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October 12, 1896 - Image 3

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U. of M. Daily, 1896-10-12

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Finest mie o en 's uilts and Overcoas
in this city. XWe are iummesely proud of .
OUR OVERCOATS AT $3000, $25.00, $22.00, $2000, $1800 AND $15.00 AND SUITS AT $2000, $18.00, $16.00, $1500 AND $13.50
S Every one of these grarments is especially muled for our Fine Trade in thc vry hest maner, trimius according to our own
instructions and styles tifter the dei-us of tie lot fashiouablde tailors of ges York. Just permit us to Show oul troughl our
tock. We can and will please you.
Time Table (Revised) Sept. 2, i806,l ONE WvEEK. (con~itENlNr
Mail and Ex-i 47 N. Y. Speil...3 15Ge, ryyp
N.Y.C ecil..4 'S MaN -_ni . .3 ,I Prk fEr urin 1( UEereyody hese.
Eastera E. 1017 N.S. Limited 9 a 171 I !UU U v l C r o
Atlantic Es-,_ M0Ib 3 Caific xEs . 11, ,thslissehs tl s leecrlsaysIep si
D. N.Expss.._5i4e0 esern Es... li adacmpi ecmpn nRpeti
G5 .Epes.l i ~N. E . 110 idt s~pes eslc to any part of the house.
0. W,.IGLRn, 1. WDIA Y., vallable fa lso - .(1goosd Poits tChisne sf 1 ill1 Nihly. Steuree your
. P. & T At.. Chicago. At. ssnAross posy ,ed o cb , irmpn.ets erly and.-oiee sillcso-K015-in
- ,e e~ssci y ~sSsih sf calislsis.loc fsr
_ t Tryandbuy>, 'ar~ei'e an if plty god 1i.seslneseotseil seas. 1- sex tsrr the
IJ it'AI 11 tlo n tllotall tllts clsim- besslretlil5501tlt<lo5.e,
ece . for. f1tis's it aildet yur Ti1etstfosles ltalthesIFpessaoffice
t r , r- 1m1o 1hey l. bGoacie, o
5 ~ -.l YOUR FIsl 1125r LAK is the
RAILOAD. cp my 0nly the PARKE. , the ittdall hinds oc San illlril
RALRADn witm h tie Crveid Tublasr Foods for sale by
N Timan Table, seta. ,8l96.Stm n &
T1.Fo.S IYs n & C . n 'eu~. ;cenffce Hours, 7-9 p. m. 7. C. FREUD, '99, 471S UNIVERSITY AVE. ' 15. STATE ST.C .
Isunilsyay esetenToldoan Hm-_ nie _an _Scss rs-r - - I +5Caitlsc, 55,0 Cafls,, Xl150,0.
ad*,Paiiy sleepers eween isletidoKnies and ScssosndP Rlelsource,,+ 0 0
nDialy acept Snday We have jest received a new assortmlent o Pocket K hises aiid of this Stte. Receives depsis, bty and
K.F . . lOtlEAgent secls echaee n the prin~cpl(,tiie af the
W. 11. BENNETT . . A. Tleda . Sissors which arc sellinig at the poplar pice o 25 Cel-Ils eaei. Bited lStes. Dralts ashed pn prper
__________________________________Idetifieatin, Soey depsit hoes Is rent.
' / ' 0 S+ , . 17 F. -,a4hinvet. arimaa svieel esi has EN.elllascch
ANN ARBOR &YPSILANTI ST. RY.I/ lurnrner 1y's 1DrU 8torE , C or. 4th Ave.Cashier:1t. . CizAsantCsir
Titan Table, May 17, 1896 1OcitA ~l KctTii.ll. Ilfle elitudints dei- F 110 NAIONAIL BANKef-gnAinAor10
Leave Ypsilanti leansCesngres t., J5:,(0 tut A n u cm ns n. olil~in 1 l ld rf~irUpte 1000 SrlsadPois 4,0
and 1101 n . n am.; 12:45,1.:00, :30, IllS 4, dt 3:1 T___0 tesiiiiti il he rtes r anspiact enealtnsandkingfbtsin45,5
Lease Ann Abor Junetian, 7:100,8::0 and Lterary Department, stii'-: 1111 1'll~ll oieii rnsosetsa . geseih ndnsld.nFbries.
11:30 a. i.; 1t15, 1:10,4ac, 5:3017:15, 5t.00 and (llA.h\[ 1'iE 5111111)1,O : All elit- .SMlleclys tiici Wie'tiesihiyts at * Il iii.lettersof reillt.
10:41 .Mn. PoesrIly .tRau . ~i -IEit INN:,esE IR2aC 0IE
SUNDAY TIME, n aIe studenta te :111'ree ell o e p rt- -Vitt rtc i i1:1112 ul--i- --, na li~ i cees.UE
Leave Ypsilanti lfrm t.'nngeesst., 1:3, :3 no lProestsorvt tri -o' fo sur,,il . l it 11111htll, o l T liil1-at', lt 4 p. Ii.,I 5 V .iAIS N 'sir
0 0,1:1and5:9 0p. m. tilt)-\I1t. R1111 It 11ibstli 25, tUniv t r- . 1 tI, flic e S t, (stee Taitr, latest
