THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. :ublished Daily (Sundays excepted) during Association? If the officers and cli- rectors of the association arc workingb for the best interests of else associa- tion, wNhy should they be %fraid to let THE STORE. _ _the College year, at7- Y their work be known? Tliere is nee- THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN. tim-ies Tinoes building, 79 S. Main St. be- - tween Liberty and William Sts. M1ANAGING EDITORI a. F. TusseAS, 07 BUSON~i> MtAiNAGOER 0. B. BAss, '9. E. a. G8Nisue,'9 'L0. F. S. SIuONS, '5. F. M. Looieis, '50. Hi. B. OSoiussA,'50 L. H, H. CORnIs, '55. BUTER~o Lsu, '00. C. M. Dates , 99, Athletic Editor. _ .ASSOCIATE) EDITORS W. W. Hughes, .0. S. W. smith"W0. F. A. FilelSk, '5S. I. A. Campl, '0 W. P. Morill, '50. 0. 0. Iludnutt, '00. A. M. Smith,'07. C. Lull, jr., 99 D. The subscription price of the Daily is 02.5 foe the college ycar, with oo ireular delivery before noon cb day. Notices, communica- tions, and other matter itened foe publica- tion must be hooded is at bhe Dolly (Altce be- fiee S p. in., or mailed to the editor besoel 8 p. in., of the day previous to that on which they are expected to atpear. _ Subscriptions may Or left us The Daily _ Office, lilyres or Stotloits Newtand, or with Business Maonager. Stbers. will con- fer a facor by reportinsg promeptly at Lo - office any failure of carriers to deer paper. At irregular intervals "The Stu- dents' Register" still makres its ap- pearance. This sheet was started last October and has siiice devoted most of its energies to securiug recogition as a studeiit ll~bliCatiOi." It is as pure- ly financial scheme oil 1110 part tf the publisher who is sery aunxious to create tlic impressiola that his publics- ltion is conducted by studciiis in order that advertisemntns nosy be mores easily becured. Folioowlug out this policy, the Owner has found a few students who ore lacking enough ill college spirit to allow the use of their names ini the editorial coluimii of a publication that inusres ol legitimuate student publications whenever an op- portunity is presented. The paper will possibly 11ve until the end of the year. but the fact thlat iuost of is news is over a week old, making it an~ Object of ridicule to studelnts generally, soil that its free delivery seemis to be ex- tremely linilted, wiii doiihtless end its ,career by that timec, if nt before. Bout the fact that such a scee eain be even partially successful for but one year shows the huedr idea somie of -otir stuidenlts loss- concterninlg the ulii- port of college organiizations. At a recent mieetinlg cit the Athletic Board sonie criticismn was iiade re- garding the publlicationa of ani itemi of newvs in the Daily. A niember of the Athletic Board, ails was as 1cc-i a Daily editor, wrote all accountt of cii election of a director, giving itie cole for tHeald and Villa. That account was criticised adversely at the net meeting of 'the Athletic B1oard, and one menmher said, "It is generally un- derstood that all proceedings of this Boand lire oecret." Wily? INhy should business transacted in the name of the Athletic Associatioii be concealed fron the members of the essarily at great deal of business at the board meetings which caios be miade pulblic, hit there is no osensi- blo reason wxhihisotld sppl~ress :he annunhcemeicnt of it decisive mto. It mialy be precedent; oct11ia bail prc)d- ciii should receive 110 recognition. Aiy miemlber of 1110 Athletic B1ard5whoil taks exceptionl to the Daoily's xicws toic ilth matcer is iiivitd ttc coitcrite hics ressons therefor-otherwise the Daily will publisht he nesss iii full as ciiietoic'e. Ro. GeltonAdres. lie. J. M,5.telso, ofthoc' Iirt P'resbytericn echurchl.sicoke to an 11 icutetive audeiice at Ncewblery Hall Sundaloy-iorninu .11111the sbjec, 'Why I sin aresby-tcerial." 