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January 27, 1897 - Image 1

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U. of M. Daily, 1897-01-27

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@ IMDID, o
Leadlig Tailor
0 SOAR!0
0 We've got'a ine assortment of
0 good pure toilet sooaps nO Per-
fume in them, just soap and all
soap for it- a cake, 3 for 25c. Try!
a cake next time.
$4O Still on Solo for
H3oliday Goods
Bzrown.'s XDrug Store.y
Corner of Main and Huron sts.
BCahylon Coal is TICK BEST.
All grades of hard and soft Coal.
Camel Cool aod Coke.
Telephone No. S. One door Raut of Ameri-
Opposite Lam Building. $500 a semester for
two lessons a meek.
27 Thompson Street.

IN1TER-COLLEGIATE MEET.l highly ansi Dr. Fitzgerald favors the WILL BE A STRONG CONTEST.
iplans to secure imi. His c ries ire
Chance for Indoor Competition ats follows: He will give lessees for' Final D~ebate to Select 'T'hree
in Chicago. eight sveeks, two nights ouich weck, for Me oG o 'iao
_______1$160. A- chits is iiitw being fossocilte
a$0 lbasis. All tisise lesii'ii i) (tolii
There is sa strong}i.'prsbability' thai ihe - "leei linaleleate i t' eieldl Saturda
'V'arsity lracls leami sill hsiar op- tiis lob slioiilidleascthei i sle's as; oight in attiiveruisy hall, to select
porisinhty for' inlecsllegiailts r-osislti-l.r threi'ce15551orepsresent. the I sfversiety
lion tis year besfiore anof ef liregu-i! The McMillans Library. aiinitheudcbt'eositi('Ciicago, is ex-
lii' spring isievs. "'lse (Ctal iAl~i ''i 'i'rivi-st'lfs iiii, , llt'5'toisiible estronigest debate es-i'
ciation of A. A. L,., csiisfss'issis. live the last svsekin iibeig aisle. 5throwIs Isshed5li' si rl.ThCya
athticl' ubs iiCliicasgo and Msisi- ills'gsnu'rosity isf yes'o iei HM ieu<t, lolargs's' iisiliii- t'stiients e ntered itie
ksee an' planningforit itrigesserli ssdsitos the Shlfs'esirs' libirsiyij' n< sontests, a sirongir s-.stein ofiire-
ititer-collegisite track sseei in the ('ol- ecl by hfin so182, a hunescisy iof the liiniaries wtas carried out, and higher
sisis onii Msrefi ifi. Third toflio Editison of the Plas (Litoin- testimniials we-rc off ered by thCe Otis.
Nothiiig entirely idefinite tills be laii, 166f4). 'ills 'Thirsi Folist is sail to t orsil Assoniciaon ishn ever before.
sated as to 'tichsigan's iposition inithe In oreryears the final l C e~t
bei oif('elln grislier rsirity thianiithe IifrniSivsst
nastter, lint tileisosirsd ioti'contrlol tv5' First (11. Ti 501 li dseeysebsite wsas of blntr importanice amd
gisen use trsack iisiiagemieni t orto't boundiinifull resi iioroc-o and s in given unider Ifie auspices ositshe litei'-
att as dev-elopmnsicsitate. Ilit soi- exielleiit t'oiisitioni The Miclllani'ary societies; tiis year, iiowevoer, tbe-
sequsenice, Michiigsin soill lundoubtiedl'yi' .Shasksesire lirriy nowsr reel~-Cosll tdebsite osill be held in university Hsl1,
sendi ssteans to C'hicaigsofsfi teme't, thefour lFslios exietifIale First, and iaiproilnt nsiii lissbeen .slscd Co
proviuded the repesentativ-c solis'gs>ofi of this sos'hisise Staiorlois's "xs'efli'urt preside anidiev'erytinig has been donii
thie woest respon~d to liie call, andsit l lofo-lithiogiraphic fsie sinmile -i-irk to nualse is inalorsnait 5511university
aible maisterisil canitobeevlopteidlit-se. sre ilfi trii-ssti ii eveni tas the final oraitorical conltesit.
This Should be si gi-eat inceltivto1 i studsy. This colleetiso is alresadys far Adlditionsal intferest is also being taken
all track candidatsstodioscareftul super'iior' to any1' otheri of its kinsd in li the diebsats' this year as it is to be
Irsiing, lparticulsirly sll canidisates fli' wesssi ndi is rivalledibisOnsiy'twso ininilter-ideisartmntlcontest, and lihe
for rely teasiss, asitii'sarsity 'clay ori ts''hefirs oii tlis esfsilsisit. lien- rivsilry betwveeii the literary andI lawv
team swill solely lie seilt if :1lielig;an afor lIeMillrIs r iis exitressedriilfe 1-deisartinents is .aroused.
enters the nieet. If cartied thirough, sirs' isinsike it as 'omipflete as posiles' The'iiuestion to be debatedi Satulrday'
thso contest ifinteColilse'iiii ill blitoi liifirisiir tossgt.ssr-night is the smoue ethat soill lie usee
the soest wshist thimlg Inhoor lte ii .fisi'potttisj f f-ill iiithesdebta te owith Chicago, "Rtesolved,
gi-en annusally by thie Maiiiitstiii 'hiisaht Ike British cabinet syosten of
AltIecClub ini Ness York is to_________e igov'ernmnlt is better aitptedi to domso-
Tax for Law Students.
eaistern college world. I______rlitic initfitutions than thie Ameicitan
'Tke hpreliuinary ltraintig osithtei tleWsoi acingtoBien tfi'imay seletira- cabint tsystem."' J. S. Lsiates, F.,X.
frack tesii is dievelofping some ironds- tilliiexcustive'ecstiniitlt' filet yest'r- C'ar'mody ansd J. Q. AdasmthIe mitre-
log Inaterisil froiis amonig she ntse-atdsy sandciahpiftoltil tssro. Stoes, sentatis-es of the literary deftalileils.
mn i voery ve-it is ssel'l stitrsiiletitlsbb afidi;Smiii ith siatomittei Ie on soill siapport the afiriiativ-e of this
svithi candidates alresidytandch t-siiit- Isrinting andh programss; Sftsarns stndh squestion, -andiE. fP. O'Lecary, I'. F.
thou is heconsing intersinog. Stose sea s coniuitics' oin eitertini- Abbottsold XV. i. ('handier, ist this
Of tilt nimiiers of last yasr's '!vatr-iic'it sof sls sfspeadr'efeptiotn. t'oiii- litwdeitartmnent, the ane-gtive.
oilty team wotare uususs'inicollios', tf l iittes'eono .dieoraftin aiidiusheris NOtteLx-Senator' ThonissiW. Palsneu', of
folloswing has's' alreadyC~ be un sorsik: sls apinasted. TPhe ottr-ices of *lfe Detroit, osill isresides at the debtate, and
'fhonias antI Auer itespri'its; 'tlt's'Clus, os-ilch hail beestende~re's, the;jusdges solbe Hr. tobet Silt
AXyers and Chitbb in ft h iii'rdles;(:a1p- swere siecepted.Ittwst ietoItlevy liens, of Detroit, esditor of (lieHicil-
tais Hleald in the quartiler mile; tBailes'aftlair sf 25 cessio each iiieiiii°.r cCof alltiarnuer; Ion. A. J. ;Suwyct, of
in the nille runl; Vernuir, high Jump; t;hueisaso- depatmlienttso meel theis'ilitO' Ann Airbor; PrinicipllKS. uG. Boont', if
tBeniiett in the wveighihs, ansd 'Trymon t3cii ss Ypsilanti, and tRes'. J. NH. felalon. tif
and Ituitchinson in tlii' utle vaul. Poatponed Paper. Ann Arbor.
The newsy'men ore shuts-tg up soell I 'Put Unloersily of Hliciigsiii ttfille' Unique Work in English.
in several evento in pasris-ular. Amiioig logicsal Soc'is'ty siill holsd sa iegilar
lie maost proitiumg sire it followsviig: uets hirdyPesig a.2, rof. IF. N. Scott lhis given his class-
Sprints, tissell ath Lund; rnlfqau 3 ari.ooierUieriyesingihIf a quite -nniqne 'task..


