THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. MICHIGAN GENT'AL Time Table, (Revised) Sept. 27, 1895. Mall and Es -- 47 N. Y. Special--_ 7 5 N. Y. Specil--._. 4.58 Mal--- 5___ 43 Easters Es---10 17 N. S. Limited.--. 9 25 Atlantic Es_- 7315 Pacific Es ---12 15 D. N.Espresss---- 5 40 Western Es -1 55 G. R. Espress -.-11 C5 Chi. N4t. Es -5 10 0. W. HeSGeLES, H. W. HAYES, H. P. A T. Agt., Chicsgs. Apt. Ass Arbor * RAILROAD. Time Tabir, Jan. 31, 1897. NORTH. SOU7TH5. 7:30 a. mo. *7:30 a.m. *11:25 a. sm. 11:25 am. 4:30 p. m 8:35 p.m. *Run bstwesn Ass Arbor and Toledo osly" All trains doily except Ssndoy. E. S. G11,MORE, Agent W. H BENNETT 0. P. A. Tolsdo 0. THE KINDERGARDEN BILLIARD HALL RAILROAD TICKET BROKERS Wholesale Cigars, Tobaccos and Cigarettes.z Cor. Main and Liberty Sts.s "oo oo®e®oeoee*@@*soooooo®®eeo~ee *NOTHING IS STRONGER THTAN4 * CUSTOM. GET USED TO ' 0o THIS STAMP ON YOUR *LINEN * OF- __ __ _ Or". 7,E( y We Evil leon.doreceiot of04 pH. asail " al mo ay address. lrcs :' i~ V zr~yer Srpnn. 44) et-. SUI:Il:LG, 159 Fulea Fee (pocr is of the GEO. .PARKER Fountain Pen .'> I tliWht Balil Bsarlogs are to foe icycle. A perfect Pen asd owaranted by the lao-her Pen0 Company, 21:1.Syilie, NWio. Y J3. C. FREUD. ' 99, 47 S. University .Ave. r lPharmaceutical Notes, Pupils' Hecital Toright. Pr:of. E.D. Iailipbell pub'sls a's TheIitlst of a aerets of recitals will -, __ ~ - 1pa1)er'"On a Puce ('Irlilele of Iro:: ill it'besiell by students of the University s:' '0J0-ilseylcy' x" got tooO146ooysn' the Amelricallll Cemical Journal. Ini icliol of Mushc at 1Frieze Memorial Ha Mo ome is Really Complete ( this papeir hc preseints it view et hle hall tonilght. This recitail will be by IN.Utout Safnew 189Z Modsel1I0rganlic struture of ironl carbides,, piain oiupils. Tih' lrograni is as fol- ra - Guitar, Mandolin, based up)01 work for the lasit four lowis: ~I Jl1Banjo or Zither. yeIrs. The Nov'emiber nmber of til:'t'Couetlin7 1'lilinor. ........... . tisit ihave been scaledldiinOasoarresultol iil0 )51C Sr. . . l. tFl oi i B ltelS FrSom $o so Upward. - Prof. Campbetoll on "T'lio iofusiolit of to oi rs -e W ooliloooeoManoliiOt llnlill'sdcaTll 1 Lacos, t. 0from l.:e::er sles, It is tisuaest, r.diddeladSlhdsT'lolhselanoe:ce3. t' ts 'raidlit imaginalel drioi5o i 5:0 1. 70rt.Colesel 110 :0.0r5to thatlof:a ineoioaoleCrsonailiol i: ins l rf a ipelIdIII'.s. C. Bib- Elasalulys)'. l- r:eso ld a i x d ad uniformiprices b l l lir1t- ol: i sc olers everyowhere. coek 01)'The InluelnlceO'f H'teait - bonat.SoopiI)11. 81a .... L. 1I-olo~e hot 01 5: ,iliiis e rthii'e knowsrleoed tandailrdlof the teriod. IThey re oused exclusivelyby liihe: lead i loelit tied Coirboin1110011 the sluhility 'licFaIrewell. .bhsence. 'Tih(' lietlrl lIt:t o, teal cr.s anidi tlee Cldbs. Our n leo 55sht- lili lu o s l ilicose roocoiotain porte sisfoer l OOAiiisio0 hshossi lel.'Ats- olrsOf ,Lo ii li lbl.tiijr n l :ll1i i orosiio,ypricsr,rsndoeseioeui,e,iwilllh: hshrs11 tfl. . e[ f-)ei Oreceiptofliapplicaion. If ysourlioca eler ho months i''--'' lb Ilijr.. r:nnot si > . ouo:weoswill senod ':500 to-U D.Iil ts Illl(510005 the0sililefil-oil: iij~ioflee ofiiesiiiination, directleioiii theifactory.i - - - - -F. (Illolli A5 Washbriemproers with age aed makes 'a piubblidt "A. Prs~oosed .S'clesTlile oo.'i 'llo-striluil- - - I-. Liszt 001Liiat inereses ie value as lhes years ga by. Alio,-aleDiffcrcnce aiiiof utProbably .'ll'trlb(I 51:1k. Itisoreallysworth manyteiseitscost LYON & HEALY, I imits of .ts':'uraioy ii hle Quantita- .Sllliitl . t.111 .... . .7- - i reg Gth)0 WABIAS"iAVE. & ADASNST., CHICA60O55- ioer o ____________________________________ ive___ Analysis of M'lalliirial :ter- Allerolilliit. ---- il l yiv rof. CtoliilbeIl. Alla. minulet Is. 'Tl-thesis of L. 0'. Woolruff . 0., Nellgro IiSoltoo. '.. ''('nCOloor IRe'actibonisof Nu' , lull (rllteeBassett . C-Motri!' Acids withl c-rtain Aromatl ie s(iliorco ill B flatil, lar, 511. 7-1 ;t Liouis Eltoel. lisbiiobliatio iii ollll in the tinill-i _____________ l lllate'nniverary lll' o (f the'latlest 0011; loud nieloulghlto loe hiaid ill lilly hatll inl towni. A bargain. Bishop, Stadar' tilililraceoiical 121a, 'Ness-York, cn