;11c . of ISDAY, JANUARY 28, 1897. FOUR PAGES-3 CENTS. VOL. VII. No. 83. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THUG VO.Vr o 3 N ABR IHGN Hi IDY AUR 2,19. FUtPGS3CNS @ DflID,@ Leading Tailor , AND IMPORTER. FULL ORBSS SUITS A SPECIALTY. NO. 2 E. WASHINGTON ST. NEAR MAIN. $SOAP!! 1 S'eve got a flune aosortment of f good pure toilet soars, no per- fume is them, just soap and all soap for 10c a cute, 3i for 25c. Try $a cake sext time. PALMER'S PHARMACY. 46 S. STATE ST. DEEP CUT IN GENTS' SHOES $4.00 SH0 Still on Sale for $2.89. JACOBS & ALLIVAND, W ASHINfGrON STREET. ; HF-oliday Goods --AT-- )Brown's Drug S3tore. FULL STOCK. LOW PRICES. ,ourner of NatIn and Huron sts. K -Babylon Coal in THE BEST. All grades of hard and sooft Coal. Camel Coal and Coke. X. STAEBLER, Telephone No. S. One door Eaot of Ameri- cas [louse. 'UNIVERSITY SCHOOL -OF DANCING Opipoaite Law B3uilding. $3.00 a semester for twou leosono a week. ,27 Thompson Street. --AT-I WAHR'S BOOK STORE. Now is the best time to buy zP WEATERS We have the best quality and at the lowest price. Sporting Goods and Gymna-, sium Supplies a Specialty. t 1 - - - - - - - -- - - - -- - UNIVERSITY HEATING. Better Facilities for Heat Than for Light. }During the cold s11011 which we are hiavin~g the working of the iaigI plant of tile University haso to for bseen very satisfactory. The gaet .;ounilt of coal buirned ill24t islurs 0110 27 tolls. This woo on bast Moll- day, Jan. 25. At piresent there are two systemso in tuse, the (direct and in- direct. Thle direct is by means of the Honors for Prof. Jonas. Prof. Alberto Jonas, who load been elogaged lootlmsoth for a recital in Toledo, Ohio, in place of the post- pisled recitals of Riosenthoal and Sieve- kinlg, 0100 who achieved there a great. su~ccess, was equally successful a fort- nlighlt ago in Saginawv, where he bad been engaged as Soloist in conjtunctioln woi t rs. Johnstonle-Bishop. The Saginaw EveninlglNew-s says of himt: '"Fewmore lirillianitIpianlists have visited Saginahw than Mr. Alli:crts Jon-as. His technique is reinarkabily comm~lon radiators and the indirect fine, his touch powerful yet dlelteate. thrCoughi a coil of steam pipes uliter In the Grieg sonata, opus 7, the fonr the floar. IO hIle later system thoe m~ovements served -adnilably to s!owv cold air fron oultside p~asses throuaghl his mbasterflul skill. Pis interpretation the coil, becomes heated and 111011 of the wseird Scanldinavian omusic dle- comes into the roono. Sn both systemns lighted his auidience. Indeed, all of the steamo returns to the boilers before his selections were warmly received bring condensed. By this mulchlhoat anidboughlt forth soantaneons op. 15 lost. t would be lietter if she planse. The Lisct Camopanella and steam icould be held in the Iipocs until Menuetto Selierzands by Staveniioagen contdenised andtIhlell allow,?d 1o roll were brillianitly played. Mfr. Jonas track to the 'boilers thiroulgh the force is a true artist in 'his apipearance, even of gravity. Before 18114 the "gravity to thie refractory lock of hair that system"l was in use anld thlen lihe woter seeiietd benrt upon obsculrinlg his vision ran directly intos the boilers. W-1ith Wheni le ovas corncibdsavay by his thie present systemo all returning water art.--Waslltellaw Timnes. tos Io be pumpn~ed into the boilers, Judges Cannot Decide, cau~sinog a loss of water which muslt lie miadtl tupOin soil. The ovater Csuppl iJudge Robert SE. Flacer, sosras ts have e ledtiick lihi winnier of conizes froi 1110 city altlho~ii l tele Mlyor Pillorecos $25 ptrizte for the djts- are sev-eral large cisternso abollt the grondsfro whch ate ispumed overy ot obsolete Michigan laws, grollyslthfricompetitorsl water islp oiipe itotsthe boilers. By ptumpoin~g tils sct it nmboeitor sunihlwsgiven waler arouliI ndlch is lost as wvell as tIrleer won11t have timel to test .ile the ipower Iusedl ill runn~in~gthe pu111mtpts. fSie seri~o These little defects shioultd be reme died if piossible and wvould be a saving ae i onaohrrfre to the University. says: "Somie compl~etitors allege that The lighting sys'tefn is 1O0 laws are obistolete, but it wouild re- ~r n ot h taeaottnaifc tolya~l cots he stli obilt~ iuire a suplremle couirt review ovdle- ride regarding soiie of iheiss. What it year. The chiancers fortan011 crtric , tsoItswithl the lists 0Ildont knew. It lighitinig 1lant artegotd. Two years woulldl take lilotlis to tdetermine the ago the legislaturtebassed a bill giv- winn~er."