THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. ubished 0'aily (Sundays excepted) during the Colege year. at THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN 'tirese': Times building, 79 s. M~an St. be- tween Liberty and William ts. MsAsolNo EDITOR ,. F. TOMlAS, 97. B ISIEl01s sAAtEl O) . BIANSi, 's. L n s-is E. L. GemxME, 'bibL. F. S. Sixes,'li. F. M. Loois, 'S. H. B. bemisaN, 'Si L. H. . CuwIN, '. Bryrco LxxiiW'5. C. M. GENx.99, Atbletic Editor. ASSOCIATE EITORZS W. W ughes, 'S. . XW. mit, 'i. F. A. Fulk, 'Sil. L A. Campbei, 'S W. P. idrril. 10. . . lldut, 'il. A. M. Smith. '7. C. Lul, jr., 99 51. The subcipion pie oi ie Taily is 8'.5M for the college yeas, with a +eglar deliery before noon ac day. Notices. commuia- tions and ote matter itcnded foe public- tin must be haddcini at ie Daily (ffice be- p. i., of the day preious to eil itonwlileb they are expected to appear. Hubteiptlois may be left t The Daily Office, Myer's or tolleta Neutod. or with Busiess Slnoe. Sb Eer will eehi- fee a favor by repoting psmplyathi office iny failure of carriers to del eeppe. Unless the seiors sid ie thei' lass honors more promptly the Mlicii- 'olnia il not aparutililnel fall. Every otbir pait of the book is progressing iely but the centire oek iu being telayed ty this procrastia-i tion on the palrt of (le seiors. Every' cactd shouldbelienict iiiy' toimorrow. 'Those in charge of the final sebae to be held tomorrow night have spared no puis to imake it a success ill evry partictular. An ecellseril presiding officer hai been scerned, good judges hiave bcclx selectcd, and the debatersasee itiooughly' ireared. Who contest i btwseenx the lwv and literary teparmnst' as well as for the honor of repreenting ie Uver- city, and this will add to the iteret. Thu systeml of preliminary eebaec has been suichcthat the1(1iieii wviocare in the final cintests are (le best speakers in the Uiiverity. So the debate is sure to be nii1iiiterestig occ. and those who attenilay' le sure sf a proitable eveing. Tiis desate will be the lat one here, as the lintireoi legiate contet will be hild it GiColago. The attendance shoild shciw one ('Irer- sutatives taIAiCit we anclx Sicse Miehiganl win. Every tdeit whos possibly can shold be in U'iivrsiy fll tomorrow night. Adventist Misinary Eld. A. T. Sead, of the iiedical de- partment, will give an address 011 per sonal experiences in missoary wok in the Soth Sea Islands at the Ad- ventist chapel (cor. Libety and Di- vision streets) tonight at 7:30 p. i. A cordial inviation is extended to everybody. All1estuidates for the baseall team must report at lest three times a week at the gymnnasium for the rgu- lar Mass work. G. A. MILLih, Captain. Stearns Fellowship. The Anierican Pharnmacentical As. sociation has juLst lasued a pcamphillet 01n the "Caffeiix Compoiulid in K'ola," the reitilt ef Ike investigctions of .. W. T. Knox, the holder of the Stearnsc fellowoship ini the pliarilacey delcart- inent. His wvork at ireceit is devot- ed to invesilgations of tannin ass- THE STORE. LADIES' JACKEI and rS CAPES elated ss'thiucaffein in beverage laniitc. al:Half. New Gymnasitim Instruments. Never a tiue mere opportune than Yesierdlytyhde esvaitiiropoicetricai nosy to provide yourself with a stylick inistrcumenit ,vas1 set lip iii the Woii- Coat or Cape at so little expense. il's Gyiiinasitilu.'Thils iiustruiiiec~t We kayo nosy in our Cloak Rosin was inveinted by Mr. iBowcer, achletic many Jacketsaus elegant in design, iinstliruct licte Stale Asrmal Schocilimake and material as this country af- at Ypislacnc. Itc objet is tos diagramn fords-than which no large city can iuions a cihart the outlines of the bock I boast better-all of swhiich are selling andit cest, 1110 also the laterai out- lilacs icthlie' tody'. By- this ;encsis tke 8% at 1-2 Prjoe. deh ofltheii'chest and theIhatitual icoise of the bicdy is libeertinlccl. ''lsis hit iicen aso 2eeilis Al:her LADIES' FUR CAPES, Che suihue is abnormally' curved. At Astracliall, Coisey, 'Wool, Seal, Monkoy pirecenltt'einstrcime'nt is billy bingliiand Electric Seal tested. Sf it proves batisfactory, it O e H l will bepiurchlase'tlanti besoicesaip111 lmlliciut fixture ini liii gymnac siumi. YOUR TASTE WILL FIT YOUR POCKET BOOK, If you furniish yotir rooms dtmr- log our Great Inventory Sale. Redluctioni made to force tralde in every udepartmenut. Good Antique Chamber Suits. larme mirror, good $10.00 value, nowy $12.50. A Solid Oak Roll Top Desk, cheap at $15. 