THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. t'ublished D~aily (Sundays excepted) during the Colle;;t year, at TIFE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN. triSr: 'finmea building. 79 S. Main St. be- tween Liberty and Williamt Sts. MANAGING EDITOR J. F'. THOMIAS, 17. IIItiIN ' S ^IANiA( II 0. 11. SLA x.,'98. E i' T iDiuN E. L. GrEsuIEn.'90 1. F. S. Sssessa, T4 F. MI. Loows, '90. 11. SKAI.tuAN, "i L.. H. H. Couwis. '99. littats LtanI, 'a00. C. 91. tGREEN, 99. Athletic Editor. W. W,. hu"hes, 'le. S. WO. Sniit 'itT. V. A. Fuelk, '98E. 1. A. Capbelli,'0 W. ai.oll, '9. t'. LiD .lilt .'0 Homeopathic Department. The deana if the liuiittilllt'dI- erS yea ter~d ray aliS cal(e(1Iqiit' 'rtely conc'til'ilflbheatalidilig anid liieIlcw'- peets aof beileltartmlelit. A synii s follows: tos havetakeintiia utirtae of lift' in tii sis' ian ycii'.hateo&tita wasl iii' lettr than it is it ptresent. It t11;(in lb'S 750 at tvltlsi is sttttttlilit 77 itio jh(llsl il', soti 11.1(tciy, (%l- 1 A GOOD CASE wins the jury of shoe buyers anti il's ours by a heavy msajority. Footwear fnhould be lolseqduality. The feef cau't sadayhnes.Pieshudblow, so an 10 beeptushnoe lax within bounds. You asou't feel our nsioe prices, blit they will muake yoti feel pleasedl. There are us corn growc rs like bad shoes. Cutue to tie and get soething lb'tt you ran wear youlrself, itnstead of the shoe wsearing your fool. L. GRUN8RS 111,01) St. T'H S O~fU A at't't .i l t ltw invo 'ita' (4''ge lit lsi ________________e________ kAnrn Thtesustcipltti o icetifilte Ia I' ' thoI'lltlltt'i of ptieti tush anfl d GiA PLS fnr the'i'stll te etar.titit a a te SeIt tas ' l fl beforesc-o ea hru ctiay. buttcs.cotttt ste . t mel I lai'gt'i'thau t ,ills ils(ut last lions, and tiher mattter ittenddt o itt ce f lots umust itt'lhansdedl i ttheis,'lly s ter be- t 'ii' 'lTte itlsllstiadlie pltfsa~tt it n tot It. n1.,tr ts iled ttotteeSitotritbefore 3 are ati ydcevi oul o ta nwhc 5 1.51 ,r pod fthsdeati~ t here lsttsntyIelf t'l il i~ s' lti titiitsletcis Neser a time niore opportune than offie', tltyer'a or Stfuc ,t1a aeeata stdlts with fJilaitt anti1ser. Stiberilteras ti eao- hit' iolialif ('ttContl ofrit'e Il iint usiaWts fflirsalaleeoferrus o(Jlve apr I hysurclookr}olf nubtfr fvo y eorig rmpl a hi satyiapltaolitebxene 'isat'esmadt' tm.nyief1ottis ta lisere ithe 'e iav'e liss'wii ourt'Cloak Rhoa N tltha tis'i-aIl's rt'i etl' at'l i ' n oislv ttf thiiasiiti lmantl'ii. iliy Jackel ts a rieegant in idesign, ill he iiterolleiatedebae t liiiben ito halef t a asthe ottile andttltaerial as this counltry af- cbtsei it'iittc'iiiitly atitltlt ii liatts'. liil ilt' iltleltt' ' ftords fces than ashieb us large city cats debsaa'esshoall ile tt' raged1'l. lThisar cIdC th atul:lii thge'],(- l ''t'teel ntl sit 5'boast uttei sli otf aawiich are selinitg raligellilit as aIilkedlofif at a ' ;, its ale'ree't' finlesstas hey'i aa alit'S itt. btut lie 'stils sate's slot satlctil.:1 