THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. I"My 'Wife liked your Beef Tea so well y last night," said a gentle- 0 men, "that she wanted me r to get some Beef Extract SI so that she could make it at hore." You'll e sur- prised to find what a good, 0 liot drink we serve for b5 cents. Some drinks are 10 0 cents ecause the ma- p j terials cost more. They're all good.0 JCALKINS' -- PHARMACY. Be Sure You're Right On Footwear. There's lts of trick in the trade ad they're practied mre than you think, but nit lire. This store miukeo you sure you're riht This store guarntees you a soe vstu- met of every dllr you pet lute shes we sell. It is a good Shoe Stre, full of good Shoes at prices way down. Good Rubber te, if you out them. W. C. Reinhardt, 42 S. Main Street. IN THE EQUIPMENT OF A STUDENT'S ROOM, It is generally conceded tiet a strised i- strumnet is tmost ael st..lts necessity. To secure the greatest rinjoymet from the praseet tebestyour 'oney illaftod. Esper judmet proone eii'"ay Stile" instiumnts tie, iest in the world Ass c blentistrenct isothe BAY STATE $10.00 BANJO. We hveit in steel cheaer banjos thilan tislut for asubstatial. servc- table instrumnt, at n low pelt., no ther instrument manufactured can cemart wit it. Sena for illustrated catologe, JOHN C. I1.IYNES & CO., 453-463 Washingon Sree, Botn. THE OPERA HOUSE JEWELER, Can furnish you with a terst-class Fountain Pen. men and hn repairing a specialty. --GIVE HIMS A CALL. PHOTOGRAPHS ---Special alms to Seniors at Berryman' s E. Huron Street Your Tailor ! Have you seen thse nbby Suits Miward is turning out. 'TIS IS THE WEEK To Buy Mandolin s. Price Tells It. A Mandolin at-----------$1.88 A Washburn Mondolin at .... 15.00 OF ~AGoodMandolinat ------------------ 8.6'7 f Others in Proportion. See The ..X07Imo!VIUM andolin. ANN AREO 0R:IVMUSIC CO.01 0 21 AND 23 E AST WsASHINGTc ON STREET. HALLEBR'S STORE 46 S. !Main Street. PATRONIZE HOLMES' LIVERY and get the best service. Office and Stable, 32 Forest Ave. Telephone 106. Branch Office at Palmers' Pharmacy I M THE ANN ARBOR SAVINGS ANK Popu a Fr nihiog ! nt RSaesOfourestedupon0prope pulaf e n' , u~ is sOrganized nnder the General Eanhieg Lass, if thin State. Rleceives deposits, buyn and tlle sehange en the principal cities of the The lourchPren Sirt, Wentification. Safety dejposlt boes to rent, The onach ressShits.Orreene: Christian Sleek Pres.; W. D. The Elgin DOLLAR Shirt. Harriman, Vice-Pres.; Chas FE. Hisecc, #The Amer. Hosiery Co., Underwear. caehler: M .1T Fritz Assistant Cnshler. The Cluetts Up-to-Date Co lace and Cuff'sf.nnAro The DOLLAR Kid and Dogskin Gloves. FIRST NATIONAL BANKoganied 106 'rhey never fail to satisfy,.'tWe have full assortments of Cepital, 8100,000. Surplus and Profts, $40,i00 them all. Transacts a central banking business. oreelf" esctange bought anilnold. Famnish __CO., Etters ofcrerdi.Ve 21 S0. MAIN ST. "? I'IIENISHEES Fj . 0. INNE, Free. IiARIIISON SOIeLE S. W. CLARIKSON. Gentler. 0 DOES YOUR LAMP SMOKE? TRY RED STAR OIL--NO SMOKE, No Cliand Wicks, No Offensive Odor, No Fouling of Chimneys- .A White Light-Burss freely to the Iast drop ot oil in the lamp -Clear as spring water-0t per galloii-Delivered in our cains, promptly---Sold only hy DEIBAN & CO MPANYV. 