__ t

tPungree; mile run, titdg1ein shsitSal tsvis heflooti peareclasses baise lameiy 'teen iengagen
a110 narratit'ehworktandfeachwsnsidaier
Nosy is the best time to buy pull, Jtiier; htghi-jniiia, Atchetil. n-ill bse read by C. tL. Header: i artv okadec tdn
"WXas theoC(armien Saem'iilsirc of has read some classic In addtion So
Club to Take Boxing Lessons. Htorace song by a processtoii iovhig thie other requirements of the courts'.
There has keen miuchi tslk lately in fromlit(le Temple of Aisollo Pahatiuuus 'To iiake sore that Sloe students thor-
W haethe bs ult n i boxing circles of the Uivieroity toheeml of iitrCpiol ueigiy understand the characters of
at the lowest price. sm odpoesoa oands thence returiiu-?"--Walter Dcii-
perouading soego rfsoa ontson, Fellowo of the AmeiicrcsaniSc'hiool oshut they bave read, and also to
Sporting Goods and Glymna- conie to Aim Arbor and give lestons at Rome. shiow them how difficnlt it is to carry
su SupisaSpat. in boxing,. A goodl isan lies prouiosed T .Bril n .R lcbr on a narrative true to life, Prof. Soot
to come if the local boxers wrill lie- went to Ithaca, N, Y., this msorning its has asked them to transort Ithe- char-
w AHR'S BOOK STORE ce-pt kin terms. He irs Billy Gaifnsiy, represeintatives of the Hichuigaun chap- as(era In each case to Ann Arsbor anid
Instructor 'at (lie Catholic Club Io De- tcr, to attend the convention of the to have them converse somewhere on
Up TeawnIDomn Tean trelt, and baa quite a stte repuftation. Delta Chki fraternity at Cornwell, Jan, the campus or abheot Ann Arbor, The
'2s V. Slate at Opposite C'osrt Hiouse, -eu lrptikrc mnsllo25-30. plan proved very successful lastyer
Aima Arbor Minba t, en izarc eciied i er

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