it ll'stls attieli'ailiiba1t'tim2 P2i~O tug i11111se get erallilt' est In5'dll'i''t- an i l tef liii ltitt lso' it ilttl he UI A '~ ttluillefsr tlitcotettss ill lie i l i u saig it. Nsm ' ow'llnilt'new11119'f 'illy' eslt''istt il'biiiiglegus' ie~ bt s a lii'litiifaftits'titI aili ieAsatrachians, Cony, Wool, Seal, MAonk,'y 'I'lit'~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~in tesltii'r'iliattliyaltf'ii liif 1111Electric Seal °1 he prtent int'est illdebitin bha bieintrosiused y.the aeries atfi pr ai-li tt, it' lciialg tl'ittcti't ttf lt iii ' atti'siili t a ketti liii. a c t hrough____l______ht.__Ifth___parties_________I____ of by'the 'ot'leticfill' I lie i't'tittta'areti ill titli'ortile_ ________onl 101' inter'-seity idelt's ailS 'lii ' t'i elnie. If postsileic a el lsllttitiil ittt'toarospr' aas holittt'its wa lthei AM thit fils eriea. itill atotn relagliatzlltt'heiS110. 'f~lit' CKoi 9111111a hi'itff'ct'l hrliii tal tils s f 5ely Itlatid iii lett'ill'te atu tu ia 'Ii's alaw astudetsiasaei oaol eii'itltltit't attiIaiialstDRY' GOODS. lit Pa leitsia of llt h 'tie'slay litaves' Chl" liaile nl t I a l rImei o 'ul lt'e ftacuity if lathi ',1;e 'gs that liiircesaill iheri flit' t',ititssy'blirset hlvthin111'lloti I TL A VA i;'ii a 'il' e elisS n 1' 11it'~f l t lt '. . l'let' al'trlielt tilt s .i'lan cx- ____ laI 'wasstill of lpli e' oh's 110 15111its 'own ep'nses' antIllS(li- ssalsit f 'ill- t i 4 YOUR TASTE WILL FIT YOUR POCKET BOOK, If yoiu fiurnisli yotir roomis dur- ing our Gretit Invenltory Stile. RectIStionls ash' toa forte tradet in evety idepartintt. Good Antiqtse Chamiber Suita, large mirror. goisdl$16.00)valuet, now $12. 50. A Sislid Oak Rollt Top lDesk, cheaip at $15. 00-Sale price $10. 00. Chinelle Portieres reduledl fromu $2.25 to $1.50 a psair. Japaniese Rugs, 6x9i feet, a,$6.50 vlule, 11090$4.50. Jaaiese Rugs, 71>x10 > feet. an e$850 va slue, nuao NV,50 We isake Wiindowa Seat, Cusha- ions tuid all kindls of Furn'hiture'O ts order, Furniture Repairinig our spec- ittty. WX'ork Slid piies that please. 56-58-60 S. MAIN ST. - FURNITURE, .NNQUNCEMBNT 1 1 ,, RU saytig 1115dtt'eri'is h litt iiity Oif a rept'itlion ofiflie irowsof hisi t: 'Thi 'Iawstixa alt s are il' i 1 silia'' lre- cetiig liii' stud~enitaof '1l-' slet' kii- piartmuents tas thirt'gluesi"soinl'torltrity 22l, alilieSlht isnise'lf atishsh lie ct h iil to discourtige asilllldi iiek sf esisii- roy as is as('iitii'a ini vtllii+'. Bt therepIra' siller ct'sltstsa'h'tlhsald sh 1 ie(illhy'osithIisa y'ear. 'Ilesoatth'Iiii of lhst'ly' slonulddemsand a Slutillg atwaiy'of Oc'lisliness. T'lit's etiti st She leiirerlaits eto e D. Itogersi.-t one .tim' a ihishhiber ot this' S"t chy'i' tis CUniver'sity, shouldth Iritig oitT isl respuet dtl suatihl. J SThOUT Thet'pr1ettiest son; wM'Sitft'Sl, "9 tSscii lDaceHlaunits Xhe." O(S ,leh'at is su it' stores. Swan Linen than a firm, earn finish. Se, c hsosiss'iutt Wl tiiti t sMu-,' ~.~~A~t~' iii~rt 5in ii