11 e . of APlqMW VOW DAY, JA.NUAR Y 29, 1897. FOUR PAGES-3 CENTS. VOL. VII. No. 84. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRI] uz IL D o UNIVERSITY DEBATE. ' one year inan lin the department. Ie WRINKLE OUT TODAY. - I~ D received hisa education at the Univer- I "a ig alrThe Contest Is Expected to Be a ctty of Vtiriiia aiid Tulane Vliver- Our Funny Paper Is as Funny VeryaCloseiOne. sity. Newirlerians. At the laier iiistt-asEver. Very___RRtliitoihte re''tv"ec a gold cicedta!ci AND IMPOR ThR hi.' litver Itt"y~a tltiorrow winner of thlIi iversty oorietoal Wetulile appheraaint-to clay lt ito ici-ti tosue tc le arloe cidticr- ciii I I(. H rtis tieein ccia lcture tour cittxrti iiter witht a very new and FULL OitSS SUITS A SPECIALTY.eiugcnesaii1ter1 ai i-isogi ig lictices cci its "Ilpiciteld iclever cover,,very iilircrtitet li itotit ticit stroiig iiieniilulibe ctioseii I~ei'sc i I p,iiicitiie'wa on ciii 1. Itto i tcotciieil by Wal'ter io recresent the lntversityiyn ~te ulIliat t-rcc turingthe iti' ihir lt' Wt~iteicd. ithciliar furutn'ied NO. 2 E. WASHINGTON ST. NEAR MAIN. o(iniiiidetectiith ttth(icago. Alt of 1iilit. Weickhle withi a larg e iiiiiber of clevrer iie i outestanito have won ini two orir Phiosophtcal Department. draing4s. Ttits nuicbter ts a great iii- icie irccuncrte a ticos1t1ofrdem toryiteniipcov'iici'it ciiithiiilasi:oiie. The cuts SO P! arehabetter ciiiitrelimoreinumerououscind SOAP!! ~~ ~~~ ~~~~~~~~ ~ ~~~~Itoiiif unantcituersthattemitly-lice ibctedn mriiiatte , ,ndoatr w'ego fn asrtenoted eat.CainofIunvest le mietllhepinelile.rmreradbe Weo re toi leetsoptnof aciThelrpeettsoftebati'.: Liithe achteveiienits of neicibers of itto sod pone oreli e1-Tiiileihae cltnerawa fminthem, just soap and ill dfacultyenii aritI.eSi Lathecs Iittttli 'lticeatschocars.eIniiiise tt some- soup for l0c n cake, a foe 2ie. Try t1lelncitmestiirerestinS.tLatnceesthac, tX. cake nest time. (Carmodly intl..Q.Adacmso. M r. drtenwrgmth io~~la tiini i" y1) ittiig on ciiciorc tasty 0 Lactherms is aosentor iindt also ci gratd- ii lc cespatii'.ti'citloiiisc lctir. Ill fact itt ibginint o is oool ilMRSPHRAY epccrtmcentitstodtipliyig ixtranri-cicrItetefaci.Ti'ittil PALMER'S PHRMACY. nthic"' gcctimccrc-ccccml. i t Mr. lichie is hacrd cci iwork cil isi 1.tiprv m n limiNCNG tatie hIrilis asadeaerMr .cIc'i's isorkt. 'lis tint cIp- Oppcsitte Law Bntlding. $75.00a nenieter for itlO t icoiie. thesistorc i'ct 'dgree cit lh.D.,whtich twso lessons a week. Thec'law tdiepartinon't hacs iii exce-epgae iITe I1h orJnay-1( 27 Thompson Street. tiociccy strainng reptresenctationccthits Icclthtct rPrivlI o to___________________________t chic'sublject trceatedc. . Lastly, the - hccc'c ''itcl l'ctid i fcc ATettr ticc i. I. tO'Leaury,IC. lF. Abiot-edlitocrspoike cit Mr. 'c cgcccr's skllhtill -- T - _i..t.,r cNrris libracri- hics ticen htaen clit hand I WAHR'S BOOK STORE. Now is the best time to buy SWEATIERS We have the best quality and at the lowest price. Sporting Goods and Gymna- sium Supplies a Specialty. WAHR'S BOOK STORE Up Town Down Town "21 Sl ate stc Opsite Court Boone,'- Ann Arbor Main st. andi 1t'. Ci. ('tcsmclcr. Aie. (Otecary is_ .. _mssgshdwanpr iesget apsbythseiiimemberccccs ccf thec'di-et menct, -- I Oiitiis ccliccmmieogc-i mpotgraduatetc'las s tudecc nstl malso - thingsforCitehms. 'teire poudcitic ri- -aniiithin'grceater hurt citit siltin' rc- t gratduate of time Unive'rs-ityg of Rans- -nbrtatM.A- ir saAil mccviii icoIRoomuc25, Unmiversity ilall, scsue'tcs i.'''tmcct iti 000. lle sias jnccce ciccs orcatcor at , whsi-hhwiill tteeterttT ' b sei ais acbaiiiammonsandiIwish titulsuoccetss. Kasaos. He lids alwvays token cniiiic- a ThnetiseoWrklwllb si-Iminary rotom, uisaiily toe geic(tste Ci'setioss i ccrskes-l c pottant part icc tetbates sincee tenes-ouJnirHpi«e.Tebad tereid theUnisersity authlice isas vmal- ho tthe phlcosophca-l nequctipenit isill hb'e ie suindersttandl isiuiliig greniim-et- edictoriasn of time '96 lay class, felt to be a gre-it boost iy ill i hitaid'forttohi ha-ue this a nucsmber of unsuasccl Thits is Air', Abbotnt's Benst year at thes~ tudyisng spcil subjcects; it ill also mrt rwnswl eue ra U'niversity, bust'leid'toin thec'scenior provide acquiet memetisgp1ccc' toics-c clas, hs-tg eslerdl i-ils ds-aicestesetrs sithstsac'ts.all aciabllte arhotists la cte thirst' clas, avig nteed it adans-wek'ls that eluapse betssieen this issuei credit. In '9:1,Ice received the degree ' Tonight tProfeosor A. Husliwill give usdteactsinllgs h ctir cit A. B,.cut Dmartmsouths.anditc adtiids second address hooclue Engisieerisng tisme to thiusl somcethcincg ecclty tthe hiosnor of beting-'the "ltrize spceaker'" Society osi."IThe Mi-thod of the Least fny iW Iis senior year at that college, Squares" All stiuclets 11of usiatlcescmt- Mr. Chandler is also a sesior asnd a it's are inivitedl to ittend.h,1 Subscribe for the Daily,