THlE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. P+ 0 l tu Vuhilahed Daily (Suday excepted) drn the Coleetear. at THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN OGrICE: Tinesx bilding, 79 S. Mix St. be tweea Liberty ad William Sts. MANA.GNG EDITOR J. F. THOMAS, 97. B USINFS-4 MANAE 0. 11. liei, "9s. EDITOIIS is. L. GeSxre, 'S L. F. B. Smo , '8. F. M Loiiois""'. 11, B. Soceci, , 'S L H. H. Coowi, '5. B1reci LAB, '. C M. Game, 59. Atetc Editor. ANSOTATR liDIiTOiiS W. W. llaghe, '5. S. X. Snee, '97. F. A. Fci,'SS E. I A. iampbel, 'S W. P. Mril, '5. G. D,. Hdnott,'00. A. M. Smith, '7. C. Lll, j., 95;'. The tubcripin prier of the Daily i 1.x fortihe college yer wih aeelr delier before non echciidav oe.ilie. eonin o- tlon, and oter mter inenrded forcebibe- lion meeteebehildee in t ur tDaily offiebe foirF'p i.,eor riled tlte editer bere9 p. in. of the dy previoxs to ghat xcncwbich they a' expected to rpear. tebcipoex my be left at TierDaoly Oilie, eyce er' rSifletetCcst;-d, xr with lusinesxs Manager sbcibeee eeil cn- fee a fevr byreeritle premp ~y at ieel' offie any failure of crriers. to delver poper TJhe GliceC('haths teelred its see- vices free t11 the Wesintion's Bitht- day ceebrtioni comimiteet. 'TeDaily wishes heacrtily lxoeeiilee'eetile vr- ltion from the policy theet te clib hasipursue in fotmer ea ris Iness it kels in tottlchwih thestdits such an organizatin cyclit exist sd the steudets 'of the U'lc'versity soldc how le club that 'tis acheoniiiets their aiprove'l ty suprtig it here- after whenever an otuntioty is af- forded. 'Ch]eer waissiedoubit lest ere as to the wisdoimiof puxttinge.i inter- cliegiate debattee'uinier the contlioee t1cr oratorical Assocation.BtnthIte work clone in eebatig so .fai this year, and the popetets for te' fuure lave proved thai licme l 'was ci wise out. Tiernuimer ofA.'i1(Aaltsllil was imichlegreater than everi'ferer, the testimnials have heen ioleee and interest to debating geawvs geatlr every day. Te Oratrcal Associe- tion lices lcshonthatdlebaincg inerss wvi ittonufer cder its clre. Athletic Board. 'The Athletic oard held its reglear iieeting last eeing, imast of the wok beog of at rutine ciaracter. 11. 1. Weinstein, 'h, and C. H. (tGres. beck, '9S, were elected nentbers of (le bsiwd, and two comnmittes were p pointed. Messrs. Heninger, helf'hllle anti Healid were imade a coimite be formulate ruien to govern inercass competition acd Messrs. Feund, Hilt and Hleald wvere appointed to arrange for the annal indoor meet. An operatioin for appendiciti was pefforned pon Lawrence L. Drigg, '99, Mfonday afternoon. Dr. Darling was the operating nrgeon and lie rec sut has been perfectly nuccesfu up to date. i u r ':3 r i i f t i' 1 EFFECT ON INSITTUTIONS. L J- New Argtiment for Reduction of F l I~ I Ulnder graduate Period. ______________________________ President Eliot acii otheis who live L DIS JACKETS YOUR TASTE WILL advocated the reduction of 'the under-ada grdae period to iliree years bave and CA E FI YOUR P C E O K generally lied ici mind the needs of C PSFT PC E U R thoese stcueents whos intend to pursue at Half. If you furnish your rooms dur- leeefessieecici studies titter tapiig ereir ino our Great Inventory Sale. celleglite ionrse. 1tiexie fucity agree- Never a time more opportcne than in ,4 wth he mporanc an so nenw to provide youerself with a stylish Reductions mabde to force trade cese of their argniiits r Gr~o oat or Cape at xo little expense. S in every departmaent. unien~tGood Antique rChamber Suits, tiemlc attacked tie elcestion froen We have nowv in ocr Cioak Room Go niu large mirror, good $16.00 value,. t .other siede, that of the effect suchl a mncy Jackets ax ciegant in design, nowy $12.50. redue'cic-wold have upon ocr higher cmake -and matec'iai as thix country af- A Solid Oak Roll Top Desk, i istitionlis of learnicig. I-ecsleeced fords-than- which no large city can cheap at $1. 00-Sale price $ 10. 