-livelling Nesev. Societies Friday Niht All of the literary societies will lhold their meetings toinorrowv night owing Is the University debate Sata.ddy nilght. TheO Alha Nii will give the following lprogram: Music; u- lirellptl, Mr. Sen; ghost story, Mr. Dickinsaol; paper,AMr. 'topp; Im- plsilptu, Mir. toster; redillg, Mr Stinsson; debate, "Rtesolved, That the Unitedl Stites solctadtopt the co- puilsory insurnce systemo as enforced ill Gerialy,' affiriiative, Messrs. Thompson, Coon and Ollinger, uega- tive, Miessrs. Lynch, Zbindin and E. Geislner; riir's report. Tile followinlg 511theprgramnof the Webster Society: lpromlptus, Mr. MicLin, Mr. Gould and(1Air. Wilkes; debate, "tResolved, That Canada shosuld be annexed to the Ulited States," affirmlative, ir. Padley sd ir. Fonts, negative, Sr. Seiart and Sir. Sullier, The Jeffer;sonion Society will present lie following program~s: Biography, Sir. Itollolt; oration, ir. Lcey: so eiety paper, Dir. Weatherbee; im- prsmptu discussion, afirmatve M. Oxtobiy, negative, Sr. Charles; debate, "Rlesolved, That the snuexo'tiso of Canada woulid be desirable," afirma- iive, Sr. Dannenborugh anddDir. Ate, negative, SAir. Sllnnalan and Mir. ltansono, The ame Old Bill. The executive comiittee of the lhomleopthic medial association of Michigall, inclding Dr. Sic~eahaoi Oiin, Bailey and Notinghaml, of De- troit, was in sessioni in Lansing yeser- day to prpare a bill to be submitted is tile legislature for the purpose o removoing the homeopathic meldiali schlool of the Unversity froni Ann Ar- bor to Detroit. Such a bill was passed at the last sessin of the legislature, but it was ineffective, and under it the regents of the University could not be coii- plled to assent to the proposed r- iosval. A great effort will e "made to pass tile bill nlow being prepared. UNIVERSITY NOTES. Ben B. Metheny ex-tI, has been elected treasurer of the Young Mens Rtepublican Club at Grand Rtapids. Prof. Wenley will deliver an ad- dress at the graduating exercises f the Normal Training School in Yps- lantl this afternoon. Dr. Frank Gregory and daughter, of Chicago, are calling on Ann Arbor friend. The doctor graduated from the -medical department ef he Uiuver- sty 20 years ago. lng $20,000 foir the phtise of sobh a plant. Tis bill wvas vetoeid by Gov. Rich. Btut nsow-owith a goernor fav-or- able to tile University thieve is little reason to doubt that electric lights wsill s0011 be ti use ono the campustt anid in the btuildiings. T[he legislatuire is expected to visit tile college neat oveek and then thley will decide for' or against the plant. -Mr. James S. Mlorgan has presente.d his valuable collection of early edi- tions of Virgil to the Princeton Li- brary. St includes 112 numbers, 21 of which are 15 century editions aud 70 sixteenth century editions. The cc-I These Subscriptions Are Paid. It will be remembered that soine o Ann Arbor's promninenit biusiness mein subscribed liberally to the footbeall fund at the 1110s0iiisetiiig 'helid last Otoaber. Wile it ovas not expected that asny direct return would conic, it so ill showv the appreciatlin of the stu- dents if they remietmber the following liot of paid usiusbseribero: Stiehian R Co..-.-.---------.25 00 Winl. Arnold- - - --........25 00 Goodspeed & Co... 15 ...... 00 F'arnmers & Mtechianics Raltk.. .. 15 00 George Walir---------------..10 00 Sid Mil 1lard ....... ........... 10 00 Goodyear & Co......---------.10 00 Oliver Martin...... ...........5i 00 "ntosey"...................... 500 Dr. F. G. Novey has returned from -Saginaw, where he has been attend- log a Masonic convention. ______________ lection contains one of the first cdl- ri 'BOOS TORE i on, published at Rome in 1:1)6, andI W ArR S OOK TORE a vellum copy of the dated edition ef Up Town Dlown Town 1471. Le81 n Arbor Opost Mait.t IRB Subscribe for the Dally.