Tian Table (Revised) Sept. 27, l8lt.
'Mall and Ex----- 3 47 N. Y. Special---73
N. Y. Special.... 4 53 Maili---------843
Eastern Ex----10 17 N. S. Limited.... 9 25
Atlantic Ex----73 Pacific Es.---12 15
D.N.Express.---- 5 40 Western Es.---1 55
G. R. Express --11 C5 Cihi. Nt. Es.----it1
0. W. RUstiLts, H. W. HATES,
0. P. & T. Agt., Chicago. Agt. Ann Arbor
Time Table, Oct. 27, 1896.
7:30.m . *7:30a.m.
*11:30a1 as. 11:0 a. m.
4:30 p. m 8:52 p. ss.
*Runsbetwecs Ains Arbor ansi Toledosly
All traiss daslly exccptSnaoy.
N. S. GIL~lOIF Agent
W. H BENNETT 0. P. A. Toledo 0.
Wholesale Cigars, Tobaccos Slid
Cor. Main and Liberty Sts.
A e/. den i. so a ei
* Tile Onlg Sleeping Gar Line between Tn-
r.; SS:'O biHT E ARO0 lads andColumbus.
.3 lTile Onig Sleeping or Drawing Ream lGar
7ZV7 77 ~77.7 ~ 7Line betwaenToledo, Columbus and
A O@A A A NTEE®A .AAAAAAAA®AAAAA Tile Oslg Drawing Ream Oar Lice between
Teledo,Gonlumbus andi Charleston,
wv~..o~ Q e P Q e a °°° ullman Sleapera batween Cluimbunsand
Weaiiiseid oneeipe
ell10 ete. a smple tix Chicaon .
ansocaddress. Pri: 10 THE ONLT LINT, with4Itroiseah way daily
pound, i.34); guar. SiesTl~ o oaba
Af 7I irr P p Ypanidoge a. THISEONI.TilNE~w with l3 tesinos eswyaon Fe Ui
hl20012OG. ,150Fulton i Sundnyns etaeenoToledocandColumsn.
Sree;siesia. Yrk, THE ONLT LINiO Ei5traiseach way daily
j tFitween ayToledo, Bowliog Green aod
Ad A0 yr THE ONLY LIME with 2 traianeachaydaily
-,___btwen Toledo anod Charleston, WP. Va..
and the Virginias
o~nwao ® soes~socaP~e®- ~o~eosunaosnmeownmemE.5no~ar.iP a nw THEPOPLJAR LINE L71 000 Toledo, Poem.
riaBursoyo,Granvilliead Newark.
The LUICK{Y iCURVE lo (IheSGEO. flPARKRTS TYI ul nfrato rltietortetie
SluisoiciFeedris to the S.7t A tis t.,xfl wn~ reline erlat urnisheby, imony
Agent ofithe Ohio Cootra1 Lins.
Whait BaillBearins .areeto theicoycle. Aperfect PenaanarrantesodlythIPare
ten Company, Jaitesille, is.
J. C.FRE 0UD, '99, 47 S.University .Ava.
Magoazine Reviews. physolic iin Stiileoi.l'I lii discus
sign1ipro0 1)0iiiheoni, :11nd2while the
... i oiilr :r -oosor i tlelsii:11i -d oiiaionsl urg11ed02are1I This space is reservedl_
t~iiio ithree serial i , t e e i oil 1
On1Joahe~acan } so :1(lg i1, 1 21 tit 111:13 p110112111. '(:111 -
11 y,2-Ox yon p1ay." gel o Wshturo.' 01011of Mr. M'li'oli Crawiods 2111o 111)00
Eo Hom in Really Complete je£, "A h01200of Yesterdaoy the 1 l i 0,t ~i o~eih f for th.eGrand Opera.
