THEl UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN4 DAILY. "M< Wfe Bulletin, : Newa:Music.1 JWER " The New Bully Two Step." S'TORE 1 liked your Beef Tea so well M last night,' said a gentle- 'The BDully Song." 46 S. Mlain Street. men,-that she wanted me0 "You're not the only Pebble on the Beach." # to get some Beef Extract : The Cross of Gold.." PARNZ OMS IVlERY so that she could make iti ". 10 aborne." You'll be sur- and get the hest service. ne pied to find what a good, ,AN N IFA BOR IV[U SIC CO., Office and Stable, 32 Forest otdin esev #or50 21 AND 23 EAST W ASHING~TON STREET. Ave. Telephone 106. '# cents. Some drinks are 10 "_________________________________ 0 Branch Office at Palmers' Pharmacy r cents because the ma-0 terials cost more. They're TEANABRSVNSBN all good. CptlSok,&0P l~ps 1000 4 e o r eix -0 3 p l i M u l u n i fb nO rganized nder the eneral Banking L aw n # # f this State. iReceives depesits, buys and # # tells eschange en the principal cities ef the 10 At 0( The Monarch Dress Shirts. United States. Drafts cashed upen peeper ICMKNIi - - PAMC The Elgin DOLLAR Shirt. Identification. Safety depoesit bases t rent. 0+i OFFICERS: Christian lath Pees.; W. ID. .aaaaaaaaaaaaaa*aaaa The Amer. Hosiery Co., Unde-wear. B arriman, Vice-Pees.; Chas E. Biscock, _________________________The Cluetts Up-to-Date Co lars and Cufs.i's ashi et N. .1. Fritz Assistant Cashier. Th OLRKdadDogskin Gloves,.nAre BeSu e he nve filth if. ae DR idlandrmet (f FIRST NATIONAL BANKOrganize 1863 Be i~r Thy nverfai tosatsfy Wehov ful asormens f Capital, $100,00. Sarplus and Frofits, W,0 them all. Transacts a general banhing business. ______________ SE'reignexchange bought and said. Furnish U4.. 21 S0. MAIN ST. FUR \tSuHERS lettersfcrdt You're_ E. Dl. INNE, Pees. HARRISON SOUIE, ___________________________________________________________Vice Fees. S. W. CLARKSON. Cashier. Oti Footwear. DOES YOUR LAMP SMOKE?T 'r OhaisSn TRY RED S) TAR I L.OT--NO SMOKE - -- There's lets of tricks in thse trade andj they're practiced mere than you think, bat notthere. 'Tis stoermsakes you cure you're right This store guarantees you a safe invest- meat of every dollar yea put into shoes we sell. t is a good Shoe Store, fall af good Shoes at perices way downe. Good Rusbbers too, if you want them. W. C. Reinhardt, 42 5. Main Street. IN THE EQUIPMENT OF A STUDENT'S ROOM, I t is generall yconceded that a - C seed, is- stramcat is almast an ahslatre neessity. 'To secure the greatest esjoyment from the, sac-et et the beot your'smoney will afford, Espert judgment pronounces the "Bay State" instrsuments thte fisest in the world An excellent iestruwent in the BAY STATE $10.00, We hsve in stochkecheape banjss shun thin, bat for a sabstastial, servic- I table instrument, at a low price. no I other instroment manufactured cans 1comare wit it. Sendl for illastrasted catologue, PoBN C. HAYNEIS & Co.. 433-463 Wshington Streers, Bstes. THE OPERA HOUSE JEWELER, Can furaish yos with a Sirst-class Fountais Pen. een and king repairing a specialty. --GIVE 1-IM A CALL. PHOTOGRAPHS ---Special rates tos Seniorn at Be3rryman's B. Huron Street Your Tailor ! Have you seen those nobby Suits Milward is turnino, out. XILWARD 40 State St. Mvoney Loaned! On Watches. Diamonds, Wheels or other 'Persosal Property. Watches and Jew- elry Repaired. Office at reidlence, 3s E. Liberty st, Ann Arbor, ich. All busi- ness confidential. Bases, I to 11 a.mi. and 7 toait p. n.,. JOSEPss C. WATTS. Bargains in AScnd-Band Watches and Diamonds. No Chand Wicks, No Offensive Odor, No Fouling of Chimisneys- A White Light-Burns freely to the last drop of oil in the lamp -Clear as spring water-0c per gallont-Delivered in our cans, promptly-Sold only by -DEBAN & COMPANY. 