44 South Main Street. Coer. Main and fleesn Streets. Capital $10000. Surplus 5:10,00. Transaft general bunting besines. R. KEs'. Free. C. FR.GREENE, Vice Pres FREDn H. nEison, Cashie. Lowney's Chocolates. Hot Lunches. TUTTLE'S. 48 5. State St. ..wm ONLY 50C. EACH _OUR NEW U. OF M. PIN. UNIVERSITY NOTES. Prcsiili'it Angell steict to Was4iIlg- lou, D. T., Mloidap', whleroe still at- tnd ,t limtetineg of thse hoard of tru~s- te-es of thitSietlisoniau Institite, of whlichi le is ailirember. He will also be presenit at a baeiquet of thie TFi- v'ersity- of Mielgan Cleib, at Washing- toill. U. OF M. CALENDAR. SAturday, Jan. 30, 8 p. ut, LeIver- sity Hlal-Flinal Uievrity Detbate. S tturdlay, Jan. 30, 7:30 p. us., New- berry JHall-Reception In Michigan Normnalites. All candidates for tile track lean;m u A flf LEADING JEWELER. must report at least three limes a .I RNOllLD, seek at the gynasium for the regu- lair class teeth.V «'. D. Hterrick defeated Cur olec- IAll caildidalee for the basecall team 11555 ill the finail genie of the coarsola ust repr at 1easet three timges a 11011 chanmpionship atets, postpolii'll week at the gyinlasilsli for the regei- froine last tpring. Early itiis month lar class work. flee two had met and each had stun a G .MLEGpan gamse. Consequeiitly lhcre wsvaomueih Board at I'rettyeaaus, on N. 001- interest takein in the final outcome. versity ave. Vonustill frond the Daily ,Tue fisial ieatch was played 'Monday 111er0 to greet you each day, weith all eveuhig at the regular meeting of the the latest college nests. chese club, antidstwoi rather hanilyi B ost all lawyers use Swvan Linen by 'Mr. IHerrick. lPaper. Moores&Wetmore, 6 South. Main Street, - t tate Street, Cor. William. WIE MUST REALIZE UPON OUR STOCK AT ONCE We therofore offer our Stock of '['ext Books, Fontluin Pens, Binuk Books, Stetioisery, in FACT OUR EN- TIRE STOCK at prices lower thmn have ever bueforo been offered in Ann Arbor. Students will (10 well to avail themselves of this sale, and procure their Second Semester Text Book now. MEA 3UINES$!!1 GOODS MUST IE0SOLD. MOORE &WETMORE. Money Loaned ! Os watehica, Diamonds, Wh~eels or ether Personal Propert. Watch"itsaned Jew- elry Repaired. Gibeie at residenc'e, 3; E. Liberty st,. Ann ArtberSlick. All bu- nesee confidentisal. House.7tIt a. m. and I to Ai p. -.JOnSEPH c'. stATueS.argsina he Secend-Hland 'Watches and Diamonds. Jnst.Received a Large and Eleganst Line of New Wipes I Hot and Celd Lunches at all heure. Agents for Husyler's and Wtilliams and Werners Cnn' Chocolate Bon Bons. R. ES.JOLLY & CO. l0OS. State St., Sager Blonk. Groceries, --Provisions and all kinds of Sanitarium Foods for sale by St imsori & Co.,p Q4 S. STATE ST. Anton Teufel, HEADQURTRStO R Trunks, Valises, Oress Suit Cases AND TELESCOPES. Trunks aed Valises Repaired Neatly and Cheaply. Ne 5715. Main at. FULLER & HIXSON9 A Slash ins Priesn. Fur a short these we sill PRESS SUITS FOR 25 CENTS CLEANING AND REPAIRING. 2S Stalesat. Over Rosey's IBilliard Rom. O SM. MARTTN, Ftuneral Direector, Cloth "and Metallice Caskets and Fine Grade Coffins. Esnbalming a Specialty. No. 15 8 Fourth ave. Subscribe for the Daily. MILWARD 40 State St. U.OF M. SHAVING PARLOR and Buth- enema. All appeintments first class. Imported and domesic cigars. Ladles' artis- tic hair dreasing and batinig parlors, up staira. J. K Tro~iasosewai 30S. State aL. Candidates for the '93 L relay team iare requested to report at the Gyinna- alum daily at 5 o'clock. P. H. O'DONNELL, Manager. 41