THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN D)AILY. I''yWife Bulletif,: New 0: usic. HA.LLER.,R_ o liked your Beef Tea so well 0 TeNwBlyToSe. last night,' said a gentle-v "The Bully Song." 46 S. Main street. men, "that she wanted me "You're not the oniy Pebble on the Beach." 0 to get some Beef Extract % Te rs o ol. ATOIZ OMEcS'IVR so that she could make it0 "TeCosoGod"PROIEfUIL IVY at horne" You'll he sor- i ^ and get the hest service. % prised to find what a good, :AiNIN A~B I I IS C C . Ofc n tbe 2Frs ' hot drink we0a serveandStabeforFres ho drn0esrv o 21 AND 23 EAST WASHINCITON STREET. Ave. Telephone 106. °vet.Sm rik r 00 Branch Office at Palmers' Pharmacy w ceiits because the ma- 0 i 0 terials cost more. They're i ir i THE ANN ARBOR SAVINGS BANK all good. . ** * flI Capital Stock, $50.000. Surplus, $150,ti0. ____ 0 .111 IResources. $1,it0,00. a-- 0 l[ JIIn r iJ I /Organized snder the Geeral Banking Laws ° Pof this State. Receives deposits, bays ansd ° sells exchange as the principal cities of the CLIS PAMC.The Monarch Dress Shirts. United States. Drafts cashed ness proper The lgi DOLARShit.ldentification. Safety deposit bases t rest. CaaaaaaaaaaALKIS'-:- PHARMACY The Amer. Hosiery Go., Underwear. Hlarriman, Vice-Pres.; Chas E.Hicok The_________________Cluetts Up-to-Date Co lars and Cuffs. Ca9shiers M. J. Friez Assistant Cashier. The DOLLARid and osiGlv. FIRST NATIONAL BANKofgAnnerior -T - E 'hey nevet faillto satisfya. We have fatll assortmensts of CaiaO0.t.Srlse rgantsed.006 Trassacts a general bashing business. ^'/ ivt "Sorteigl rxchange bought and sold. Furnish BIAOLES TO ORDER 215.MISTFRNSE. letters of credit. 21 tS..INMEINPes..IlFttlISO SOCLE WOMEN and MEN'S ?E._D________Pre_______________cePrs. S. W. CLARKSON. Cashier. Easy Fitting Shoes in all the DOES.YOUR LAMP SMOKE? Latest Styles. rm--1 - ~TRY RED STAR OIL--NO SMOKE, - for Repatring 43 S. Main St. - Upstairs. IN THE EQUIPMENT OF A STUDENT'S ROOM, It is generally conceded bhat a stringed an- strc~est is almost an as sltcanecessity. To secure the greatest enjoymnetfDonm the purchaset et the best yoroecney ssill afford. Exporitijdgment peooncestshs"Bay state"instsuments 51thsscaiet so thse world An escellent inttouet is the caeBAY STATE $10.00 wee hsre in stock ciseneer banjlos !,zs tsn thsis, lot for a subsstasstial. sers,- sahleinsruenet, ait a low pri"e, no etser instrument manufactured can oeaewit it. Sena for illustrated catalogue, JOHN C. SPAYNES & CO., 453-403 Ws-51.gton Strert, Boston. THE OPERA HOUSE JEWELER, Can fueni 5 youswith a first-class Fsontain Pen. eenassd hintg repaisringca specialty. --GIVE HIM A CALL. PHOTOGRAPHS ---special rates to Seniors at 2lerrym an's E. Huron Street 'Your 'Tailor ! Have you seen those nobby Suits Milward 15 turning, out. MILWARD 40 State St. "Rteady Chsange Lapel Sutton."