LaeAnn Arbose Jnction, :0, 4:0,:30, 11111, Int lretbl eisI n1'111 11m e itlouseStyl es. ltiC 1. Isd- 'ie Ied
Cans ran anCar cityntime Pare single trip i 15 o thleicwtih0'. It- an e li i1-'olls111 s 7 Iits 1tll. t o ii n5tI 10 a. nill, verly tin~t; i 111-line.Clestuil , iresing
cet;round trip ticet 5it sTeam fese Ireell. iig t 1 ise, . 1111cee.1co nsiven dwth
____F._PARKR,_Supt_10Yo_12_.Indrontto__,Ot,_)_daie}eThelAll-reshmeneTemeeteodmworey'for teandelivean-
10. %cllll-eyllph }oismoney'sl, wrta,,
THE KINDERGARDEN BILLARD HALL youri mon111'-1y55«llhik. e IIl'11:-1 el ler h Il 20e-cS.lleStateee
PHYSel e ICS:1111,-111sillatti-a le re1'hc1 1pr11pects tutte e I e 1 ii Choclat
RAILROAD TICKET BROKERS tll' ii ilee'- Ci iiilies Chocolaictes.eI el e'e 111
MONEY To LOA.N ON PERIISONAL illion,ill :It llbny-, (te. 12 nil.i((, 8:11111 ~y lioll;,aly 111111 11111. l IIs11 Hot hunches.
PROPERTY, 4 Ip. 1in., 111n1th e etune ro105111 e e i elltblht te 1b good Itl 11 1tl libel I
Wholesale Cigars, eobctos and B loblLllr11v 111Crlit Iell UYITLE'S, 48 S. State St.
Cor. Main and Liberty Sts. (,nestle 11 Se'. -1S. leoll Tu (ltly. t1111' lol andbbl1, ibe hwll p 11i 1 It.- PHXOTO~pn,,:P ZR T
Jast iReceived a Lageeand Eleg-at (Ai lsebllll b- een2 elIs.bIe 1 111:lTlth:1 bl 111 111 ARBOR. MICHC.
ul atth Iilhyoib-lll L bsiel l. i1111th~t e b ll. aferHO11 11 1111 bltlilb
L . ® LNee~'w Pipes! UOLIII'A1 E(CONOMYv: Perltsob 0n1:1 l l(lie thle ii 1 11111se -11111 ANDALL THE PHOTOGRAPHER
RotanedBld Lunnches at all hourbs. Agensns t711 lbtay be conisulthetd ill Roolh le",bll ed.i'upt 11f11111 i eIll ell Iiil t. Wasingtoin Bloc,
fonrIdayer's and Williams and Wrners Co.'s-
Choclate Bn Bans. TappanilHa7ll, every Itioil at 31 bail idullge il sl Oeiite' plying~~l. Ann Arboir.
IR. IS. eJ01.I.Y &CO. o cltoch. 'lilt .' lliillllgIlbl',l is libtoeblSIb ll l
200s.Stae St,aer Blc. ENLISIH: Stdents deiing tl e isfr(Sy eellle houbldel 011'oall Cor
*141113w lltnSeon. Nwle nl. cohslt wi-t111Professo e ti ilonl till li'po iet bilrl'e llbils Ilhis II txebnelll
DA liiliiOGrang es celn of lDanc- Ifid hniin n Rhom101 T. 11., t 4 p. 1n., oll 41 t'loeiegeeron'for.Nok.Myar
N *1W*IWtnand St. daily. 1leeoctablet'bordlin the eity 11tlie
__________________________________ ERIIW, SSYRANA~lAI~etoiild ('clii eonly$1.0 iertweek.
U O CRSAVING PARLOR and Bath- t~iIIE: Prons Craig is obligeds0tolRegulr Iil .Oss ,5 cenits. 8)111111idl
mo.rem. All pponiments fist cas. Ppone000 work in these subjects iitl'IPJ W
Imported and domestnc cigarsn Ladies' nrtis- anid migt. IEW
tic hair dessonne and b-athing pnnrlor, up Oct. 29. Sudens wishing Is elect any c OLLR
stairs. J.NR.feeljnnwski, 30 S. tate s. PHLStOSOPHY : The cls,.' tking 'TO RENT -A very desiable 00111eeCf I
M MATINFanralOhecto, CothCorse 1 (PhilosoOptial Itrodition) n)oonsSlIliOlinry olI It-ho it 1111
0 MATN.Fnrl ietoCot cold waler. Hot witer lrtin. Use
-Cln. and EMetallic bligmn Caskets and Seily Fineo7S Grade will meet ill Roomu 24 Univrsity 11111, ExaliinatienS for the Choral Union
Coffin.hEbalingaDSpialy. o. 1 5
Forhave. and not in Rboin C as announced of bath. Enqnire at 47 S. Diin will be held as follows: Thurday, iS
previously. Tie class taking Corse FothRet-Plandseme suite of rooisno h 12:30 and 4 to 6; Fridnay, 4 to 6;
TO IINT-One parlor 101(0, very 21 (the Relation betwseen Science adI0one blocko freim Camust. Furnace Saturday, 19 to 10; Monday, 0 to 12:39
large furnace heat, ight and bath, Philosophy) will meet in Rtoom 4, Tap- hat, mantel, gas. $5.0. 90 E. mad 4 to 6; Tuesday, hi to 12:0 ad
at $3.50. .20 S. Ingallo st. pantHafll, on anti after Wedneoday, Washinfgton oht. 4 to 6. A. A. STANIX2Y

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