, B o DM ATN uea ietr lt 1st, 2d and 3d, limlited for returts to SOLD.B..'. ad Mtetallic Caskets ad Flat Grade Mac 8h otfes. Embalminaf a Specialty. No. 171 March Sth. . ~ t*. ~Fourth ave. Benefit for Athletic Association. M OORE.J1J VW jE IMiI1