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February 04, 1897 - Image 1

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U. of M. Daily, 1897-02-04

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.® (. II..1 ,~ BLACK DEATH OF INDIA. the affection. Protection lies only in Alumni Banquet at Washington.
-Q IL D keeping the body in a strong, reoitlant
Lectre D ~' siq ofTile annual ineetinlg of tile woohing-
jJ~'~I1'~v' ~ 1IflV Interesting LelIby DrVaulgihn ___state_____ In oofl 01hefalntlhn.o li
onteTerrible olge Society Programs for the Week. L ni elily cfMclilwaiwdt
AND MPOR ER, tWillarl's htel,. when the nenbtCos
j~'JflI~ORT R Te lelfcrooniaoo Society will halv.
fIr. Voogilan lecturedt before the- I0,lwIC (1around lhe hBanloet IlIOCI
g t ( S ISA p t Deiitai Soiieii 'Jiontllty it ot 'lnl enngl{S and110 enj1oyed1)11all excellent nen, ito
U .JI l F! C II 11111 Tiell e li is he 1110 III 1.1 <
FULL BIS UT ASEILY ubonll iclague. (I lC 11k Dol oi(I h of b li (fIilo'l1111 0(ii iladditionall reish was rid cnlayh
NO, 2 E. WASHINGTON ST. NEAR MAIN,.!(01101' iof 11'C aticO Iill l iret:), - 111 1111 l'~tinI "ll loll ii11 1 Peidn ans .A gll fMl
F. -a ll_______________________,___-1 01111 1 f1h iv -ssfth l-+ae l _'i li ( f _Aiteli-a,ll wh(1o0has1111101
lir. (11 r'es' "Itober't of Sic il,.,"M '
Suhe * IIwic piC has h 11111(10o heelcbil lvp~c fshki
111 11 rPlVAbbot1111t, sile11i11 fro lie. St iidlsil 1 llh 1 ii11,ll~o~ l ie110r
4 Ati r. Srle C; sleion llllfroi 'll X II011
Nevegtafn asotetof )ye'.1s, ad11111 ecaly re0010in ity Athloughl 11s0t1of tile Ilulni
go0 od uet Oe sowsOl ei - Tales. 3Ir.ylI1l ill' colIson~; tillll lllt 11il-
001 00tl 010 1 l- tile foutent h 1t 1111 OseY-tsteelltil cIll- lradute~td tbfore l'I'O~lto'lltAngell tie-
1fum0 1n1them, jest noon and al11ciisiloiall '1f1r1.ltive, All. lilil o,-l'l-
soa1r1111r10'c cake, 3 for 25c. Try ilturiesO. F11 m111 bt.1111foundllill till'cAme11tAim 0)1 lil'l>;10. "iiiGr1f t11e'1'1111
7 I' xistdI I tli 'l : the i' -of111 11111 h int leronllaii sil n00110 1111.
PA.LMER'S PHARMACY. D ithe .01ii ' 11'1111' 1 1" In 'h oullynsAir. tlirn tll 11"'( ' AlrO. ~ ll~ I'~li10,0 111
46 S. STATE ST. If til' (til:Iand1lill'y 1C10mptonl,115 0 i i oduvrili'A.fl'n'. 11(1
ofr theCMll' cettuAir.wAs'perhaps't1101'. s ide Athou1 rid A . I iril y, Un.01c1.ied
______________________________________________ 11110 t"'1ndll 11 ilollAy. ii o (111 ________

EVER . . p , ,

10711e , 00 0i ,0010.mTmhtilast,0appofai-
tn e of t e i c o in E roe1." il

11 - .1111.1. -11 11 is, lFal4} 1-1;11 L ri ills
n1 so their 1t-.11ltr election of «thccr
for tho next : eluestor. Alpha ill 1111s 1
the folloNvi11t- 1uo r 1111 1t)no,>>ic!ctI
_Music; paper, "I'lw stt-,otos Csirl ii1
the World,- C. L. Hill; impro111pro. F.
I I:n-lehart; romlin-. 1lic (di'ther' do- I
to, "Itesolvetl T,11.1t. 1114, Vnitod

