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January 30, 1897 - Image 4

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U. of M. Daily, 1897-01-30

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Where to go for
WOINDERFULLY I tKa :1 your work-you find that well madeS OR
/0/>> clothes cost no more than shop - 46 s. Sain street.
townyu retirdfo siop work - We use oly the hest PTOIEHLE'LVR
/ smater al-the most thoroughl train-C
stpau akeoe ou ied oprators-Studly each formi and and get the best service.
hot drinks Beef tea 0 it it- -- Ofc n tbe 2Frs
cfecooaematd / Ave. Telephone 106.
/ milk and a dozen others, 0 O SE DS Bac fiea Pitr'Pamc
ano everyone is good0 iiBanhAOfieitsaimrs.Parac
Yo'lte nnd tts fi v ei" I, Capital Stok, $500. Surplus, $1i0,000,
i o tn ens s wllspnt pDOESA Rsucs$10,0./ YOUR LAMP SMOKE? -Oraieduidethe~enecal anking Laws
o TR RE STA ,AL---® S OKEselseaceonc the picipl1 cities of the
TRA~ TRv u-~ M K Cellnied 0acc 0rct cshed pin pope
CALKINS r PHARMACY, " Idetiiatioc. Scit -deoic boci toret
No Cithand W1ick s No Ofensivec Oto No Fouling of Chimneys- IOic ia~uts; Chejti nacktorls Cc.; w. D,
a~asr ~ a~smamwaeaaQaemasma~~waI acimacVice-fes.:(ha E. iiscoc,
______________________ A White Liglt-Burtit feeliny to the lat diop f oil in it(,e lamp; Cshier . .C"ili Assitnt Cshicr
B -Clear as spring water-I0c per gallo-Delivered in otr can, ili Ra . rA 'TIONALBAi-K of Ae Abor
pt'olrptl -,'od ony bycapital, StIHlISO. Sorplsand 1d Cefit, $40,00
SAN & OMPANY.Tasact iigencral a hgCi lues.
DEAN & Cy- FoAeYo uexcxhage boghtad sldFoih
l ldt 44 South Main Street. eleccofie-iit
You'e Rih _____________________________________________ I NE, Cccis AtliISteN SOUE,
0n nFootwear. I UNIVERSITY NOTES, I Church NotecaS. '%V LRSNCsi
Tieo os i ici n h rilcad liFli ~irst 't8tel1:1: . - .. E.Citrh, ID. h. AMe~lroy , - fh l
theiyve pcied m core tlac you tik, calotsc pactsilist itittg. P Ator-3:30 a. mi., class meeing; 10:30 9 11' . ii 1at
hobut iee x i-i iliii cic geciherelttoco cc 1i-- i'reol r treiic1rCt. ln itt ''ci.stees
Th t or ma ke ~s yoi soro your right i. itll(r i. ] i ' :r~n c e't la " ies (o ti.1-! lig1,c r o l C't on t e t s .
Thisgsore gatateccyo scciiiet- citniiglilIrythe leta -I l--i 'a P i m t ol; i:cti-, i. Ip 'tc u aitaielil0000i. Srit-t itt 3,00. Ttan t
e nt of etery dolar you pt itob sic n 1 1111c~5 ii i ilt~iii tices c R.I eai es-i, t-nc. C. F OtieeVice Cce
wecell It is icoolSh1eSore firt f - Cticuta . cupet i~r luseCaocreiiict-.i rre1 enng
ood Slies t cc;ic it ify cln u.At, 7:301'11e its trill ;delver e ii n- _______________________
GoodtRubb es to;, i you atem.Tcce. SChcoats
7 rm ~~oial iicllsTe-illili is litnlt i'ilitt anoltn, le-II t In . o ne' Coolts
12 S. ]lain Street. ivied. Sr14 t;ints stpiscoptltci-hurt-t ite. U TL' 55.Sat t
icbtrdc cfiit wt;;t bciii slekcie ioe ii- loni till \ 103ci alm. ,11 no. iii l ittl
G ONFECTIONERYcliititt-ttit iitncctieiiI- OUNE
- A .bsoluitelyi P-u re! l-c;; lbice itoft ni rsti l ie;n1:1cc i linsttl eilt itheii( hoe ofthi e l; ' O . PN
lii- ttliitl utu: ;--s~t-t' lit i l i i iitelry a Is itt- 'irkt ; WM RNOLDLEAING JEWELER.
AlwaysFreshI , 2 "ni IdshSndyc ol w 1be
