THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. fi .~ I January Inlander, ? w f f Thle Tantuary number of the tulander is now out andi ou sale ait thbe usual Published Daily (Sundays excepted) daring the Colle-ab rear, at places. The contribtious are all of THEF UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN. -Oreven: Times building, 79 S. Main St. be- teen Liberty adtiWiilivamSis. ivSxKsbtlNG 11(3J'1hiSI J. P. T:-iOAS, 7. E. L. Grrriuca.'98 1L. F. S. ii,(. F. 01. Luocins. '(98. F11.t is ri, ''.8 i H. H, Cviuwis, '9 btlter Laisib, 'it. Ci . . ecs. 99.AthiicioEditcr. AiSiC IA TI. Ei)ii'Oii W. bW. Haghes., '9:4- .W.bSiils I. P5. A. Fuvek, '98hie. I.A. Campbeilli,.C W. P. liorrili, '93. ti. it iladuisos'(:} A. M. Snilil, '57. C. Lu,ojr.,ic'itM The sbscritiiiniBriceioftheIbi'l iy s 2.5 for the ciollv-~ege , itiiho tgriiss (cuslivr befreie ioii cat :ltoy L, ties co ise a tises, arid sihercvii steieivii iiS-tfori 1))i a tion mus ti e 1tuaedi1uiiat i heD liyi tivetibe- fose" p vi., orir3 o d toiiiiliss editorssi ci3 s. ofthvis ev ious to itiitioniii ii the v. v...clieiit10 liii' ii flbais-isteatty be lef(sf i'use Dil~y office, e.ivyer's or biisiliv 1 s NeN 5 isi or wit~h }isivse Alavsi".e:uc erwllo- fe avor sbiy velisstissi i- isvitlyat iis office vnyvi uroyfssicietoi ivii' vpalir.' AlD sentarostiiisldlised tie request n=P 110 Tir ti~r 11P svis t' bard ilds 1iulv16i1iierit andtifli numiiber is lhi k~eeping with those of thie pabt. The fronctisicetlissmosnithvis a cut of Francis AV. I eisey. A. B.. P'rofessor oef : itti in the iiivecisity. trof. Kelsey s-s lisrlcs an(iasrticsle to;iiasyviiposiili onl "(ti tissisito Study stit oliginni- O ity." Civ tier i ssos cusiitrint- (iimy toiv li'sissue lirs 141.7. 'Oesiley, (Iis '-; 11. (Cooley, Alexasinsder Ziwe), -ii 1. freser, .liesbItile(blivacid !!' i ?t. iSmitis ,theatuthios'ofsit in i- is ,;'ikiecch eist(cit "'Taic I e-ils- Ii? filt.s' ttuSE of idteceisossi." An- s-Se is' t-is i bit of stosry wcii(in.?; is fC scsi ii ''Jeacssfroiss ii1tisi('il1'is Disiry," by 11 F. AIL. Saras ;51ceer Brownvis theii-witer ofi sa liiiu'.jsy of _lhiss -'Iatvl Ct oni,7 whouadied inin:Nrth Gscsi iis o s's'c. 1Oth isis. "'Thiii' 'itssuiiia thai Ilii' is rccii about ts'erusse,''" csory, ccii- ti'n tiybliss C itosiviand wi lctii)(eai- etin 1ii2lSt year's Castisiln, fiiils'iv. Q t- c t _ ,~ 2 i e ' ; , . b a f ' fi ; . . - i y _ k . , ; l y j F f 114j i ( lj .--- 1 '. ,, -. wins the jury of sliae buyers avid its ours by a heavy mnajosrity. Footwear should ho lop qutality. The feet can't stand anything else. tirices shosuld beos st epteso a ihi bounds. You went feel our shoe priced, tbnt thesy 'iill make you feel pleasesd. There are no corn growcers like hsad shoes. Ceime to us and get someithinig that yeun vvw'cear yourself,. instead of gthe shoe weaving your feel. L. GRUNERAAo :t STOREU LADES JACKETS YOUR TASTE WILL and CAPES FIT YUR P OKET 00OK, at Half'. If you fnrvtisltyour coomis iliac Nevir a tiiie viore epiportuthan tiit orGea ntzt~' ae nosw to itrovide yeourself 'ithi a stylish Reduetons itadle to force trade Coat or Ciiie a1 so little expenise. in every depsrimntt. Genii Antique Chtambec Sutsb. AVWe now c insi (iour Cloak Rtom ruts'e msirrors gnoidl$16.0value, mianiy Jackcls aso legrint in design, ow$12. l. 1)j~k1 .n~int~tr,1: vs.r ti" .em..s5 -.ssn A Clii (Ital 1-.