THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. * students. Room C can be dosubtleso P . of aI tu* oolly ;seeured for tis jos-ie and if the mseetiago are mlade informal, oni Published Daily (Sundays excepted)i during thle plan of "smokers," for inistitoce. ______________________________________ the Collens year, a there will he no lark of THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN. 'The remedy is certainly worth atrial' U E' t A (I rvica, Times builing, 79 S.linlaSt. be-1H tenLbryand iWilliam Sts. andid the AtleicAssociatiot s or- LADIES' JA 9 i1NAGa1NG EDITOR reeds, other 01rtatizzatotto tao fall JF. THOMiAS, 97. into lit,,, Iand P A PF . 11Ufl m i -r 0l BIIINESiS IA-NAGER. """~ JIEL O.HIIANs3, '05. Communication. at Half. EDILTORIS E. L. DEISMEn, '9s I. F. S.oIMons, '98" 'f:1 ott'e'Edititr of the U. of M. Daily: Never a time more opportune than F'. M1. Loos, '9s. tU. D. OSILANis 51L. ttt r It Iodttoi requtest tte use of now to provide youirself with a stylish H. H. CORWIN, '90. BLoEit kos,i,'00. 0. M1. GaEsN, AheticEitors. ygur roltititis t britig before thte stu- Cotat or Cape zat so little expense. ASSOCIATE EIITOIIS dlitleat haitter whichirit ay at hersl Wre have now in ouir Cloak 1100111 SV. W. llughes, '98. S. iv. sitl,,'9'lit, lt ;lre r tiilb tAhc i F'. A. Forth, 'hOE. I A. Campell'00 'ttatirrIrshtmbtattnttOilly 'aeltets as elegant in design, IV. F. iorril, '50. (G. 1). lladnast,'hi. ill retlity-tof smle illltoritlnt held- make ,and moaterial as this country of- A. A1. Snith, 'O7. C'. Loll, jr.,.9911, cu it. h at sa d ont e ___________________________ii' rtt:1lr:il ltllttit Cfords-than whichi us large city eati N I fir 'to tilel'actk of vi'ttiiiatiittt it itt' boast better- all of whtich are sellitig <_____ i s, somls. 'T10 veutlktti ttOf te The iaubsceipiion pilerof t he tDaily i si 2.t0I .tlw at tarth rolei' eo, ,it, ir ii iiae l i~l'ittinttei' iaiti hall has alays tiones, anti othiematter iiteiicli-ilftr ptiar' ttttrstl 1i itlt lt1tt ___________ ion aiust he hansded ini at 'lie Daily 't'te e- ill it is 110 beiteiri. Da rin-' ti'elt'es- loie ep mi.,soraiildto theeditorttefotre t 1- pM., iithe day preiious psto thlat on 0 licheii :cl efte h odiino LADES.FU, - thrre xetdt ~fa.sbciptionsmay beiletrtat Thie'Doily ir2s~ G >L DI FR C PS Offies, leyer's or Stattlet sa Oroator 'al . tuteu raatIng. iReently with BasineslManager. Oat erit-r5 eill on- r I. lCnd, ol ell~J ler a las-ority ireportiiieProptiiilyat i t litig- ilt 5 oiteletrer' iithour -srahn Cuf' ooSelhMne officerany faiure at carrieristo dusivraer iiti ii iteilsxoto ts 'atnd Electric Seal Ctnnillill isi lionia' -ti iii trth iy-ottcedisixiuttiofg.' l itofe Cllithsa~~y i-m rmfe officersof tiii'as-oubis studelnt or- if thei'lit-ct-i'. T'l'turtte wsit it- Oz -a~ gaitintlits Of lark of stitdent supportlt.ti--' u.ttltl'a ietei o ____________________________ Whenuttiitarefats 'are itiConsiedtheI Clatss sleeti bights, bit t stttbreat'atof jul-ri itt these lolllll ito tititanntttie rll lilt' 0.15illtill.intouhelit,'oisti. r n tried. 'flit'Stitltts' Lecture >Am.-'Iisrtttotatlfesflttg-t- itetit, tilte oiitt thcetylilthely't ti itiant s bni i t beintrtinttt i toit'DR ' G O S - lte eti -'- erileevtiiolo itot iist ll sls ofatotisnd.aithi'rlist;as- thgei, to ethri-o ttheiip-uliainsO itt h 'sr 'ol fth D YG OD. 5 oand all 'i-anirtvottheitie ~- titus'bit in i s s-uhtlhatit:litrsyitiuttr trait, lak iin tiitirrsec lls it'tus enit itlt o f it' ott asi lo ljgy stuIl tis tie frmtog ldtir exipel ti s i d t s; t a it'siti T HsEtttN UAumsN] can be dono poorly or i-an lie done well. There nosy or maiy not be muelh difference in the price. We never make1(0a price so low that we cannot do the work well, Otur up- holstering is clotne by men ex- periencedl in thtelie Grattil Rapids factories. All work guaranteed. We mlake a. specialty of buildling furniture to ortder andi repairing, lup- hoolsteritig antd redinishiug old f urntiture. Furniture, Rugs, Dt'apery anti Chiita to ront. 6-58-60 S. MAIN ST, - FURNITURE. 