44 South Maim Street. UNIVERSITY NOTES. followisiot liivels Pitsdttit.Bakdtints1 'ili' tigrii~s coicil 0 t'tlis' ittrai s ie gr'. Fesler; leadieti, Lobel. 'Pierrr sri' 's s'tlnasfisskedt oterrti'ntiltblilt tod y. (.111),b, it tthey' csill li"rttiailiy lit'fkited titof. A. Bal isill sleak ontic 1(11) tthe nt x"uiciioNiit v "Mehodof ea 4 ~lnars" efoe tlebr1hotil l irs r~ii~ioa. st-ictt ss'i cii its-ring W'ilig, itliiglit. 'Pitt staleii'ct ill yesctordliy's Daily ly ~ i lt tis ''icl t H. Cir. Pretcy cnitt tlhalt thle Web-ister Scricly tba wtiit t \oltt lreltart'l ltthe die'r gisislill ssitllibe' ltl,l Salurtitty nigtigl asls Gliltttottr of tPresitent - ii . e.igtil1ust Ions'. errr'. 't'lie- banqt.tttwiill bitt i t 'lt rftslcthi cil t'sr'-i i i i'i ititia. silica' tf 90 by 40 fiet is ava.liabls'. 'T'eirnext lecture i this 1 tilts'Clb course wl egvnnx oi y Ma'. :antdlStrc. triangs'r rtalltytour at- will b ~ ltt'ti~i~'teithlis to tIli(Ar Tuesitoland Stttr- es'ni~,lonar 2. b- ~e'. 1.'r (ly 'vtiliii rclass 11Etelihigs'. Sinleh Sundrltnii. Subject: "Pit caiic'tov seliig i50 entis ier ctiuple. Set-its Iundia." litlaletl ssitlhs rit storlot.o of 12 sweeps $5. Prograin and or- Car. Mi an sd HurotaStreets. Capital W,5000. Ssrptasm$:05,000. Transact general battking business. R. Knurs', Fees. C. E. OFENsE, Vice Fees FEn.11. BaLSEtt, Cashier. Lowney's Chocolates. Hot Lunches. TUTTLE'S, 48 S. State St. o ONLY 5OC. EACH WMe ARNOLD, LEADING JEWELER. MUSIC STUDIO. PIANO AND COMPOSITION. R. H. KEMPE From Ststtgart Conservatory, Germany. 22 S. DIVISION ST. Jane Received a Large and Elegant Line of New Pipes l Dot and Cold Luanches tat all bases. Agents fee Huyler's and Williams and Werners Ca.'s Chocolate Bon Bests. R. 1B. jOLLY & co. 20 S. State St., Sager Black. Groceries, --Provisions and all kinds of Sanitarium Foods for sale by Stirnsori & Co., 24 S. STATE ST. Anton Teufel, HEADQUiARTSF On Trunks, Valises, Dress Suit Cas AND TELESCOPES. Trunks and Valises Repaired Neatly and Cheraply. Na. 57 S. Malin st. O M. MARTIN. Funeral ilerectar, Cnth .and Mletallic Caskets and Fine Crude Caffins. Embalming a Specialty. Na. 17 S. Fourth ave. FULLER & HIXSON A Slash In Pricers. Faransort time we will PRESS SUITS FOR 25 CENTS CLEANING AND REPAIRING. 22 S. Stale nt.. Over Rosey's Billiard Ream. Subscribe for the Daily. Ftto .he freckninilit rgait 'iict'lI ltn'llii lie. (lGraings'r'S Aeitietny of I):a~iug, i tlubt yestertkis' it'riltstii cciiii teit'grclisd flottr, I; italaatac c. 73 GREAT R.EDUCTION SALE! Moore & Wetoe 6 South Main Street, ti tate Street, Cor. William. WIE MUST REALIZE UPON OUR STOCK AT ONCE!! We therefore offer our Stock of Text Books, Fountain Pens', Blank Btioks, Statioiiery, in FACT OUR EN- TIRE STOCK at prices lower than have over before j been offered in Ann Arbor. Studenuts will do well to avail themselves of this sale, atid procure their Second Semester Text Book now. WE LMEAN T3UZSINES$S!!T! GOODS MUST BE SOLD, OPEN FRIDAY MORNING. M1OoRE & WETMORE.