THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. soiowed that they w+Iitedt to hear him. Z't O P It a Thee woudanli lta tellly hw very glad ----to heir 1him1 (sli 's the ( ta,.jign Published Daily (Sundays excepted) durtig(tilt tiii illlulnde' propelo i' llitioiiO. bit the Col lent year, at - THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN. loe lthe ronioswrenrrgt. d\il ttoultl I l jiJlity of niio tice OFFICE: Times huilding, 79 S. Mate St. he- srclt tters Liberty snd William Sts. lioldei s Avwleeeors i a ;,~ol tt- alIANAAJNGtJOSTOi aid. bat iiakc5o,11 rlireri ore. As oIN IGEIO E. R. SUNDERLAN, '017. wooltot ore, we do no) how- who 1IIP f EDITORSti at fool). Periso it is (tine to a1 E. L. OcioldER, '95 L. 1. S. tialoa'0, '. licililtlerslaniiiy in i ch l ) 1 1.11 -1 a. B. 13 Ta. ANT, '0. ii. il. taILLiolo's '98L . ' 13 it flt .~. HAVE YOU SEEN OUR FALL STYLES FOO0TWEAR If iiot gtve no a call. Beal's Shoe Store, 6 N. MAIN, OPP. COURT HOUSE. BUSINI SS MANAGES J. . THOnotA, '97, Asistant. ASSOCIAfT EODTORS W. NV. liacies, '1)5, S. IW. tiiti, 'it. F. Ml. Locois. 'M'. LouiceiDodge, '539. 't. 11. iMcrrill, '98. H. ICrwin,'99. Lola. J Dickitisoni, 'i9 A. Smteith, '97. Ix to kethiiide roilidelire111d1"supplot of the o.tldent 11ody3'it Ii tettoki' orro t cavt')' ulial In iiallt' n10 o1)1)1) ,11sut'-, piises otf011 es plosffacto mlt rt';r'o') A BRILLIA"NT LLETR. (Coiitiiiiedtfront first Patge.) 1)1 lit' otje) f .l ei' '111d1 slt1Ill Sty'itS it The subscrilptiont price' f till taoly is -"d5t )lottttit it 11i-; a 1110'- o it 11101 icr the collete year, woith atrei'll delivery hi-lore coo 'each doy. Notice's, "oalm tllO tJ ml4llo111') i-l'lt'wlll's to Iru dos, atnd other mtatter ini ted d for pohblici-- tioni emust be hiandi n at t'e lily chli' be- All cilt'" intoI o st ioi l wn' l;et' lOre 4 1) ., or mailed ill th iiedititr betol-C they ate expected to appeal,. Saubscriptionsi may be l-il; a Thte Daily ii 1''I sutrpluts Tille l'' aI11: a. ;z ( Office, Oloeyer's or atli r s 1Nll utO"r, or weith Bnslinesa Naa1 r llar ellgll totci it ill Coni- lyttlI'. Ill' refer'r''e'd, lilso) 11to ' qn) t17 fer a faorot by reprtini-, tiolyltl at tis .1 ofifice any failure oioca'erso el i e toe e Pll t 10I tt of ,ltlil' 1111) 1'r11' the s001l110 at'l l f ha11 t1 II il;'a) lri) ;'V.~ ll lit Sa'tul'rd'ayll c1 ve',l" til"i U 11i111'p- 0100mc tat tilve fell' llttl of dei clltltt'0 111101'it t mo tit'of 11111111rs lil ~ ~ ~ hat 1111' tfllr illltflttti It~t It di I)~t hietitefl~ 1113' hng't tikets o' It 1 ll ')' o 11 Ifrcn° ttt It') ('11 t rel 111') IIIpagl 1pe101' N'ooo' 'lil Ililit hoe y1.11 olt ruit 11h110 outrtlly'. iO ht li'i bee gtvt t ofa te ub li t' of Sih - was ~ ~ ~ ~ i 11o1 tattledrel teadlee tnde d o te very ft t haillt (tie D~'0 I'l'e nfiutitifei t thi We t'rib na l is at pew lt hi'o'i te iljidtl')'. altl'eeS o tr tl elllu 'I ild i re a .bl S "tuitlir; of 1')" 'itethe hiodn ete Aits o'ciltion tale t.ilt lilt' irepubli'n ttili tI, Ati- le~~~~~d~ 0)ul 01e.' if r.D te - 110 tou, 11; ''i tl y cour'(t r'. 