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January 30, 1897 - Image 1

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U. of M. Daily, 1897-01-30

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F I 5

VOL. VII. No. 8 5.



W I 'A 9 THE )EB3AT]E TONIGHT. of lihe faculty to histocyo- o t of MICHIGAN RE'TURNS.
i'iotc-soir Ilinsdilo's v inailiworik or.-
All Indications Point to a Splen. '0 u oitcc7lc 10 101Wll Agrain Enter the Western
t 1A'it ci ?ctoco u
didl Contest. >'f~p 1ii.ttic.I cl Intercollegiate Contests.
Prifc soc i ci1 n li llo- iiii i re c St 1ti
AND IM ~PORTER, (:1"s,..c I11io tii iitciei mcii'1.111 MiStcatiies-mci
lil writy ltlc o~i iii-em tso ifiinlilndl ~cil 1e1
FULL DIESS SUITS ASPECIALTY. I'i 1.iitiiiiiittiiitiii ' 10illilicl Ii 11t ofi lt(11t i -Acii~ c, ii ci
_______________toc i ke it a cliiicc. . \- l i i0'1s id nii}tle in- cn- Iin I'tihe colicinog
I K. \cin Io Ilooc noecyaiiii Molci. n i
I c V s .I l ci' ccill 0 lw sd ' 111 ;lccis -it. (ilcto 1 ci-.spring.
NR. 2 E. WASHINOTON ST, NEAR MAIN, t'iiit i'-itcit ciitt . i Frallot-hi-c t. it 'of oiccootic. 1iLit-
. 1 and . itl0 Oti'.lii i-tl (D' l iii ii
f, w e + lw s l- (111 lfolw h i iw..1I lti e(i m o l . . 2111 til IlIti oiiiiiiig iii
Ticcc ot 110 icocuclct f lii cithe11011c1O il01011il11mecdicine loiicixc
'oi 01 oiiccii 00 1' A.G t ol wi l 1111noilitiiscc e ic isjio''ai:x-111erh lsldil M ei
S iO mec0 lificdc1 liiiSiienceiand i laiiiloi ofl! i
" opfcb cci,:1c2c c iiies ac e <ii dis t' too . Itconec. f 10.ciii, Aclicialcinvitation' to join liii
Wevcfafn sorm n f terlic lu re nds fCll.o SIe oc cin. ti bytcc . ').t Palilme;iTi he iii~sliio111111 i ls.t 00011. 'fl' ilo-,efir
odpA ue' its apsAR AC.noi c iper-'Piic1:112 .c111111 'ic i iiT ciiioiii P ill i. )t kieltc. ici M c 1 Ill h 0-
T opf10c 5. S aTve,3STr5. Try ; iicWlltiti-ii thccl 'coo . C 1'-; .tdllecoprmiIlie. iiio ciir- llcl0
s ccittnett111111' lucidlfilsioi I lcotti"tbI i'c li i'.oii ittii .1111 li i l 11 i
_________________________________ _ I'oleliii1itscc cc' Ilto ilt n i i tic lt Acc. 11 a t ciiiiil '011d oth1iiIlli vtii a o o c i citico h
----i iii-tiowelilii iptcco'fessiocr:t onfitl itli. o cki c_______111_________
sls i g u a e cl ic'iici li ii t-ii-cccoiiiocii li -c cc iii t io Ochnll ethson helgy. elc
..1 ii ii-1ct,'Sci.)i''i_>; il i-c -toic-I. mTal~c l i iitttitcd,--liti'ii'lii l-
J~ it 11 'ltii l oll' cc-ill iici coaybery' icitwion

JACO S &AprilND, 1 G.11 th;i'b eillocod - c i
WASHINGTON STREET. I iiicii i'tiili i'c l 10
- A l -lic- iit iiiii hilio +. lcccutiuou'ul iii 'u1ili
3rOWn's DeusStore. tli ccifoiirIthicdeliucnic'chlcc i w ic-c-re

() ity ic ccii 'Iiuciiicc- \itili. - ll-
cclii w i c ic ill icit hereiili o Ulci -
j cciits F1oI l lc-ic ld vccii'l ccfi)!i c-
dIii ic icicii t oicwork.
p r1a f. Ims '. 1111a ci cic icitci- ci
lw( itk wii-cc - Iei- n.i 11-w' il li'.dcip11r1-

'rcof. lemmciniiig ('oirocc 11i1, just-
st-litoi icth iiicltiei-ohi0 -,ciitriiitiii,i
ito ccciithe ctciiciluio-t-, tic' atitacdii
tiese ao'i.c miotinig of1phciciani,cat It.
{ltcTynin thielii' lstiNv-eck, citt o is o-
prpx- cclpaper onciiAiiitiircct fici
11cc'he is ow Mcclisclsesi it -y

