THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. .~ m ~ i~. I Society Programs, + "" + ' f The Aolilphi Socicty gave a goc - program at its meeting Saturday evae Published Daily (Sundays excepted) during the ollge sarat ng, including a banjo and piano du( THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN. by J. L French and Miss Vesta Mill, an original sketcli of a "Patent M Aed Orrioe: Timnes building, 79 SS.ain St. be- tween Liberty asd William Sts. cine Man," by H. J. 'McCreary; a lT MIANAGING5 EDITORC narrative essay "John S hermian" 1 J. F. THOMiAS, 57. Frank Brown. The tdebate was en tl BUSONEx5 .2A NA(OEI questioni, "Rtesolvedl, TL~it iniinieip, 0. II. 1100Z, 'O. cat rrilio 51i1s1clue toi inigratio'i.,I 1E1)1 11)11 E. L. OGioxiem, '58 I. F. S. SuiosC, '9. te lt' oliiooef tile judges, Aless1 F. M. Loomis, '98. H. 1. SKIL 5MAN, '9s L. Banks and Cox on the affirmuativer H. IH. tilois, T' '9. C. M. CoREN,99; Athletic Editor. cted two(l1 ti5 vtes 1to 1n110for Mesi Asse)cJA'f:H I)IT0115 IRout santIilupper onitheienagiv0. W. W. Hughes, '98. S. XW. Sill 01, '97. F. A. Fucik, '98 E. ,Loise Ilodoc-, '99. ' holJ,-ffersslllan Society held i W. F. Morrill, '98. Btlle Lani', 190. A. M. Smith, '97. C. Lll, jr., 911 . 1'01 oihir eetig Saturday. 'ii"reg. E - - ---- y f i . i t v __ J Yy . r._ - '3 i ' ' is _ _.: j '. THERES NOTHING LIKE LEATHER, WHEN WELL PUT TOGETHER. OVA --NINE-- O S Russia. Enamel, Box and Ameri- can Calf are World Beaters. BEAUS SHOE STORE,. 6 N. MAIN., OPP. COURT HOUSE. L . 7 " ITold TYouLiSo" Teo Oldest Inhabitant will say, and it's its Li r l1ot a l o oniitle uetiosii."lResolve'd, ' 1:a aquestioni of faet 01h001d be de- uulyso egtthe hardest Thesbscriptiip11 i llsC(' teIlsily =.- 111 l eol fjde lse f winter in February and March. for the coll ege y9r,001 , r111 0 gel 1 duxy by 0 july," wa.s9argued by It. It. teorioson iechdmo 1ot~iii s. 0 otl1~un- Wi 109hl .I. te'70111o- don'tInake aay difference with t tioll m1000be 11,0,0ccin atsi Wly 4110e he- prices fromWinter C( foier 9p. 01 rnlaie to dIthe cedi ob , I ilnlaltive ligillst D. N.aIrpelr lild are cttngpoi ,atinvlouoso P. in., of lthe Soy preious to10halt oni chii,1 Tyr.T. ethelae on he rit o sll eerygarment in stOC: they are rexpected loot111appsWtirtcol h el vr slmcrielienscmoy hre left at The Pbuy 0f1ice, leyrsorccsillieto sleie sn, or a popularIOvote of till society, tile de"- it than carry them until next seas( with Business 'Maag. leerie 'i~lllc or,- fee a faoreby lepllelii'i. 1' lip1ly at"tis 01 b 'WOate asdeided'liii favor (If the if- effice sany failureeof cairies 10 (leaver paper. SpIO -jco t A meeting of the Doily hoord99111 The Comedy Club. be held in h11) b Ubiversity Btl,-N0 this afternloon at i oclocik. IotallO~nt Tt-e Comledly Clublebt1s19oInluiiellI 111 N business willibe tranisacted. a-tixe-0;tlc.i,5.l_..,f.,l iel__'.t. end of the Still that ,he way we othing. We k, rather do ;on. 'rhe promitnent members ofte til e111 te swine a t Ctile Grand Opiera iloli;ee press mire qitie generalily in fix-sI'of (115tile iiig(Iiof'Marchi I. A tragic the renomllination of 'Iegents Blibour sketeh, "1110 Lacemerule," written by end Cocker. Tirerencomiation is r'AN'sh-lililltlll lwshl)O~er 111111, wiil advocated because of tile recordo obey also be given ic 15a d lcuainraiser. '111 il~xC mde vlit n ofic mdho.procedels from tile 11rfor1110110 witt. b,'avevmadetotill' ithletiiAssoendlio- cause the future welfare of toe 111 b ien'ote tuti socain versity denind tile retention of two0 tile folloxwing