WASHINtGTON STREET. tedszs.eI ' .6I~ ihctledne"llrut c I~si1
101011 0110laidIi1111515 (il t OIch Sr'ii'tI -.'tnos lI' II f
____________________________________________ 1101'itll ril 11(11 11c11' 111 11" Inoil l l ' ' ,I . 0clanl, 101 11' .0 .l a 0.C'
Iiihiimonal iGC odis11T
ATlo-00 - m11 Ilo o A en 1m lii 01li 11,r1e '110.111' 1.s1.11 jA Sog Ailhl' illllil.1l
23 o s s r c t r ll II t l i , h l l o o ol"Isillledl'. '11 0111 ' i A i'bl'illlprl sent.i. lto!'-1111
O F Eu tenants11that111 i Itl''10' 1(isi111 l.N . .et T '. otelal' (' 1 11
Babyl11'nhCoalle'. iTtE BES'Tfa iti(I il' I' l11111111 Iil U. ,l11'
27 t Thaoms or nu sftr(ee t e A1 n o r 11 vAefll 110 1(11.1 f'tllC I 1 1' Ii'Ai' IIIllk' e ll.jl
. I' Isrl 1111 0IVll'' llltlmleiy 1P1r am 'i furte sp"e1er, l it
is ml fit n so f1h 1i~a f ilptethI, 1(111111'11.11 111110 oll
. an lnu oe l Ill1 11 ,t f _ , h iz>lo v lt', ,
V.Ilo. A , lem'I'ti'nuIt p

I to li"aft "Cs rti11 ol1 f Cegr t 1u10111till
11001110 orf Edwardli hilletis, lir. S. S.
11,101 died1 ldurinmg tlim a e a1101 rO1. Joll
BarardlIo,.J uies 0B. Cook, ammoll'iihio
milthl o nominate11111'officers. 'lT hillut
was110o01111111111.a11101iipommthlime'l't hof
tlleI commtee o''thll'fallom in' ofll'en
(er('coenl: i'C01110111. A. A. Bimuneo'.
3C; 011ilclreiden'ts, (ho tige TruesI'del'.
"1(1;) Iron1. t'mmhmulan Ki. lavts, 'A7 llo111.
lICCIIIII llBrllslttO, andtS, ammO I thlo1.
'011t;: 1'lIiiCI'l'llDuane E. 111x, '1.All


President 11irney called oil Iln-'itlezlf.
Attr;"ell for a Speech ill retrospect o,
j the last Vc.11"s of the University of
_-AHchi alt.
President Biraif>y tared that three
Ns ere no set; toasts, bui that the
inten- tion to have speeches prittcip.111)
i by the ilivited -Ile-O". Rev. Pather
Rit"hants, president of C'olritzt=bia- Vn1-
versitj", spoke briefly. Fathor Coa-
at;y, of ti o Catholic University, itrid

A~w'~ U""~ W'~ ~ A'tlo''e islii li' di igimof till'ost''0I' S'lbflt(1'.......1..'o,(If.Mcllihlill. 11111
S W E~.. .~ATE R i t, sAitle ,.........(xtl'll terintg tisounotrity. ('1111t11111'so A 's lerr'i tail. 1111i'''1ibath ml~td iiaiino11to' e -
'We havJe the best qnality ad a a frll omit ... ..Whl'lymof h l''1l'-eil Ilthe. r a eiden'1 thrm
In tHon~g Komig 1115 ur '(1111 lsi Ii10( .1m hil f'mi < o ' Ipii i tl' 0''illl. llIOlIlf lm 'oj
at the lowest rliea. ntluay(limeene.a t~bllt ''''
Am ..itnu................aaolm
siurn Supplies a Specialty. ers, blint o0n111 (f thiiiii eI'lmraeed I'ilgrimns (Chtoua tli f r)'i GCi '11 'IllliOsillr (George T0ruedell.
the disease. It is the famuine in Indlia Talnillnlol'r .............lj'i . I.A otlownii, Job1 lBmrnard, Dri..I.
Wv Ag~Sthat mae hMotlt ogei.h areh (1, 18J07r, C'ommety lu'(b. -Ataeffride Sterrett, 1E. C. Poster, 111111.
111ai' l e idecs111 tin' dea1th lrll' 11110Heni-)'F. Thomas~ll, 11011.IR~owell 11.
Up TessnClown Tows eei o ri adFoe ts ihp o.I.G nvr N r
l4OS. States t? Opposite Court leuse - reched 90 Per Cellt. BnftfrIulai ~o-rhs tsot in f .Sn'iMI''
Ass Arbor (Isins t. ' I There is no ellieieulOtrey iluient for sion, (Cotinued en Third Page.)

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