Adk 7 = i Ilk h U"* A VOL. VII. No 81. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, JANUARY 26, 1897. FOUR PAGES-3 CENTS. W DIL1D,@o Leading Talor' AND IMlPORTER. FULL OHESS SUITS A SPECIALTY, NO. 2 E, WASHINGTON ST. NEAR MAIN. SOAP!! 'We'sve got a fioe assortmeot of good pore toilet 50a1s5 n0 per- fome 10 them, just so00w sod all ooap for 10, a Cake, 3 for 25. Try a cako onet time. $ PALMER'S PHARMACY. d 46 S.!STATE ST. DEEP CUT IN GENTS' SHOES $.00 'SHOES Still on Sale for 2.8E3"9. JACOBS & ALLIVAND,1 WASHINGroN STREET. Holiday Goods -AT- Brown's flruc Mtore. FULL STOCK. LOW PRICES. Corner of Main aod Horon sts. Babylo Coat is THE BEST. All grades of ha rd aod soft Coal. Camel Coat and Coke. 11. STAE]BLER, Telephooe No. 0. Ooe door East of Amei- cain [mse UNIVERSITY 6CHOOL, OF DANCING Opposite Law Baildiog. 0i.001a semester for twrolessons a oweik 27 Thompson Street. --AT- WAHR'S BOOK STORE, Now is the best time to boy SSWEATERS We have the best quality and at the lowest price. Sporting Goods and Gymna- sium Supplies a Specialty. W&HR'SIsBOOK STORE HENRY W. ROGERS ACCEPTS ground for years sod io a great ex- p10110 to the state. By conabining To Address Law Students on listhesieo with the University, better resoits would be obtandined and e Washington's Birthday, state would save money. \Ir. LuskI PresidenitHenoy Wade Rogers, of inferred that flits idea entanatnad tromns Gov. Pingree bnt believeo that the Norfthwestei-iiUniversity, ltas actepted time is list yet ripe to bring abolut the invitation of te last classes to de- litser the address at 'the Washiftil's jsictoa cine-a tns Evening Birthoday celebratisli. Ptesideiit Rog. ers stas fiortierly tissociated sw-ill 0te Art Collection Notes. 'ttiveoil ofidilliall tiisiig itice the clod of the last college pled the Tappianicthairof laws before yeaor no adiditions either in the way of tie swas calledh to tie presidenocy of paintings or inodels have been blade Norlos-esern - to toe art collection: It is entirely The follostilig letter swas received probable tiat the collection.swill lost by, the committee sionrrangemoentes: be re-arranged until an art building X-v D -wcon erotane. Tisiss-gea-ic_ MICHIGANENSIAN '97. General Progress and Status of 1 the Work to Date. 'VisTe Miciganensian cosopeti'tions closed Friday' night, thle results on thle wshole being very gratifyinig. Between 40 slid 50 contribntioins were handed obeg to acknossledge the recefi ta cl eotie.Ti sagetne fess days nivrt-roty anod that the bill rtceintly noticeth teft- jSittoofers oft tile Washington Asso- tiog dhoswnlfhe apprtloplriationss frcio cltion of the Alniiii of thoe'Uiiivr- oneo-sixth to oiie-tethlof a mlu lol ily of Micisigais sill hold!ftheirl finld 'test supporfers. "The got--urle s k-s'evnth oannulal rennions aisdh dinnler aoinions on the Usoiveroity .irt-etchl at Williard's 'sotel Wal llntoll. D. C., knownl," sas M Sr. Lus11k, "and lilly litt Wedisday evening. Presiohent bills that msiy be passed giving it as-Angell is expected to be a guest ofI sistance still certainly be signeid by the asosciation 015'tfloe occasion. A him i. The ptrospects now5 are (htotShe bunsiness 10001ilg seill be held 'at 7 ri-gilar apiaropriation still iot he oclock,- and floenmaiich to the bsansquet csanged, bu~t the commsnittee muay, vot- hotll still be takess up of 8. It is ox- tetr aproper investigation, reco lnsad beefed list at number of loidies still be ltha special appropriations be madhe present. The officers of the assocfia- for specific purposes." tioin sre: Arthur A. Barney, president; 31r. Look believes that the day Senator Cushman K. Datis, tRepre- wohen the looioll' aonoo sodl to seo'tative SMarriotBrosius, Senator ill, the ltargest inumber tsr soy one peize Ibeing 20 poenis ini conspetitioii for Sef'iboer's -Magazine. 0100 of the mst attractive features of thse literary ltsrf ion of the volume esill no doubst be a negro dialect poem stritten eslticially for the Mh-chigaoen- oioio by Ste. Fedmrsi lon ~iBrooks. thesot--liillorist. Alr. Brooks ap- peared oii the Studeints' fLteture Asso- elation course here test years sago and. lois reatding froml his owni pocisinoadle 0100 of thit 110sf enjoyoablieeeninigs of floe course. The evork of smoking' uf)fle coos- pite class hosts is bteing greatly hilt- dered by some1 of thle senlior class seho tdo not seeio to unitterstand the neces- oity tsr filling out and returning at onsce floe postal curds senff lihem. Seniorn, Attenstion, .A11 senliors of floe literary,hIle'and00 eligileicefbg departuientostwho havi- n~ot alreaody- filled siltansd returoetd the postal earths sent ft-on by Milcigan- eusiso, ore requested Ia do so at once. Thte se-ek of compaoiligfloe various1 statistis is great enough in itself, wtithouttsaving obsacles throwon in thi- wsay by the tory classes wthomn tihi book is io represenit. About 25 pee cent of the cards ore yet tos be re- ceived, slo thfle editors oare %-ely aux- tOlls that they shiouldobeisenoit in oft on0c. It bmsy be that 00100senitorswee olinited in sending ou~tfloe cards. Any mebob~er of the literoiry, iais or engin- ocring departmnlts swio expects tis graduate 11sfs year, -and wtho has not received the blank caird sent out by't Nhiciigaooensiaii, is askedh to wyrit- uison a postal card His namin in full. Homne address. College hbonors. And niail to the noo100giug editor, _'Q) S. University ate., 'City. Seniors are sftrongly urged to doi this miuch tosward making tie Uait- versity annual a sguccess, end to do it promptly.- MVICHIGANHN\SIAN BOARD. Ex-President Harrison has definitely decided upon Starch 22 as the date of his lecture. The subject lie is h, speak upon still be announced later. 'The next lecture in the course, Feb. 12, bhy Luther Laflin Mills, will be on "Lincoln's Birthday." This, Is the Chicago alumni nenuber. floe University has pasoed. IHo es iu predicts that at somae future time on effort will be made to abolish the ag- ricultural school at Lansing and the mining school at Hougloton and in- corporate them in the Univeroity. The wiodom of this course is apparent, hLe thinks. At present ft Is costing the state about $5,000 to graduate a stu- Aithiur Brown and Rufus H. 'Thayer, s'ice presidents; Duane E. IFox, tress- titer, and John N. James, secretary. 'Tii list of members of the associa- tion contains mniyewelkanown names. -- Detroit Free Presso. The season of '1)63eras a disastrouis one for the finances ef 'the Athletic Association at the Universify of Min-; nesota. The seasen closed with a de- fict of $710.03. Up Town' -108S. Stae st Ann Arbor Down Town I dent fromi the mining shool. The ag- Opposite Court Hoose, rclualh-h benlsn