I-I iiigsterfer''s ttl-linottetoite.. I. Siict ie i pooIli iaht G c c ndli tt IVIOp, oney L..'.aned9
COR, WASHINGTONI AND FOURTH AVE. - liThe i;Comed y C u ha" ctIii gdi- lite tc :3ot . mi. ieivinigtp-ay r OtF~t c - Iicl imoutis. Whelccs oothleir
i {c sonal1 iotirty iwatlieiitcatt ie-
AND 26 SOUTH STATE STREET.1Ind iet- tith cichltitipie-i. Otic i -itrunccic 3iE.
7.Zouyrr Zailor ! lgelstl tiil iMii tticiit t-Sicsin boxscllhir os sl ne ond-lutiandt Wa te- at Oamo.id
(irt tirs iof liii'Aleitic asocitlinictOatois
ples notitfiy Fornce G~. Dilont,
hac-e you Seen those iBobby Williiiiii ks aniefttrti iito ittet.c iff cithirioott.44-h 8i o tiic. Jutc Reticida Largec atd Egant
Suits Milcc'trd is turnino, out.inoutglihiktos in oadianiecto iilkilte CI ati. C iA lking tailttucLine of ®vw Pipes T
MI TADa tt ste a tiantci a -i c es. ctc i;ht I;t-liii Holead Cold Ln cs iitt i ousAgents
1V L YA D 40 __tate__St.___ tetou;l ite ttiht blerd i it i oculoic ad iil is atd WererCo.'s
hst all lacy-ts csc SicatLinrally- all il et . A btartgai.i iBisliop Clocolie tot B itts.
U. OF . StiAVING IARLOt atd Bth- o .\al tet ) .F O L O
ro.etoms. All ppoitmtents firs class, hl lilo -li 5 lth s cci 1 J'. Y O
Imprled and dometic edors Ldes s tic 20 S. State St. Saer nloc.
tic hirhdessig and bathtting patrlors p
toai s. i . .res rojtntwski tI30S5 nStte sci
p.O .CLN. G, Epic-er- REDO TIO SNLE,!Groceries, --Provisions
U.OSM ALEn all kiids of Sanitaiumn
Saura, ap , p n. t ivr Foods for sae by
sity Iranll-Final Finiversity Dbate,
1ritlay, teobruay-12, Unicersity haluu Stimlsori & Co.,
-Lnthier Lofiiu isill S . hL. A M Ioore & Wv etuiore,-c2t S. STATE ST.
iourse, Chicago Atsu i otntic.
OTC.6 South Main Street, - E tate Street, Cor. William. Anton'Teufel,
If six studente will hand their cameos ___________________________________nAeycAuirEniiiFoo
to Prof. C. G. Taylor, of the engineer WE MUTDEALIZ7E ItPONIflUl STOCK ATfONCrE rukS YValies drss suit cass
leng hop, before Feb. 1, a couroc in M S IMILuu~UI IUIL A ND TELESCOPES.
photography will he offered in the Teunnks and Vulsieso Repaired Neatly and
Sumtmer School. If ix do not signify We therefore oter our Stock of Text Books, Fountiii Cheaply. No 57S. Sainsst
their intention by that thoe no corae Pens, Blnk Books, Stationery, it FACT OUR EN- F LER HX N
will be offered. C. G. TAYLOR. TIRE STOCK at prices lower than have ever before FU LR&HXO
een offered in Ann Arbor. Students will do ell to A Slash in Prices.- Foe a short
Board at Prettyians, on N. Un- avail themselves of this sale, and procure their Second time we w'ill
versity ave. You will find the Daily Semester Text Book now. PESSISFR ET
therlaes olgye neach day, with allS tCLANNGAN RPARIG
V 1l y ii* 7 *a1* 2S. State t.. Over Roseyc Billiard Room
Alt candidates for the basebll team ^ T
cmniC report at leat three thimes a GOODS IMUIST I BE SOLID. . Da MARTIN, Funeral indcorClth
adMetallic Caskets and Fine Oade
week sat the gymnaium for the regu- Cois. Embalming a Specialty. No. h7I
Jar lass work. l C IAForhae
G. A. MILLER, aptain. ,Y.0 1 ~ L Y J~ )1 Subscribe for the aiy.

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