THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN D)AILY. MWife S liked your Beef Tea so well last night" said a gentle- men, that she wanted me 0 to get some Beef Extract so5 that she could make it 0 at home." You'll be sur- prised to find what a good, 0 hot drink we serve for 5 0 cents. Sonic drinks are 10r cents hecause the ma-o terials cost more. They'reo all good.C x -- 0 SCALKINS' - :-PHARMACY, aaaaaaaaaaaaa 0aaaaoo Be Sure You're Right On Footwear. There'a lats oatrticks is the tradle and they're practiced imare thayea thick, but nst here. This stoarestakes yea suresyau're right This store guarasntees yea a safe ise est- 2ceet af eey dallar yaa pat itta slices we sell. ft is a gaadSlhae Stare, full of :aoodSsitiesayedaows. Goaad lathers tea, if yaa want themt. W.C. Rein hardt, 42 S. Main Street. OUR LINE OF CHOCOLATES at 25o a pound are something fine. Have you ever triad thsen)? A larger assortment every day. Otily pure groods at H angsterfer's COR. WASHINGTON AND FOURTH AVE., AND 26 SOUTH STATE STREET. Yrour Tailor ! Have you seen these nobby Suits Milward is turning out. XILWARD 40 State St. *" i-" :4 DOES YOUR LAMP TRY REDI No Chand Wicks, No Olffent A Whlite Light-Burns free] -Clear as sprineg water-0c promptly-Sold only by WHEN YOU KNOW' Where to _go for your work-you find that well made clothes cost no mitre than shop - shop work - We use only the hest material-the most thoroughly train- ed operators-Study each forum, and fit it- --- .__ G OODSPEED'S, 4 15 S. MDAIN SZT. SMOKE? STAR OIL--NO SMOKE, live Odor, No Fouling of Cliiueys- ly to the last drop if oil in the lamp eper gallon-Delivered in our cans, DEAN & COMPANY. 44 South Main Street. UNIVERSITY NOTES, Six iietibes of thie medical Tacalhy are- laid upitwith lai.grippe. (G. A. Thameas, '1t1.), left for hisa grains. T'hey wtill be tinItie shape of ( a card ease w'flm I lie eaver of ndtresa- esd kid, lined ini silk. Tickets were ilisliiuted among ft-etesers of tht honse in Wyandsotte, Midh., flus morn- sseee inig- It is ile~ttilcatnnoutnced that Caim- paniari ies fitenscented fill-thoieMay t+estis-al Coceritsa. Beii B. Mi-fteeny, es-'91),lies fountd- eid a papier aifClrand Rapids etitlfedi Practice at Woman's Gym. .IchiInterest is taikena by thie young IstisItsthIfe ttVisans (yllinasiuni in the nest genie callsei "Nssseainb" t'his is at mosdifieid form of bst-bail, muchiofsthile latfer's rotughness ielig The Saitrday Seript." elminteds. Severaliti siafeli.egames flev. (hatrlesoCuthbsert Hail, I).ft., flis-i-airs-asdy-beenulalyedl beftveen the whlo lias jusftfiein calleit-i iiMililesi- Mondaly and Ttssaly classes, and also di-iy ofifUnioin Thteological Selitiaryla-eeenu liiibegitunersantie he ad-i 'News ork, is to tidit the A tiericeil seicei lsis. Du. Mosher baa ix- s-sli niiof 'The lExiosilot- the lit-st pri-asedi lu-i ais delinitled sitht the numbeler of wh-iceh seill be plihtedl ott skill thic-litfie girls hliesalredy af- Ft-li. f1,,by Dodd,. Meesd & Co. fainesd. A ntew- orchesira is bieing tfsrmedi Ths- set ingiof liiihecandidefes for .amnig 'ine-raiy astudes-f for Ithe liii-freshmeai track feeiie s bien purpsise of gte-tug residentfs of :'iti ipisfltpnd fromi Monday to Thursday, Arbor ti seriss of pioputlar orehueste-elfean. 