- Holds two nickels, practical and use- ful Everybody will wear one. Post- paid for 15 cents. L1oulin Novelty Co., 112 Dearborn st., Chicago. Ill. Subscribe for the Daily. No Chsand Wicks, No Offensive Odor, No Fouling of Chimneys- A White Light-Burns freely to the last drop of oil in the lamp -Clear as spring water-0c per gallosn-Dselisvered in otir cans, promptly-Sold only by DEAN S& COM1PANY. 44 South Main Street. UNIVERSITY NOTES. F'orty-twovo nstributlios wsere rc- ceired iso tseiio.liaensian cont-si. Thse Reserse footbaill leasm was pslotsgsapslicslat Rcsntschler's yester-. day5. Mcssbers of thse Fresiuasa Clee Cissb will smcet .in Room 24, at 4 5>cc-ia today for rehearsal. trof. E. F. Tohsison, of tloe law de- psartmenot addreessed. the me-sibers of ltse Usnisersity V. 't. C. A. yesterday on "Selfishiness." Saturday evenisi ,Jon. 30, bloe S. C. A. will give a reTeltiohi to ai vis- ibg delegation frossothe Statle \Noessal School gat Ypsilanti. Profcesssr Dewey svisited 'the chless club at is last moecting. Mlds inure interest isubog takesi by siemibers in the clssb tisasu-was smasifest at thc samenicmise last yeas. 'Phiere sill bs- a osec-tisig of all the casudidates fur the freshmnan track team ioin001124today at 3 p. no. The worka to liecdone ihis sliring wil lie discoosse il and Ste. ttHsdlIi soill otutlinie the pulans to the -asdidatcs. Ssilihosiioses at thle.Liisesity ot Illissois broke u111tile freshman bass- qleet last weeka by the use at fouli- soellisig cieuicals. Some out the liqusid wass thurowsni in ;tseeys-~e of a yoosg lasdy iso attendanice and it is thossghst slhe ssill lose her entire power of seeisig. The faculty has coi- ossesoccu an insestigat ioin andiswhiole- sale expiolsias are thrseatensed. Mlost all lawsy-ers ulse Sssan Linen plaper.: Cor. Slain ass uares Sieeets. Capital $Woiost.OSrplus 515.00h. Transact general baning business. E. Itnur, Prs. C. E.Coo seN, Vice Free FRaDo ii hBtLStR, Cashier. Lowney's Chocolates. Hot Lunches. TUTTLE'S, 45 S. State St. fW~ ONLY 50lC. EACH OUR NEW U. OF NI. PIN. WM.E ARNOLD, LEADING JEWELER. Money Loaned ! On watchesz, Dimnonds, Whieels or othoer Personal Property. Oiateises and Jew- els-v Repaired. Ofice at ree-idence, as E. Libsety st,-Anon Aebor, Slob. All busi- nesseaanfdessoial. Hoous, 7toilsa. ,and 7 til 5p. -. -Jossor C. VWA-cT. sargais in Second-Hansd ''aichoes ansd Diamonds. Just Received a Large and Elegant Lice of N~ew Pipesl fl and Cold ILusnches at a51 sous. Agents tor Husylers anasd Wtilasa and Werners Co.'s Chocolate lBon lions. R. E. j oLLY & CO. 20 S. coats St., Sager leek. Groceries, --Provisions and all kinds of Sanitarium Foods for sale by Stimsori & Co., .4 S. STATE ST. AnYton rfeufel, " HADQUAR5TERS FR Trunks, Valises, Dress Suit Cases AND TELESCOPE.. Trunks and Valisea Repaired Neatly andi Cheaply. No 5725. Masin st. FULLER & IXSON A Slash in Prices. For a short tinse we will PRESS SUITS FOR 25 CENTS CLEANING AND REPAIRING. 22 S. Slate st.. Over Roseys Billiard Room. 0. M.M14AITIN, Funpraol irector, Gt " n etallic Caskets and Fine Grade Coffins. Embalming a Specialty. Na. 17 5 Fourth ave. Subscribe for the Daily. GREAT REDUCTION SASE I Moore & Wetmore, 6 South Main Street, - tate Street, Cor. William. WE MUST REALIZE UPON OUR STOCK AT ONCE WeC therefore iuffer our Stockt of Text Bookaz, Fount-in Pens, lsiok Bosoks, St-itionery, in FACT OUR EN- TIRE STOCK at prices lower than it ever bsefore heen offoreds in Ann Arhor. Stude-nisstill dlo we-Il to av.oil thems,,elves of this sale, and procure their Second Somester Telxt Bisok now. GOO0DS MUST 1B SOLD. MOORE &WTOE