00. tileet Itle chief weaikness of the great hsbast better-ali of which cce selling Chineile Portieres reduced from ciecjorily eef ocr so-called ucilversities at$.25to 1.5 a air leay icn lice' fact that they are ieiier t r o . Japaicese Rtugs, 6x9 feet, a $0.50 tcciverilie cir cllegs, ct dssiate__________value, ntowvX4.50. thiersleitienclleg"es',ccctyissipabe FRJapanese Rugs, 7"21x101 feet, an thirliiedenrge i tyigto LADIES CAPESueknoiw $6.50. boeth ait ocee. This state of thing~sLDES$UR C P S e ae Window Seats, Cush- Pro'fesseer Iteenl steecoed woeeuld be sica oeWoSaMne ions acid all kinds of Furceiture to brought to end eeby the'adoppecon of enoLrdtcerx tlee' thre'e-ye'ar underegraiduait eid, Furnituare Repairing our spec-' in tbtit it, cocuet result in the ' e ei liy tienof ter gceltlleljorty o seork and ptices that please. e'r inestitioens ecf learnineg ictltic ofe-ic -_________________________ classes: (5) tol~eges thtcewtculcd beAf collegeicnd inothicng else, ancd (21 ccii unie'gitie , e itrewiCithtica lt- C l teepar tment. Cith rwtlinotthe&cot wvork of tier fourth ye'cr ccoucilcmeke' D GO S clear thie 'eal natu e eofeeiesexwot. for R GOS 56-58-60 S. MAIN ST. - FURNITURE. i tier nielbority of our ine titeetiocis it to real uneiversity work. Buct it is leer tier otbject of miost clleges andciel ceior unieversitie'sto feurishiemere' thiinia good collegiate ediucatiocn end anly ef- foeit tile faculity mcightf maeke to orbaci- ize this cork iltso an embr'yograeduaete sebosi eouildl'be sure to be snmotherced THE ANNUAL ANNOUNCEMENT TIiuthle'r Tafhisa Mills. !( hl,.,aeaAl, uni'Nnieei'er'i --Feb. 12 icy the board of trustees. Mioreover, Ipra ure---------------Mrh1 fewv graduattes of beechcue anieetittltieel meraluatt __1 cocild returci to a weakl: raioce- Oratorical Contest---------------Mrh19, iccrteet it their almna mxatel'; most .Ex-President Harrison-------------March. 22 would take their college diplemias aced Luciu% Perry Hills------------------April 2 go to acell estaiblishied graeduaete John Kendrick Bangs-----------------April 13 schiool at one of the great universities.- GENERAL ADMISSION TICKETS $2.00 ii -this way thoese institutions that each B -- FSEEVED SEAT TICKETS 0.50 net mnatein cc recil anid strong grad- S ING (LE ADMISSION .50 uate sechoscii hrforced 'l eelcone EXCEPT celleges, and, hbeing relieveed of the HaerrisonNumb~r $1.f0 tecmptation to hey ho hrbcvwhat they can- Oratorical Centrstl .25 lest u-eli bexcime', will bce ecabled to TICEETS NOW ON SALE-Reserved tickts on sale at Palmers drag store, State enilploy all their energies in nakieig off street, and Waherstonik store, Slain street. theemiselves gooed ande strocig colleges. JAMES H. PRUITT, Corresponding Secretary. On thie oilier heaund, all graduacte ice- shrchin ciii be centered in those IOloci blat felloedee thie reaeding of the I NGINE RRINGlDE(PARTPMENT. Plae'es cvhere it can tee done to best advaiitage, naniely cit tier real uiver- sities; acid, cwithi plenuty of cveltraicied students, thiese ccill enter utcon em era of ucnprecedentied prosperity. That this segregationi of ocur hybrid icstitu- tions into two distinct classes, eaich wvithi ites owvcustehere and aicm,cwod ice 'the greatent booci that could fall to the lot of +higher educcationa in 1-hits country, no one ciii deny. The various objections 'that haeve been made to thce change were miet with arguments that it would be diffi- cult to answer. to fact, in the discus- hillier, it cvas evident thit the sym- pathies of lice great majority o thee mnecmbers olf lie faculity thuat Nvere present cc-rcecith -the imovemexit. ~fTie most ceonservative recognize theat it is only a matter of ticme, and it is ho be hoped that Michigan University cviii be faithful to her past and not be behind her competitors in taking so ichpoftant a -step forward. "RaRdy Change Lapel Button.- Holds two nickels, practical and ue- ful. Everybody will wear one. Poet- paid for 15 cents. Yonhin Novelty Co., 112 Dearborn st, Chicago, 111. Course A, Beginner's course, Sect. It., Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday at 9, Room 11, Universit Hball. V. E. FRtANCOtS. All candidates for the 19)00 track teamc are requested to report at least three tinmes a week at the gymnasium for regular class work. Candidates for the freshmanc relay team especially should he at the "gym" regularly. B. IIODtIMAjvN, Manager. IMerchants having Fruit and Flower Mission boxes in their possession please notify Florence G. Dillon, chairman, 44 Madisen-st. Swan Linen cits a firm, even finish.- 4