28, 4 p. me., itt the reception rooi foncert~s. T'S i rstof these esill punit-6fth WaemnG nsi . afily be 'heldl early-nettmtonthi. The Evoi-ythillg Ic please at fYrettyinan's. aseisfatice of a prsoient grenil 01sfre Good boaerd, god service, cud Ithe U. of M. Deily' onhfie table to keelp yost baritone is to be secutred. posted ott what is going oyn iathIle T1110Julnior I-fop Cotiniffee ntief yes- greaut tttitefsily. terday- afiernooan md assaiddiSmitfh, Must all lewerls flee Swastn Litune Stcrg eont & Co. the (-nuclt-eifofr pris- pllie,. HALLER'S JEWELRY STORE 40 S. Main Street. PATRONIZE HOLMES' LIVERY and get the best service. Office and Stable, 32 Forest Ave. Telephone 106. Branch Office at Palmers' Pharmacy THE ANN ARBOR SAVINGS ANK Capital Stck.&5.000. Srpls St50,000. Resurces. $1,100,00. Oraclzed caderthe Geeeral Banig Law. at this State. fReceves depsit, bys and tells esehasge as the pricipl cities af the Ifnited States. rafts cashed sees prpe idetl~catls. Safety deposit boaes t reck. OrrICEncos:Chritiac lack Prs.tSW. D. Harreian, Vice-Pres; Chat E. iiscac, cashier: 1.J. riar 5AssisitCshirr FIRST NATIONAL BANKorAniAro Gental, $10000. Srttus and rets, 1500 Trasacts a general ankig husness. Fereig. rxchange boughtad sold. Fris ltters af credit. E. . KINNE, Fes. HARRISON S01UL. V ice Pres S. W. CLARKSON. Cshier s-a. Miaicin d Hrn Streets. Capital $05005. Srptaus500. Tansact general hsing bsiess. R. KaEPFPres. C. E, Gaes EVice Pres FRED . , ESR, Catir. Lowney's Chocolates. Hot Lunches. TUTTLE4'S, 45 S. State St. ~,ONLY 5OC EACH OUR NEW I7 U. OF M. PIN. WM. ARNOLD, LEADING JEWELER Money Loaned! Ott Wtche-, 11iasond, Whetcls ci- othr Pironat rperty. SWates--ad Jew- elry Repired. 0ffcc at resdence, i. Libierty seAt A -tsAr, Cic. All busts- nes.escfdesits. Hours to t am. and 7 to 0 p. -ItiSErisC. WATS, iarais in Secnd-Hatid 5tatcheseanDamslsonds. Jutcei-eved a Large ad Eegat Line of Now Pipes!? Ht aed Cld Lunches at itlti-ics. Aert fat'isandtli asad Werers OCa's Chocolate BenBoas Rz. E.JOLLY & co. 20 S. State St., Sager Blc, Groceries, -:-. Provisions and all kinids of Sanitarium Foteds for sale by St imsori & Co., 04 S. STATE ST. Anton Teufel, ReeAQcAsTEitS FOR Trunks, Valises, Dress Suit Cases AND TELESCOPES. Tracks and Vtlsepared Neatly ad Cetapty. Nc C7 S. Cant. FULLER & IIISON A Slash in Prices. Fr achrt time ewewclii PRESS SUITS FOR 25 CENTS CLEANING AND REPAIRING. B2 S. State st.. Over Sseyt IBilliard Beam.. 0. M. MARTIN Fneral Direetor, Cloth . n etallic Caskets and Fle Grad. Collins. Embalmlng a Specialty. N. 17 8 Fourth ave. Subscribe for the Daily. U. OF M5. CALENDOAR. Salturdsuy, Janl. R80, Sp.Il i., Ittis-er- sify Hall-F-ilal University Deflate. Satumrday, Jlai. '30, 7:3,0 p. It., Nest- berry Hsall-Itecepeton to \Tiehigen Nomatlites. All candidates for tale track em must repeort at least three timiees a week at the gymnasium for the regu- lar claus work. All candidates for the bsseball team must report at lest three timtes a week at the gymnsiumi for the .regu- lar eflacs work. G. A. MfIL., Captain. Board at Pretfymnan's, on N. Uni- versity ave. You will find the Daily there to greet you each day, with all the latest college newvs. TO RENT. Good first class pianos to rent for three to five dollars per month. Sec- ond door north of campus. B. J. CONRtAD, 18 S. Ingalls. Moore & Wetmore, 6 South Main Street, - k tate Street, Cor. William. WE MUST REALIZE UPON OUR STOCK AT ONCE We therefore offer our Shock of 't'ext Booka,. Follut-tin Pena, Blstttk Botoks, St-ttionery, int FACT OUR EN- TIRE STOCK at prices lower ttl-tu hove ever btefore been offered in Ann Arbor. Studetsswill do wvell to nv-jil them-elves of this sale, and procure their Second Semester Text Book nosy. WEMEAN 3USJINE S$S!!! GOODS MUST BE SOLD. MOORE &WTOE 4