- ti ll 'Ptin. is..i, prioputly ccliiiriithe cards senst theiii, satiiutiue,"isy ltenvry 1I.. eiltig; "Thhe ford.-thasn which iio large city cain cuhellat it .) IC l lc"pie 3it. 00. Iti is nvisaislitast o gst etta vol-iddsler,' by al. '.. i'ie-siaii; "'hiscotisii.better-alii oftwcchali en.seling, ChilelcPosrvviittiersrdcetdfrom ofi t ti ile siofthis year'sbaosk, Wusllilyins ervi,"tiy Crans-is I'ottcc 01 ar vivid thecwors-I uldviinettibe hiniiier-sdDixi ils an "'ho hidPo(D," soil-Jipiic lti'ix et aiC. -vymvere miatters of detail, ls iirloitiosgc______vvte nit $i15 s. n- rten t aEt Fisiice's ! °------T------'-ivpaese itteos {sx10o>feet, an ILuo y'~oi~sM A sil, + ,ap S $ aunwAt tse Dsiiy Boaird vieeting yetts- ---- -LA 1 CAPWeimiaki, WivitleecSeaits, Cush- (layaftenoonGeo D. ludntt, 00, Unity Cluib Lecture. in n l id fFriuet Abstraschanv, Coney, Weeol, Seal, .'lonkey in vdalkni fFriuet mud I. A. Camptbell, 10cc-re elsecteilidil sil-s olorder, ti the tbosrd. Butler 5Liimbc'-wsstmd eas n ss'usof 1Rev.J.. ',Sunds'lait'slet- FiitueIepi-.u ts teregular editosr for Tuesday's lipaper tI'-- csv''i~Ll ursoIniatteUiaincuc O n - U.-okad the resignaitiontofe'Miss Louise t actevieniniig. Thel e lctuire, treaiting adpksta lae Dodge cwas receivedt aiddaccepvted. 'NOvo__tePicturequenessf___di_,________ oliver business of inipts'iice cwas traceniifromisthe peirsonas~l otsevcusisos tansacted. (f Mi'.Sunde.Irlanid duinig Iis touricofn1 0 As tisuasl cchen live disrepuistbls'cle-ts-t cotuntry. Ttie leect 'ic-is iliu- taebysroiciivws v io. VIIIi msent in anvinistiitttionv of lelseiviig shiv-tredbstrsissiissiiit11t reeds in peripetrativig sosmseevtrage becevn cstheiesi by lir. Sundsserlandl at DRY GOODS._ , tlanieleeprssaei.tiit te liiferevit i-cs of iterest wvhichlv 5658-60 S. MAIN ST. -FURNITURE. tUiversity of Illinsosaffair, illeges ,i ii~id Tri'ihv Inodts~ia to a counvtry, thy' cinis filse'fertilse Valley' sitGash- AT\I itd CIAN OtPiEtA HOUSE. student ruffianism andsiprovees cocinm-____ sivly lsa tit triv svvd'vs issyveul-ec-tiet' saii 'tloisits Ipositioni anditheilierti.i' Sitiutedt so it is ill lie mvidst vs-it ire of is-1l-h'te-acceli a--tae ostt u a.t itaiinous sdistrict, it slavis a-s elve{ n ra~m Fls srotvs with rocedyismt. There aseil I- 't I iii.I itcelebrated uerleavi drama, "The vtiviluls ciliott sssiiso icivs ii sisitstiler sit its surfaice',mavieeit oes'forthsall tie nurtehrsnivently be-Gr eCIeii M, vl epae of steost pitieuresquue lportievns of live vuls itisherlvr io eiiy ire st thus' Crandc epera house T'ites- every community ant weisn theiy over- -- _____ saptebiuisaire litueis it be. Boieuvd'l. is it is oi th'esast NYTC0.. ciy ec-tiing, Janvvuary 26. The recordi pste scltre tdsanhtithuetsevaes ii vinitthu s'itt Isotwoe ret tes, 'i-sft- If sip stuvde'nts cwiiihant their usiisves 1iiade blv this piee is phvenomenal. 