_IAL a I IV fi 9 I , ' ; i i e J _ VOL. VII. No. 88. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 3, 1897. FOUR PAGES-3 CENTS. o® OU D ORATORICAL CONTEST. New Methods in the Museum. CONSOLIDATED FRESHMEN. Thiroughl the efforts of ellrstor 1). C.- A1tant(inentsfor Preimnaries Wi rc-esteTrtndhisaistntst, amoo vAll Departments witlCombine '" Iaf and Final ot oen of cari for thientol- in Baseball. lct tolls I eioim oiic11at lat thr_ AND IMPORTER.itiirii coAyt thnit i fto-se'ii dihi ti Bord iiioi rontes('t Mooch i(0, ronotocs to IFor shout a yearl, they tue to-esel iilti v dcddt o~ "ULL "'S SUITSA SPECIALTY, eipise the efforts Of former y.:'ors. work'iing oil tileibirits, iielli ft 0 lii fheltera iitr sncitom Aireciy l'e lnanleso f 42 cI'opltiO lllOts lellg i iii'iiim otiti iii the io-fiireoett1,lneotiintion io -'iecl*eeblt ltiti riii',c=i iiiitIiit o-l i i nal 1 have beejoeeivedby file01'osote t11 stoclooniaout eachI:fil sigIotn fitait- Nf.2 E. WASHINGTON ST. NEAR MAIN. ic'o- ioiiii iiii ss r i'o~ici ii ii o ,idc 11i e iii a, iet 00is tolia fttoot- titoiter T 'hostsre0 fdiied a Soil 1110, 00 taveoeil moo' iiiiito l ~-o l fit diffeel D ' L.esf,;.f t'rr;:ii'o'ollii sontrit lioi tots rehiltall. f "- *to iilraw f3. jiilior iii to' o it. ir i' !shiotr, e i toohe liiihia i - triltoieiocit , ot haicnd-rt d110 1,u sit0050eteret 0Cco eeso l~s aoorlislotot iiiIt.'se 'i itt,i-i'r ittii tloillll ho tt instoy itcir tha ieii l 1 crioliie Mtiniasir hory at-frandwsihoeectd "ood pure toilet soaps, no per-$ expect the toofod tonootobr of inler to utmne, thus lcomlt)Trooioymiowbs i i';i onotet oooeeii 'ike scot erod rferl b'ilinly' 11It.t 'citttn oost tl n oncd that the PHR~Ac'Y. Wlut ei hi hani' tiofii t he ii'iii'i't itt. h'(t1d i'nlui ols h s tbeii' ntt'troc e tf 'i'teCtott 'ih tcfrl PALMER'SPHRAY to'itoitioigt'totrs. I's-rtirtiitoic 46 S. STATE ST. Onlite iwoud he plaocidiin rue hansootof Pr1of . . Trubl' ood'ti it rs ttoi t'",I .1 t presenit theur ore i - tok t, _______________________________ iltost Nooi1eT hei' tic e?,t o'o'toty 1toil- ii'a'lui' soi-ie.' gtlofii l i g>"I t irectors, iiti e puhf ili site e tii t o.eis u so, l i ti'tii ooos im nlh it t1111 idiai' e t Itto c la x s roe i'i'iiio tootti-ot r, foricthe t' rtioto t lilic iiiiotc tsirt i tc sis fi closossintss ritii o 0i ii r' 50 c';noltoardtro t ickthsimy i so-urooo 'illtit Ct i- lil it. t foot' iii ' oo sfor 1,reti' setti' for tie ('tirtigegotiows EVERr:. t ' tigu roto r. Ita~tlo 1li ' to. 1 iii oter iextindit ito' lint- ti-i'. fit tedf- ut t'iti o~ii toet 2 u ii WASHINGTON STREET. i Holiday Goods- -AT- Brown.'s vac gstars. PULL STOCK0. LOW PRICES. I Cornser of Maisn1adiuron sts- All oiuios o 0rd isoftCol CameiiCoatlftoe X. STAEBLER, f :111111bel's only -.8. III the Illml colliest. .ll'lrell 1'.), IIWIN N ill be eight onlfioli . 'I'll: y Neill! be lti-e11 .I,, follow-'. TWO rellres:el t:l- , t iti-c, from the selliol. Mw < l:t allot t"~ o from '-ellior tit clitw olle l'ellre- I I t-telll:lt'ivo ('dell fry}111 the otlher fol"! , s 'j8,*-;{ . 11le 11'resllillen elas:; of Tile i liieral T tlepartlllel)f allil Al ;rto, ttetat incastr o.1 # iriti u'oI ire 1t1Ltulul CtLiho," twit utpon u i fi Oo 'Iil-littlilolt', oa folot or iiii th 'i~lI'otO~i tt o utwork luo tt'tfl015. h u~ll We hove the best quality ad(nt ail eas h aae and iuocitr of Pelrole," others ax c 51t05fol lie tnThi, Iis isOi >01'uuoeto toi Sporting Goods and Gymna- "1on0110 t t" osionlt" 011111 "Sov oiliptlislI hy Iuaihig theo'extiittos_________ siunm Supplies a Specialty. ona-uiu 'mnomnethinog to the ordinaory 11101. Geo. D. HotdisItts, o..'M. '%ii. sou ----Thie da~ily aftot lle o s nee e'hentt loos 1oct01 sttudyintgfor hits doctor's sic- Qutite 'ttnhmoor of medtical s'tttents recordted, btut juldgintg front tfie groupis retthis year, left lost woeek to ac-ept AouO K T rt' ootfferitg frot t esititioi allot111ny15of ipeoplothtltareceosttstantly titilg itipositionl '05teaciter of Latin illtte eabse0ntof roontthtie lectureso. a111(1 hstillg tile htildling, it setos to DetraitntHigtt Sellool. Up Tows Dews Towsn_______b__ e -one of tileebmosattrativie features; 2Ann Abor Opositain CutIse I hi i s rile Private Secretary?" of tile (101111us. ttttell ti, 18.07, Ctomedy Clots. __.