Corner of M1ain cod 10uron ctc. lcii I iulg i-c-ci-niicei' ofi i'xetitiicllt inrtincg
Faculty Publications, Ticcoc-'." "Tuse ' gic icliii Arc-ii lu
iii bcook, al Iip liiilidi c Iit it ic' -nil C.I ictti-t liI). Cciig-tct. 1 cl'iucticikci oil
Babylon Coal is THE BES. tucicif Tccci ccol ic csii'llt- 'c" i0.'. Priofic'ccol /1cc
Al l giccades ofi rd and so ft toil .cleie11w ite cli edite by 11w cclclI Jic cili214s li a Ncii ii h lilillic- liats cc-tin tae lo
Cccnet Cccamiud (Cole. hers of tic' facuilty of the ' uiic r>ict {c 11' «e loccic ci a "Tc'xt licck cii thei R(--
]M. STE'. EB11hL , cictc iclIic i i'c'u'u lii cl oci li' llic cii 1c c oi i ii iile ,abject Pcrotf.'i (?cne till ..
ccciiipl It lleent 'le Ill iii'._h'lti'l ii'c-iic tc li chtlli . ci i c ii olit'I li . lt ltciI
y i11 ci i- cc iciici' c lii ' ic it> o l ' Eyi , i ctic i '.i lit I' r ccthc
rjeloeN. .Oedo East ofLT SCHOOi- brary is colleictc ion on cciii'..ci cu ft11 lO~ vuIs ft' juniorolcs.' hill tick is
OF n D RoCIN ccl cccIcicnclii i-c li ic' 1 clii felt i)li+ (7cc It~i't ciiccccccctlt.Ul-cl
OFi DA CN ccr writte 1wcclc Ici-kig tic-c'l" GIccccicu
2 Th m sn Street. lljtcts accl, incleec'ii.ciiki' c11uc ti - Clisctcei Itltcsis 0 Iiiicliig soncipc icccll
Siiluccuc lit by fhi'iicc-ic N0 c itii c th rcl ' wcciik ic liii lc teriologicali labloraciit-r
--AT--- cIliCi' Oi ciii li scctubje concne'c- d cii'-icilin icnnciuioclic it ities .Isas
W BOOK STORE. Miewik 'tiii i cuuctc-'lii l chc' lo~ ' '2clTotccii ('uito l ccci tatiiii;i~ totepoesrsi f-f
.Nocy is the best time to buy fabkiesrc S li iofik' cci crittiii iilit-it arit I'_ '99 i'. and the Honor System.
inth oitlectionc. 'thuose u-i'iciof itsi,
~ ccdiiiitittcc occ Ila tcoice, isi cxi~f- cAns ciiuuhcenoPrf.11lt~ol a eting oif the tO it\ ciaos lids
SW E E RSdlI-I~ ii c'tte iu ctlu Procf. Cc. CcV. IiCmpbel's
booksI 14 ~ . icucon 00Foris, 'axatioci. Oai'oiii- bceen u'ciiced for it, o'clck tui ton -
hicionl Limiitat in, acid Priiesii of boiiti~iAl ccccctcc cc-li' ci-con, tinlice ucppier lecucre coin of' the
r Ve have the best quality and joetttccciLi'suuc-i~'ocuiiictic ot (citaloi il "tcilluc physuicu N eclca ucilcg bTuij~ ftc
at the lowest Price. findct fMcii~c clli Prof. cchat' "Pt-ar Bvte-icccgconcicctooiei-li.
Sporting Goods and Gymnna- trin for the Amceciccani fuicciiioicuatlti ic d 'ct~r ci ict' dci report of the u'occcuitee aucpollccico
s1Liuni Supplies a Specialty. Secries. Profcscoro Mechiicc'c ci-tl ic." seine tinue aiitcc to investigate 'the ticinoc
kncowni wc-ric on Agenciets and i'ubiie Tue ciuccleic cit cur faucclty cctuocu' systuin of exainiations and to, focrilc-
Officers, antI toecor tnoIctix-tii's edlitions.i of b:t'e tlics hiavt boon I late- a plan for adloption bcy the lhudO,
ocl SBOKTREeitiocn of Anscnc cci (Contract", cccii- Wcidly cused acc v-ery cccciceccuo Prof Tu'e sentimenit of, the -class neccic oic
bile 'tice list of boucos deaing c ti -einoyc soiditicon's of Cuaesar,' OvitdCI- favor lice itdea acid if salcfaclct- dc.-
Up Town Down Town law subjets. cercc, his oltiics and lettero, ccci tice bails cani ice arra ng-oi tic sys-temc wciii
20 S. Stnte sb' Oppoite Uouri flouse,
Ann Arbor Macn it. Thlie contributioiic of lice cccc'ccborc (Continued en Second Page) undobtbedly ice adopted.

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