51'. Gtelsiou sid 1101 cter itoloau~y extend- ed doctrinal sdiscssion, abt dvotses ilost of lis tim1e 1o a general exsi- tiono of Presby-teriaiiism.lHe aapcltds his talk to 'teaudieiie which was i uost eitirely of stiosets. Accordig to Re. (Geltou, 11ce grat fasctor in Christianitly io the mn himiisef, not lie religioi. Thle speaker tien cx- islaincdthe varioucier-cumstanceosoisd eiiviroiieisolssf hiis earlier lite wicteb hald intuced hiniehiocimbrace tie fait of xlxaxn111C('lvin. Chess Club Meting. At their last moeeting the Unixeriy Chss (lub aeptesd 111 challenge of le SBay Ciy Cess Club to play' i1 mlatchi gameil by correspondence. A coiiimittee wiii be appoited by tres. A. Campbell, of lie University Ceco 'hlu, to c-srry- Oilthle game frthIle U. cf -1. Pro. Diwvey ox-soeleced 511'hoior- ary moemlber of the clb. Cllr. Dexxey is it metmbler oct he llaaaChess Cloub, i exxll knlown- eastern orgaizia- ton. The cosituiiiisiiof the clebxxso slighitly salers's. 'fle sl'ailo of the coing ceoss tournamiientxweie also discusses. They Are WithU. Att hoc'firosc nulso oixeltisll of liler Iclinslla eteaors laot St- inlay, the o sllsoxxiog reoltions xerc adopteds: "W'e, the superintendients, pricials, contly coliloisioioes- and teachrs of hote Upper Pennsula of Mihigii, ns- sembliled iiinenl covetio, uani- mouctsly tdeclare oureunshlaeinilndcd- voted loyalty to the University of -icheligane. We are proud of its honor- able history, its mgitde, its great repultation, its veierable and honored president slid its able faculty, we de- precate ainy tteipt 10 produce a feel- log of irritation bewxeen tueeUnver- sity and the high snools. Swan Linen copies well In letter press LADIES' JACKETS and CAPES at Half. Never a time mot'e opportune than now to provide yourself xwith a stylish Coat or Cape at no little expense. We have now in our Cloak Room noany Jackets as elegant in design, make and matonial as this country at- foirds-than xwhich no large city can boast better-all of which are selling ~at1=2 Price. LADIES' FUR CAPES, Astrachoan, Coney, 'Wool, Seal, Mlonkey and Electric Seal MVACK & CO11 DRY GOODS. YOUR TASTE WILL FIT YOUR POCKET BOOK, If yon fnrnish your rooms dur- ing our Great Iiiventory Sale. Retluctions made to force trade in every department. Good Antique Chamber Suits, large mirror, good $16.00 value, now $12.50. A Solid Oak Roll Top Desk, chaeap at $15.00-Sale price $10.00. Chinelle Portieres reduced from $2.25 to $1.50 a pair. Japatnese Rugs, 6x9 feet, a $6.50 value, now $4. 50. Japanese Rugs, i x10; feet, an $8 50 value, noxv $6.50. We manke Window Seats, Cush- ions antI all kindls of Fulrniture to order, Furniture Repairing our spec- ialty. Work and pihices that please. M AC K & C0oil 56-58-60 S. MAIN ST. - FURNITURE. a THE ANNUAL ANNOUNCEMENT The Stuect' 1 O F___soiaio' ous Luther Laflin Mills, (Chicago Alumni Numnber) _ Imperial Quartet__ Oratorical Contest Lx-President Harrison Lucius PerryHil John Kendrickalg _ _Feb. 12 -March 12 -March 19 -March 22 _ April 2 _ - April 13 GENERAL ADMIISSION TICKETS $Q00) RESERVED SEAT TICKETS 1.5 SINGSLE ADMIISSION .50 EXCEPT Oratorioal Contest .15 TICEETS NOW ON SALE-Rhescved tickets on sale ct Palmer's drug store, bStt 'ztreet, and Wahr's hook store, Slain street. JAMES H. PRUITT, Corresponding Secretary. A POSITION , s an. Cnbe secured with Sand, Sh1llcaiy a Ce, thact will bring good returns ho stndentn for ibis work dsri g vacaion. xve wiohbReprsentatives ono our Atbanes,Slaps and ether publications. ALL ABOUT THE BABY . , , , , t By IRobert N. Tookoer, Sl D., of Chicago Medical College jnst issued, is te book foce Medical Students. Catalogue and circulars send en application. SPECIAL REPRESENTATIVES , , . I I , , We want a few special representatives in the College. For this position experienced book nmen nhouid write us at oe,. tating past axperhence. RAND, McNALLY & CO., Chicago. -.WHY DON'T YOU... ADVERTISE in The DAILY.y t