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February 04, 1897 - Image 3

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U. of M. Daily, 1897-02-04

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Time Table (Revised) fShpt.2,19. 1 ~ ae I4 snzi r Y ,r }t )
Mali and Ex-----3d47 N Y pecial--- it a
N. Y. Special---4 a l ------i --- 8 3 -
latEnt E X------1C i1 N. S.Limited.-925q
Atlantic Ex.- liii Pacific Ex --- .1I. 5 ' ,-c-.s =
0, . LEap e S--- d 4l Vestera E -- -1ce)skh r ee 1< ic'" n~
(). W tifCOLF F W.AYEFi I , Xa.p FEI,~-e
G. P. &T. A t.Chilcago.A gtA ill acrbar ;_ vi ) i, ts+, r r'' i ~ F S - :z: .=. ae+.\
Pt4.'L GADs'., . tn G u rtin ne Oar Liii emoa.hlnTa
F anINlnllabat
Tina ir Tall., SF.:..- C , a. ll. _ riij' 1s ft U y eylry n~o
t TL.ne-' ,i Te ne lpn rt Yiraw fi E Real a
4: 3 e t OtD. p 1m1 s F lee 0, 1Slrawing Rolar Li e bete n -
n.. f1 T nld, lolomlboan larenn
Alln re 1 ~tSliy'tp iill.~l Li ne Sletnne Tletwee uitlbols and
W H 0k, BE NTT 0 P A Itt.,: 1.. Mari 1SI 111 etta.iiildilleb
*V 2 1 f1. 1. 1:Cite raeltea jThe ONLi NIra wilt Roo Iartin e r etween
*Riunieetweetnilrta Sodoel anttalo Taledaooa C.lciabae
GO~trsi 4000 Wt~i¢ a. 1G44A4G ¢ .?9 bf46 b G tE" Na Y ank THE O1,ulmnLT leobal, e eenCoubua nd
AltrEaindEilyAexelt tundiL.LeiABD HALL e i btto Tlee elegRta
forpven4Ot a n TE TE t enONLYT DIRI ECTld i4nE Clubus.e al
' t l'ttI . id a ta 0 ue reO L ..eL INE wi h Str ea c h vvatP nl
A P O ITIO Fal be t e e iTo le li ng I Grnee nl ma f
Co.M ^y rdLiet ts oiTH~ENLINbEbeith2laletonetachwdiyoE
tllbetwien Tiledi and d Charlestoin, I.llilllllITICLEIlBtOlERel.'tTHE ONLY DsIReCTOLTO N EbOUR, en.Tp.eA.
i'ii11 llla 11111 llbl ll ' O E O, O I
A ANDMcNALY & O., hicao. Tifospacinelaisetoreseved
EnCm aRal epee lp~l thsan11 lie GrcLO.S PRan.£1iV~l~ o ta ilAet fteOi CnrlLns
elsa tanewloonl etuodel

"'YJIIRRI'' 1 , K at If


Guitar, Mandolin,
U' .I hb Banjo or Zither. W~a u ll l 111 iteell t, to t10 B11 icycle. A Ile rtet~ I'cI 11111111 i '111 biy till'larlit
' 11 l a t hoebe cled do1y1n as ai r1eIsilt of lie Pl'l Coml~panly, Jaestvlilt, Nvit.
1c1111 it1111> 11 enrosppra ii iii it n1o15 y .5 J. C. FREUQD, '09, 47 S. Ueiversity Ave.
1il ;.i litm . d no teelryiltet listin
From $ia.ea Upward.BaueatWsigo...,,tSlNITI '1WA-
n oto( ill a l Cemonii iiin11. itll (Coentineldel fell~ Cleat Cage.) .b M 'l t;il~ioI
harus r ol at te d nd tiforiieiper ie by111 ist
A nw cidalrs levprcnwlv g n hearen I; IkPI''C lilil arN. s 11 5'. Stowll, Art'u' ()Iti '' tl lii . ' ofiiti t i'd l l 1i l iii
1 r t libTehes an Glealu bsan E ue yons 1o t -
LYON & lIiiiALYio I t X I t1 . il 1lie a. t, It' Fox I e M iii (;.i
paOe AAl-A en&dorsmns ecUA. hiltl IilI'Ct'i ill'lMttlil _I~'iKhEl.MCf


NEN'1' .L'H

' t. It II it-1 kIII . 1)1. ti'11 Ll. + +a .i u . .tea I+.
1 ll 77 }, 1111 tt ll j.

pt lcilrn Lea. ne Bill, "NIIts, 3la".ks, etC.

Among the Colleges,. i ,Cifii i llit' 111 'sChitl I' ISIlll ,hood ch'lti for imp'I Isiant
; s tllf hlhlllelhell I S te.' -eil I t i n '1' Gymna-
vI i 'ia.t li' I LNlibary il11t11ii 1111 tsl:hwil SllI gll 1114lilniihi A P lt (dNG & BRC O S.,t
t'eW rdil 1,11ilIi tl ii.~'l. I l~il lYl'~ 11lewl i fliteti l o w o t'inllaon., Ptinl rts
460 ,'' 11111 itt ithuzsllty h CLtllil gll1l'i't s't'ti tgtl tS fal. W , t --olB' t r e~pe. Te Hanleii'e'ttt1111
Btandatd utaems-e.atOhwihseo_____________( A G A I? B OS,
mo -I napI'i 11111''I) 1t'1t'i1te11.ts'tNN-ilt101 s eelitlait', CillNCCbReG D IARPMKNl'.
IanW rl bw laaatn 'titI Sinth.IYl cllt~y 11 RedyCllaeathisLpelar.utIs' NeeYrk. A, hiea, tltdet ec.
lii'tl ltll haeiy1re5atiteIe. elstof nickl;S, rct icaLnd YI:sar- (i. in~y ~da ay, Tiew eay
Unequalledll 15. pidfrn 1o52cent etn N ve lCa. l.dr- U.O . FAE DR .N OS
WAI H,% ia(3GEN S thtn ainofro Sete mber 26,ila12Deren tCht ,Il.-____-
2ASI AIN T H' 'd SbaregordtherDaile dt, e Fpaper


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