io the plersonnell of the ouch chard-xwoirking and colloabl' lf. organlizaltioni: J. S. tiandy, A. 41. Cobb. SlIlithii Karl Ital-rillall, Tsiii Wead- r . - Essig" Any fear that the aldoptionlof t11o Chicago rules would dampen baseball fervor ou~ght to be -dispelled by the ensthosiasisi shown at the meetinlg Sat- urday night. The troublie ertofore has alivays been 11101 nearly ll of the positions have beeni praclticalily 00- sured to old players. Consequenlty new men wvere discouraged and re- fused to try for placeo. This year practically every psitinis iiien 1101 the good effect of this fac ,t is siomo i by the appearanxce of 75 mlen at the first meeting. Our experience towvard the close of last year taulghit us that ill -the enid .xastrictly11amiateure teams can beet be depended upon. Such a team is assured iuder the nexv rules and with ahard training and preactice ad plenty of 'student backing fti' Daily predicts that a teaml will be ?turned out of which the University mray be proud. A strong effort wiii be made by the Amateur Athletic Associationx to force the L. A. W. into rescinding ito ruling which forbids a cluob or college to pay the expenses of bicycle riders at an intercollegiate meet. They will en- deavor to secure for bicyclists the same privileges as .are oow accorded track men io general. ock, AF. C. Bosyntonl, D. H. V lr Will McKee, Miss T1eltial Farnsxworth, Mliss Gertrude Divine, Otrs. J. S. Mandliy land Mis B'lanchie Phillipo.l Mr. It. I. WFeinstein has been selected mnaiger. Among the Colleges. The College Creek leiter fralteli- tics in the Uniited Slaltesllave 0a111111- bershlip of 100,t000, xwith about 650 nc- ti-e ansd 350 inaictive chapt~lers. L ADIES' JACKETS and CAPES at Half. Never a time msore op~portune than noxv to provide yourself wvih a stylish Coat or Cape at so little expenoe. We have iioxv in our Cloak 11000 mainy Jackets as elegant in design, mlake and nmaterial as this country af- 1115.5at iar~l~ 99105 stlldllgboast better-all of wxhich are selling 11mk1es them'll ligitble to tahke illtile comumlenceement ixercis" extiiu spring,. at1-2 Pripoe. T'he Unix-erity of towa-o and tilePUli- versity of Mtinnesota xvill debate till qusinas to thio election of United LADIES' FUR CAPES. State senators by the direct vsole of 1 tile people. Astrachan, Coney, Wool, Seal, Monkey The articles whlich ex-President lHar- anid Electric Seal rison has been xriting for the farodies' r1 Home11 Journal uponitthe Constitution O n H a f and Goverunent of the United States are t be published ss a text-book for schools -and colleges. n n i o fA Mr hlat aving Fruit and Plower 11 1K A I I Mission boxes in their possession IV flUIK '& U il please nstify .lFlorence G. Dillon, chairman, 44 Ma diso st. DRY GOODS. FORl RENT-A very desirable suite of r oms, 18/2Forest avenue. BestA - T r7e. of table beard. V I~RTI.J1 E WILL YOUR TASTE FIT YOUR POCKET BOOK, If yon funisli youlr rooms dur- inlg our Great Invenitory Sale. Rfetlictions madle to force trade in evory departmnt. Goodl Antique Chamber Snits, large mirror, goodl $16.00 value, nosy $12.50. A Soliid Oak Roll Top Peslo, cheap at $15.00-Sole price $10.00. Cliinelle Portieres retducedl from $2.25 to $+1.50 a pair. Japlanese Rugs, 60x0 feet, a $6.50 value, nowy $4.50. Japanese Rugs, '7-x101 feet, an $8 50 value, nowv $6.50. We make Windows Seats, Cush- ions lund all kinds of Furniture to order, Furniture Repairing our spec- ialty. Work and plices that please. MACK & C014 56-58-60 S. MAIN ST. - FURNITURE, In The DAILY. 4