00-Sale price $10. 00. Chiuelle Portieres reduced from $2.25 to $1.50 a pair. Japlanese Rugs, 6x9 feet, a $6.50 value, now $4.50. Ja panese Rugs, 7 ,x10' feet, an $8 50 value, now $6.50. Weomake Window Seats, Cush- itini and all kinds of Furnliture to oriler, Furniture Repairing our spec- ialty. Work and plices that please. M A CK & C014 56-58-60 S. MAIN ST. - FURNITURE. I Anotherhinstlriecct ss'ieiihll s i'- relady bhenicappcrloveedby'exicerience is the pielvic oblitluincetre. tie invention of Dr. Mcsher. This has beeni aclipt- edl andi is ii in scat Lela~nd Staifoiii, h.'niversity ef t'lifiornia, 51510c, eler tunisversiti's lkrouosrmthelii' t'uisd Staties. Swimming Tank Needed. Xla'erlilsllGymunasiumauis iiewvrun- ning ini its third year. Before it wa fiiishe'd the studenits had to do wsithi- out Oily'gy."ssork. Last y'ear anti the yeair befiire siliout 1(600-iueu took the acerk. Besides these thcere' sere the wsoiien, 'ncust'is y'ear has-c a gy'illasiiriii of thireown.Is use is MACK & CO.1 DRY GOODS. THE ANNUAL ANNOUNCEMENT Luther Laflin Mills, (Chicago Alumnni Nun-cher)- ---------Feb. 12 Imperial Quartet------------------ac12 Oratorical Contest----------------ac19 Ex-Presidlent Harrison-----------------arch 22 LuciusPerry Hills-_-----------------------------_April2 511 atletic idle being apcpliedh to no: oilier putrp'ose,' Ssve as a stuitaible ilael ts .hold liii'variiiuss social hiaries of Che year. Tue soeClung in svay of eiquipmnit which1 is noewiieetied above alli isthersis:a lorge swilmuming tank~. Withiiut hone' lily'gy-ionasiam is ini- compilehte. 'lue cltn'ces for hiaviing a ta11k ire not s-cry- faviirablt', for there is n10 griat fiiianicicl backing to th~e gyiimsiiiiand5 the putitling in of a taunk woiukhl nolve qusite Inexpiendti- tore to start willsaiid afterwarss would tie a large item of expense. The wvater must either lie rented of the city ir at private' sselbe iput downs. Time heating aind care of tile tank add- eid to this svould increase the cost to sos-li a figure as to discourage the un- derltatkig. With this one wviut fusl- filleti our gylsixississs would undoubt- ed~ly' be oix a pasr with the fiuest in the country-. U. OF M.,CALENDAR. Saterdoy, Jan. Z10, 8 p. in., Univer- sity Ial-Final University Debate. Friday, IFebrnary 12, University hull -Lnthmer Laflin Mills in S. L. A. course, Chicago Alumni number. i John Kendrick Brs------------ (JE 'ERAL ADMIcSSION TICKETS :5x.ti0 RESERVED SEAT TICKETS Q510 SINGcLE ADMISSION .50 EXCEPT Harrison Number a I. c0 Oratorical tCnntest .u5 April 13 TICKETS NOW ON SALE-Reserved tickehs on sale at Palmer's drag stoe, Stale street, und Wae's booklstsore, Main street. JAMES H. PRUITT, Corresponding Secretary. A POSITION, Cnbe secured wth Sand, Mhe~lly a Co, that will Diing good returns to students for thin works duel.- geuacaehon. Wye wish tRepsentatives on our Atlases, Saps and other publications. ALL ABOUT THE BABY e , , , . , . By hRobert N. Tooker, SI 0., of Chicago Mledical College just Issued, in the, bout fur Medical Students. Catalogue and circulars send us application. SPECIAL REPRESENTATIVES , . We want a few s pecisl representativeu In the College. Foe thin pnsition experienced boot men should write us at once, stating paul experience. RAND, McN ALLY & CO., Chicago. WHY DON'T YOU ADVERTISE in 'TheD .AIL"Y 4