THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. oowoa aaaa'®an~~nnnannnsfThis Is the Week to 0LTWILL REST YOU Buy ...............ANDO INS HAELLRIT el~l~tII A Mandolin at ------------$ 1.98 BPORZB WONERFLLY ®- A Washbuirn M1andolin at ....... 15.00 46 s. Main Street. when you are tired fromn: AGodMn onat56 walking ahoot town, top OTHERS IN PROPORTION. PATRONIZE HOLMES' LIVERY 00i stop and take ono of onr'0: 93ee Tae LO CIVX C endol±i.. and get the host eervice. hot drinks. Beef tea,_________- Office and Stable, 32 Forest coffee, chocolate, malted v A NmN .AFiBOI VUSIC CO., Ave. Telephone 106. 10 milk aiid a dozen others, 21AD2i'cV A541T ,, IET Branch Office at Palmers' Pharmacy soCt everyone is good. H N RORSVNSRN ,y You'll find that the five:aITEAN RBRSVGSAK e 1 ~~Capita Stock, 150 ,t) uplusE,$00. or ten cents is wecll spent. Resources, litS100500 P selsOexane oserthe Gperial Fcitiesgofath 00 .!A II~!AEI of .this State. Receives deposits, bays and f ptUnited States. Drafts cashed ipo proper s CALINS'-:- PHARMACY, 1 IIdentification. Safety deposit hoses to rest. OFFICERS: Christian Mlock hress.; W. 0. 0The Monarch Dress Shirts. naesae Ve-ie. hs F iscock. The 31gmn DOLLAR Shirt. Cashier: M. J. Frito Assistant Cashie The Amer. Hosiery Co., Underwear.Aho TheDClets U-tiD and DognrsindGluves. o n ro Be Su-re TheDCLLeRtsKUp-to-Dat o-lsndGCuffs. FIRST NTIONAL BA Orgai 16 Thiy neor fail to s atisfy. We have fuill assortments of Transacts a generalI hasking hasilness. Y ou-'re 11bi them all. Freexhag oaghit asd oi. Furnisli ____________ a_____ E. I). RINNtE, Pres.. HARRISON JOULE, 21 SO. MAIN ST. i/ l' I JNS-FS Vice Fees. On Footw~iear. -___ iCO.LAUNISON. .Cashier. There's iotssof tricis Intiie tradean DOES YOUR LAMVP SMOKE? tfr~-f r~ ni i iheyre piacticerdsore tasnvaiu thini, ha i ee RY RED STAR OIL--NO S A0 sECee Malin andDrcnStreets. Thiiastaei- aiah;'3 ycu so; yyoi're iigiit Capital $50,005. Surplis X30co0c. Transact This stoire guarasiees you is saieiIivest- No Chiand Wicks, No Offensive Odor, No Fouling of Chimneys- geierai hoolitg bhsoiness. mieat of esery iosilce yea pui into sihois sPs IPres. C. E.. Ci1iso, Vice Fi es wr sell. It is a gooidSlioe Store, fnit of A White Light-Burms freely to thae last drop if oil iia the faintsFSuEs. ii. BESteaCshier. ;roodl shoes ai prices Sliy does. -(lear as spring water-itc ergaillon-Delivered Linney'5 Chocoates Goo Ruber to, i yo wat tem. promptly-Sold oily hyL J * C. e in ard t~ 44 South Main Street. DE N & OM A Y. H tLnhs 42 S. ieln Stre at. . ft . _______________________ UNIVERSITY NOTES, 171°ls-ali r 'apiiisy:T TL', 5S tt t iN TH('OFAileligli ilil Niiliss1eslciiit i]Il i "ol( 111lccliliicl =Ci°lllie ONLY 5OC, EACH STU DENT'S ROOM, fldnoitl liuciriai ti i1iyo eiii ilihlly aof ,tOUR NEW sti'ioct is'li io-i is ilisalile necesiy. i "PU)~ vi r~ u " h ri-il ess -,eny ent fremth iiI e I ll-',:1 ici~n s «- N 1, s oil iiiy -us}ii e s s i'eIlisI your iinnyiwilllafford., flie la +F;ill iDta cii -lii soo i ILA IG xpieit iiil-'sesl itiiiliinces te"Bay sl (l 1cl Iiiiiii (.lii 00117 A ~ lIl LAIG JW LR Ansil