'NOUNCEIWENT ittiet' i'nusti01)(11i')tittliti11ti111'stslrhbrett .."'s wi.uu.i'tt wii caberieiistiOucand.tionsihave bee nuadi' toibeat' t'helameli. But neiwotuldt itleattbe a patiltre'meidy. gi'eat reasoit. atnd t 1:11o'AN-sthe, l"rs'wk o f venthitlitii- trobabtlyltduiiitoitLuther LaflinMills, (C1iictio Alutini iN'tiuoter)---------Feb. 12 hoIttressttss tilnIt'he 1t itt thl' srsorsmaindtincotrrettodys.t'fitbyt'n Imperial Quartet-----------------Mrh12 htav'e bett ettlitr'ey iuerttttkeil. I'ttis ttirsO S ihlluh t-it'. fli' tt cause is tilt'tact Itoatlthe'oitagiatlitns cihni' it is liii'to ittrignorn' htere ae1Oratorical Contest- -------------Mac.1 dii nitkeeti in clost' i'toutghtoc tii ny hh~ ittttitiir ittworks on ltybieiir ilit Ex-President Harrison-------------]hac.22 wit Iti'shidtitlo'.A ~. ~ seteetihiietirif111m'it hu ItiLucius Perry Hills----.----------------------------April 2 nt be execstedlto lit' prtcl'ititcally linriuffit, e. iltshilt'1will, 'doutbtlies,hib iclse"t ttttttii vtitii tiw's55llgadittgaii y itighi'tti'rredJohn Kendrick Bangs _- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -April 1la coliltaratis-ly tothtilig, sant itnwhoosi' hlit to i (t'theifactyto iitir itctourseRA xhlshil OO~ a-i itititieutru te tar ht ia it o .githi. huittlit i'tl~~iitsoRESERVED SEAT' TICKETS thi5 thivesvoce. All our ot'g tttiiatioiis tire c111th I ilts th libehuo'etitontiis S~tI DOSO utniatlly. AntI tte ouly- tii&e ii'i- "tl,''n'_RCF bees hatve anythintg to say iis ii lit' Ohio Debating League. Oratorica'l Contuest :5c. tittititelecitionus. Alt thi s'it of tih'e Obei'n thits hiecomei a tIatti'br oithei JAMES H. PR'UITT, Corresponding Secretary. teal'thue stiudtnts httust1;ra tii'illy' i no itItu'rul''au ~'httigte u' voice. This thueit,uis tutr plinut, lack of swhich isI riltse'tofithetuuoll'ints-gAPSTO sntpoi t is dtint lketa tuc hitwithAOSIIO itie studeti' odyt 'huttuets- is ott'. tutu r uklligi's: W'i'siu'nhi's''rvr', OhioiuCas ti ecriIed wilt hand, MctNally a& to , thatt iltbhing goedirie-tuit totySh tatet, atutuio u Wrsiiyto t ttiiu siti's. sttudents foe thits ieetduet g vaction. We wish Reprsentatives tin our fit eath aesot-ittitit tthaveu'reu'ienuult Sittiisstt , Atlaseo, Miaps and othter pubieatios. luiein'sinuvuiituhttathit ttttrotit'iity- utiutafes itt is 'ri hegi's aniALL ABOUT THE BABY tre diioetussu' d vchsotedl up~on. Theit' owed sutwhonk'tus ('riutit tali tuose By Robert N. Toiiker, 0lii , of Chiicago Medical tollege just issued, has tie Ai Ass' otcitioni will hut'most u'rii' u in,, ."iI lie ina lis', ci'iust' tour hookfoar OMedcal Students. Cattttogue and circuttrs send oappliain. itumilneuttly befiure'thue studcents frouiuihluku' u-u'retit. SPECIAL REPRESENTATIVES .I., , . , We wtint a few specialhrepieseittives in the ('olige Farthiis position 1100 untilt the enid of thte year, bec'auoe Jl'S'T tOUT enxteeienced husk Dten sitould wuite us at ence stating past experitence. of interest it bltiebati. Nowy let tte I'h(.'prettieist sonlgsvrittuen, 'A LSv,'ert RAND, McNALLY & CO., Chicago associtilum guv-cthis planoi t riai l titace'Huntts Mlte.'' Onu!alt' at It i,4ie shir's. hldting freqtuenu teisietig s oftis uenit -________YDON'_YOU_._._ hers. Victories antd defeats, tplansoan(id 'Mai'ch i0, 1M17,('omuedy Club,. ~ ~ ~ DO ' O lrostuects can be idiscussedl aid thus Benefit for Fruit and Flow-er M"is- Ai'X ET/II JTb IbAiii.Y. enthusiasm will lie creted among the 0100. _ V 1, k E-i 'he D I .Y1