'otioans theysethiae a uihhoi. ib lesnyleeessfriu ttov- t rof. C. G. Taylor, of the enginaeer-It casilte most scintillating success tlu-s i ig shop, before teet. 1,'a courot in et' the season durinig 'chihh m B~ut execrations should not be ueaped ' 1 Aesiess elii usrded oil this ,shotography ciii be offered in' the pire theater cvas open ini New York. upon all studenvts becausie of this faults norti by the stublimie avid pictuvresqtue' Siuvuiver School. If six do not signify It iss been discussed iii the newis- of a few. Students have had to bear Himaeslaysas it cavnnot hut be a place their intention bty that time no course papiers avid magazines and is to he th luu o eryaletv nteiniteresting aliketotIt the trarveler, the ciii be offered. C. C. 'TAYLOR.I. toue btr og aeross the waler theblae fr narl al crmesinheinu London. tt is the kinsd of dramas category except the crinve of '73, oud historian uvnd the schevntist. Thevfotara ENG~INEERdtING DtItPAITIME T. that aptpeals to all kinds cund cendi- itI bu iet alahl, of tIndia withi its variegated colors, Course A, Beginner's coturse, Sect. tions ofpelbu is soitay _- the variety andlnumbhvier of its cwildIIt., Mondsay, Weidnesday, Thursctay, hvumuan. It tushounds ini thrilling situa- -Vesper Services. bess, thte ustomls and habits of the, Friday at 19, Rom11, iiUiversit 11as1. tions, but has not the remotest resem- peolle temseves togtherwiththeV. E. FttANCOIS. blance to the lurid melodrama wheun, At the vesper service toduay live pspetvvuics oeie ytiCu (oiinxeiibStniciibegrettmvonumuents of architeeture erect- All candidaten for the 1900 track bithpltce is generally the Bowery. lra nEclib tiewl eta r euse orpr tlat"TeGr etBhldM"i teamy aremrequestedhtopreportntileast "Tue o Gi . Iet Bhid e"isa sung, and a solo. Thsursday after the e ytvue ei epn adi three timeuta a week at the gymnasfum l1reofatin.I depicts gr apuhciy sevcetisfllwui rorunciim tlpressing upvon the foreigne visitor t ta fr regua ls yr.Cniae the life of the American Indian and 'given: Senate, "Pantorate," tthein- vastness and iicturesvquenes of thuai for the freshman relay loam especially the American military post ad fvre;Adne is ypoy ar off southiern country. should he ,at the "gym" regularly, clashes them strongly. Beether ndane, FiohnB.mWest; But of ali the interesting places of B. IIODCMj N, Mianager. - India, .stid the speaker, the Hinalhaya Swaun Isineni copies well its letter Cadatsfrhe'SUelyem Canon in B flat, Jadlessohn; Canon tonare requested to repeit at the Gyinai- FJd sll;,,TanhunrMrc, ountains are the mont attractive. press. slu______5m daily at 5 o'clock. Wagner. First among the features of this ct- Subscribe for the Daily. P. H. O'DONNELL, Manager. 4