Withaut a new I891 Modelifourh autority 000)1)0oiIllsse wiole to be
f _irl pin f l. 10d Mooei soe io tbe projt, Shill so 111111
1~jo~f4Iktd.~t Guiar, lhondoVn, 'Iligil Osylill. :1111a(v111111n11trucklllGuhtar, Mandolin, i so :ho 0111110k 3ouse
WashIIUriIBanjo or Zither. of Cll.Ce. 111)a100 11110r'reolleo-ilonsll ~ i nPieshv ensae on sarsl fte youthtIalcseic '1dpr
V ahh res eormuspop~artysolthatowoynou call (If Gra1110ii i ld11. ;Some C c thoe
From isan .Upward. i Olot otorho ieare A .M11l11nd1.00201le li'i 101i 11031 onifo
ne -::1oWasIl:::oo 5lMandoli is aerdica1 ldeparuO thr:: "a.til o 0111(1stri il~l
Irom:f.rmer0s 010(0. It :s 010 1nea0est, dci:stiet ani oit 1 (ii'c (If 100 Vi 0010111 :1,1111t0, hav
C :s11u00: de.lrs000 swisee. Settilmenti, a. 0(111y (f NeswYork 011- :1( :l~21.:1: 1100 0111YI H 'C ~ P
5V:1oi2::oo: oare0theoacnoov-edged standad of:0the"ad::ollas ndti n i o t
worled. theoy aoe1used exclusoioely b h e 11: ading:1;10 0111, by 1.121111t~i l ll''ihol. Mo. - - __
ert C Teahesad Glpe~laae Clus.lur e~v ash j( N0TIE.A NARBOR. MICH.
nil l in for price11 endrsementslet , will be (I If Six Stoidents wsill h1nd1 thirn moeS
cto::ppiyy o:uweswil sen:d OWshocons C.£I.I). 11 2111llustrated11 pape11O110 i sin to Prof. C. C. Taylor, of 111e engineer- ANDALL THE PHOTOGRAPHER.
% :0ith rigit gof10000:0:tio, diect frlomthe factorcy. ,
Ae lnhnnSepaewikaeadmksa York." .0. Y1112i1 1111 111 lllii ti£:i- ilg-shop, b fe 20b. 1, 0010Washington Block,
Gait a liceasnes in valuenas the years go by. reei in of a1,0comparaiveiistudlly of thO hgahs' sill be offered in the n Abr
Itbis reaiiy si-lb thmany times ies cst. eillAnn grbory
LYON & l'EAI.Y, 11110 5e50a is supplied~l by(2(111r11lsS. D. Summller School. If six do not signify
LOIS. WABSHi AVE. & ADAMS ST., CICAGO- their intention by tliat time 01noOors
____________________Lee, Josep1h iVlioelor, 1.. 1.l.exander, will be offered. C. GC TAYLOR .l a, .C BelO .TTerdM L A R D
" " <Ilid .lacob D. Cox in considenasihon of I\GII1EEIIGCDi:I2 IuA10'lENT. einrscus
'thIle topic, "0V4'hy the C'oifederac:y Course A, Be iner'S00100 .c
I., Monday, Wednecsday, fhuisday,
® ailedl."'The 1poet1y3of th unillriis 0Friday at 9, RoomI1.i, Liiis ot Olii
coinibted(0by Wil(lam. I1. 'IlhiIIjsoll, V. 1E. 2ItR ANCOiSe
All andidates for the 1900 tooc
®rtmoaC . .toero i'iclam are requested to r1011010 'atO P R INDD I
Dudfielli (21odwOii, 1R011e00lUnderw5ood three tingesan week at the gymnasim
*Johnson, and others. for regniar class work. Candidate
-- lrol mitolifor the freshman relay team especially I
The soino's-hlat stairhlin g 511001)1 shuldbe at tile"gym " reularly.
w121slmaide ini tim Janulary AienaoafB. HODGIC i anager.
r hbasing a "state phys3'icii" andti".A "tetidy Change Lapel Button.-
' . Collrt of Moldlicio and Surgery" in Holds two nickels, practical andue
1 11 ospitals, (-111110, eto. Tire idea ap-.ffl. Everybody will wsear one. Post-
leans to base originated fi Minnesola., paid fer 15 cents. Tonlin Novelty Co. SUPPLIES
where especially it is proposed to bring S erons. hcg l paling Leaguo Bail Tls, :faksetc.
Everything to p1ease at I'mttvini iii oolaugers sholdaendfosam onplea and
1I1the matter before the legislature this Godhopooisrvce ndrheUt e Eery reqsisitefr Tenia,
. ssiintcr. The subject is agitated foir- of 1I. Daily on the bible to keep you slum Fquipmlentsond outft. Complete,
tlze in he I'ebtz r Arna na S'1n-r t Catalogue of Sprung and Sommeu" Sports-
- hri h iay Aeaina, m posted on whoat is going on at lbsp free. The Name the Guarantee
* iposiurn written by three proi'Onent gremt univensity. A. G. SPALDING & BROS...
WA NE G mET physicians and two latwyers, followed Swan Linen copies well in letter New York. Chicago, Phlhine~lepna.
W11fl& COAGNS by correso ndence rorn two medlical-prs.
2i S. MAIN ST. colee pr essro and a well-known , Swan Linen bas a ficm, even finsh. Subscribe for the Daily-