THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. TimelTable (Revised) Sept. 27,1i8965. TO D a J LL CONSIDER =% . it Iw EAST.P.PM. ES .M H )C iN -l.M I i@ I H alland Ex--1347 N Y.Special - 7135 ~ '-c. ~ 'i N. Y. Special---4 "8 Stall- ---8 431t ,r r-2r aiternEPa ---10 17 N. S.Limited."-- 9 25 C0 h.~ r1 ~ I-. b.ji d Aitlantic Ex I7 i Pacific EX--"- 12 15 j --r1-ro--- er- - n r .or tNExprss 9 5407 'Wcstern Ex_-155 Via'cJ-" tn 0 LE t a5 GOR K. xpresi--1 il5 Ciii. Nt. E-Na---9 10 4Iwi G .iR. fix------- & 5 0 Ruo LE, 1.W.HA E, t y T17.u /cs - p Oinso G. P. &TT. Act., Chicaco. Apt. Ann Arbor f} , /x er( y r" // 'j If, ec'Nc No a9 F 4 iiia e IT % ''.P "l., % f/% ;Mnce S .n " Y e(4SYe-i RA L O Dii. < Tl 04 leit ar Liv Nv1 ~ o ilety nn ."Ta- a. oe- ~' -Ahe nSleingGae L ined, twen Toa-an pe .im, ,. -c- -9ledo, niaGolumb nuts ar. nn AlNeic O iRycH. p SOoy HioiLinedinoeop±in Toeo tolanmbus and 7:30 . m. L7CIRP.'m Agntarietnaeleoota. S. :2 a.E N E T 0n . P. A. To edo05 ai. mi.i i =sii T M arT i e lt attoa.ii 0 0 p000,* ili~ Th e t' e Dawileng odom a e betwee X ~ . J ilactsS C i-lia S Sya lcToledobs ad Carleston. THn etweenDEAniEArbILIad llyOLY.IHl W.Va.oeceod-l RALRA TOET BGLMROERgent0ly1TH-E 0a taple0to Tel do WHoEsalETT G.AsToldoacOs a dnycaddess.ePices:- THEOLYLAIINE iiTlehwdoaeloy Co.Manad ietyer poiIcoc i 0li E. .PRKRF utinen 19TH0ONLY INEw3trinsec bayn 0-_X________yr__d_____ot-_aidCataogueFree gen ihi etweenJo aleo dCo. mb -tcc- - bettw111eeenlgsscclIediolcycc.Aowling Ca ndGreenedby iaPndc RAILRADcTCKEoaipaRA!y, 0-a. riiss'illcz betie. 3. CHEROUD, '99,C47LS.EUbetweenltolAve. Cigarettell rialBucyrussGcaniclle and Newark. - l' ai a dLi er y St. S P111,s,'n.fee 11der 1991 is lis to the Flllull inform11''11at1 11li I p i slaie oraesieef em ealy Cmpeteit.I.19 ili~ssis .1111 '11.91 ortc. ilb e rfuly-ra n i.sOe r a __..l 1i -0gentodelhe Ohio Oentral'Lines 0 1 Guitar, Mandolin, Banjo or Zithaer. N95lslslsseioflthe very-last ~ldsi From $,g.oo Upward. sls59s *1shb 919Indl9 isaraiald95r'u c- e t les. Itisi h 5'. ts, as ::1 'lh' -ar sedsl0exclc-sie.yby te 1999 55 9 f.',1 19 159on1riceipt of applicc-.If your lol rlcrt A Washburn improves withoage and mattes a - ttisncreoo-eos in value as the yeara go Py. lI- ;.Fc-daily swortlh many tilhesaits ioot. LYON & IIIAILY, c-" iASH55 AVE. & ADAMS ST., Cl-IICAIIO No waiing fcr Columibia and Harstford bicycles. No sdelay ansdlconseqent a nnsoy- ace- All modeslls ansI paiterssnowcrady for iiiiiidiate iieliveciy. 1897 STANDAlRD OF THE WORLD areisadeicl-cscively ssf 5 peccnl Nicikcl :stee l uinsg, thecentie; p1.- ~flflTO ALL duof o icsh ,eco cssiresl. I$100iALIKE. Hartford Bicycles are at priaes within reacP ofn11 is9' 1)(1i10:1 19- -.c-91s A talii . t f :11-;Is's 11199 illiis,I t1.91 lt,1 fr111 1 lc -9io' i.tlrlV(S iFUIIt .111 1,1;1110115 Lo 11 lsiIIII;;'- 1191 111191 c-s 1lc-i At91 9)19'f115e' 199' thl 11119,trip.TcktsvI- 11111 eisold9191 .191iI lsIt, 291 911191)d.. 11919111 for1 19 9111 1o :Mar1chl511._ _ House. 19199.Iy .19ut 9111 19199pc 11 n 1999999l99'3 's ('A 171 1 7-21. O IITs1' a I " 11bc-o ac 1, umnier o rts il The 1111' was 11115111e11 fo iort l'ii. c7 1 2 cro- tC iag.7 !2110 aii il 0 5 .A y19,I1'.. ..191 111100 t esole e i i'li boi1fli as p lt d -11a lft i s oillng On N.t 7s1-fslilp ,Chi-awAoioi ica o Ii110ib05'. i'thIree 'years1'lds.1.een .1' 1118910. and -il Uivest. Yl wl in 110ilii _kb1Iltos 10 1A19A-11 ' totyfr wshel Hldre to ngre elyo, .r011tical',and us- hrd allay ,-eio scala ilthi 1'llsat ncadt reo thep1id1for15 et.Pineys. l ConCo.,, Bgin o clc-c Set Wi'dDearborn st. 'I'll c-ayFebiiary112, Universitylhal l a Mle--ln asiul fr prlitir~-y ,Chia,, ll L ithr id 11n hill , in c-.L. oloss'~~'917 OOcli. I~ coaaati,15 Irest a 'ciini. I -cusC Best 70lumn tc-iAnni Oe . Aet e etr -..1'. ''llA 0-M Z VS. 1lotsfab oa.Yo wilfn th aI I- I allhena__arb rfrAork Stouse a egin-ers course ,11 Seeiti Scanes inen 911as.0 a l.m oenfiis. roSiomsibe8I,"iF1110 tDa nu.. Bst E111101.O