Ci ll ol hl. li'talisi . ilii.i li wcistr -i 0 p ii ___________________________ SbAY i S TAlTln hE f $10.00th wrl (is i1iiiialcl pl' 1 n il t llS. Ii iii iii9t ic- loll his liccil lill clot-i I (ii iii-isi iii IV! oney Loane lB I\.N 5..I')l 111 - 1'iiislili;-ci Siicietyl l ii b li (n Wcliiea. iliiiiouids. Wheerl or otlier AIh'I( is:iviilc 111:1 thatli b7':islcilalli-eosonai Peiperty. Watchies and ew- -r l~ o nsok -cheapl~e 10.banjosi 1itlc ii r ilar l' hog y Tlicccstly elr pi-F iiC .ll ili01c Illtissilesce.oaF.. has lis,.1,u1I-ic asuaiislliis . ieic- MI-ilil-Ol C (--I 1c1ii1 i c llpid t ci -I Libiertyist, AnnI irbor, PMichi. All hosi- gi taile istrument, at it low5 riceno il illill 111b 1, ini i Roolilli 2-I, it Si ses contilleliill. flo ii olIt la. 01. and -1ollieiiinsimet mi ufctiiii edaci ancii li?i(l-I. I iilectl - has-dhfel ll. 71to11)pr. J EPHliicW TiS. a rinsis Scomanrce eit iti. I lo._ p-ic al he ri-albylo Mr. ill Second-ElandWtichies o an I~iians. ,.eiid hoer ilustrae a tl ligse. It i-i c c ire ity cr liii i11 IltolinLil o ___________________________ jisi' C.Ii va s CO. il~liii 11.1 I iiiisi~l i-cii llcc I f. I:.111111 lioi l I' l-X~lii-lor li-1111- last tReceived aiLarne aidEleganit s*3-ae i4 34 sii1iiugttos Street, Baon. iisc l"5iiii iin-i-i-i I It i '(1 , -.\ I iiis i "e i ieii L n o i e 111fy i I-cc iliiCi Id- forIlayl' rs and10 Williamisand NNierniersto.' to 1' 1111 llow ldoe(s illflldesicliii i ll iii-iiiiii liii -or ril a d l owerii-iii l- 1Ii ocolate ic lionBos.0 " Y _-t h 'l~ 11,i xtn norl K--- --- --- -- ---- _ ravR.. ~.~rR.rk t TOE OPERA HOUSE JEWELER, Can fsrni-s ouwih aI r-t.-IlassPFonies Pens. ee nd111 ica repailIingaisple icly. --GVE 14101 A GAL1L. PHOTOGRAPHS --Speuiates iors a1 BLerry-mnan' s E.HI. uron Street Have you aeon those nobby Suits Milwardi is terning out. MILWARD 40 State St. TT CF S. SIAVSNG PARLOR and fBath- a. rooma. Aul %ppointenta terst class. imported iind domestic cigars. Ladles' artis- usc lil dressing and hathing parlors, up stairs. J. R. Trojasnowski 30tS. State st. FORL SALE-A talking machine, lalest out; loud enough 'te be heard in any hall in towvn. A bargain. Bishop, 9th S. Main street. 92 Subscribe for the Daily. Groceries, -:- Provisions * aind alhibinds of Saiiitar~iuoi Foods for sahe by St imsori &- Co., M oore W etm re, C S. STATE ST. 6 South Maims Strest, - Sitate Street, Cor. Willia~m. ..Afton Teufel, EMUST REALIZE UPON OUR STOCK AT ONCE ANDTd.i. _ tESCC Pt1 r Trunks anid Valises Repaired Neatly and We thereofore tailor our Stock of 'roxt BootkS, Fount-tillChiealyl. No.,57S. Main it. Pens, BIankikbhioks, Staltionery, in FACT OUR EN-1 TIRE STOCK at prices lower than have es-or iofore FULLER & enofrdiHn ro.Suetswl owl nP icesoNr avi leneVSo hssladpoueterScn iew ilSeimester Text Book nowy. PRESS SUITS FOR 25 CENTS a :C T T CLEANING AND REPAIRING. ? 00. State at.. Ovor iRosey's Bl~lihard Plasm. GO D V[S B OLD(' MAROTIN, Funeral Director, Cloth (30035 M ST B S®' . and Pietailic Caskets and FinneGrade Ceons. Emaaming a Speciaity. N. if S " orhae "A Subscribe for the Daily. MIooRiE ETMO RE