'ltiii'111 1a", giltt'ii lie 1111 eitgeogi to gloc 1111d' nonoptrtitix, tri'llstlrtr Itir'ii 1i' Alwren lecltref~ ilt 110 gh l iticket; stid~is- T)htet elcioni of' te ic '9 . O:el oi at- oiit regtd to 1113' air ndll'' lit'e i ll- dmit or geoiit-ol-armo, Jtithetis ' tiosbe teit seli w ith tgonst th fai r lit 11111 of laShea. ntatte lc tli'itiratty lotle he i 7l'eiie t ilh l- ~tory l e hlla ltt i o r tiend TheIss Bul t thas the p10es qxtons h be- ooli h o'ed reolo- foitio nhote orlifatcl slti moey '''ixol tey pa Fi~id n o ia the oiiiy nti fola'red a nlori'~- faight sot lo i'rort' teit't ha1s1) then fint aot nTil 10 aver ttn ;or oliliert jiiitlea le, or t eveile-rtya catte clot ofor ythe itay for 11100e1t 0~te Pltioln theion pvrt.i US1100 0Ill ofee lcted deesk follotew"i: tiades el-er lairileelig oeit 101g orehihuor. R ott I:. Otian r do irstti vite Tuet lecturertcasuall observert at he 010 ovill all it ly etua. Avgir godil chnrc frd itfllo. ;e itor iaerei s F.ri toenrlton 5a.f Oil. desw tatolhd, dey.ARI AL notn ieel s naed to give lrnoo the Pnrutine Store liIOIelY qtest o Ifpolita i jets t'et lillyg'r lieik 3 ',oi cussed,~emebe that them sotrtlan Cafe, youd1810 chaned tllsinisd. he sndedsdooile . s Main ftret, isoe day side Mirhtgano tosberonty ah re Mr s r nighi ther yo cnge nyhngi lossew a thelattenanqeston Sathusayase an. idds frSmeolc The IIltustrationi shows you one of our [ASH WHABLE YWUNG MEHN'SIS! Tailor Made in evety resy-ect except the prices, which are $12.00, $16.00 AND $18.00. Noble's StaCI Uothig House 35 S. Main Street. PRINCETON SACK, Shoes Sined F EETo All! 39c Shirt Sale! ,98c. One Week Only, October 5th to 11th, Inclusive. ('nloredlBooons Fancy antt Plain, warraitled not to fade,.p A fdne tite of White ai 0 Fancy Bosom Shirts att Lanndriedt w0erre , thits oveek - - - - - - - - Correoposnding Rednuctoninhother'Whtite Stis. ...Gents' Furnishers and Hatters 44 South State St., Ann Arbor. ('onme in anti get your Shoes Shtined Free Every Day-! ! ! ! THE ANNUAL ANNOUNCEMENT LelandT. Pwr----------------Nov. 30 DOOIUSI .. ri4Ioa ' yauJJ1v~c ly Jr a fnbltr'41 Charles A. Dn Ex-President Harrison------- -Jan. 21 _ Feb. 1 Luther Laflin Mills, (Chicago Alumni Nuiber) _--_-_----Feb. 12 Imperial Quartet-------------------------------- March 12 Oratorical cnet--------------March 19 Lucius Perry Hills-----------------------------___April 2 John Kendrick Bag-------------April13a GENERAL ADM~ISSION TICIKE TS $2t00 RESERVED SEAT TIC BETS 2.5() SINGLE ADMISSION 50O Depew Numbesr 41.00 Harrisons Numher 1.00 Oratorical Contersi .25 TICKOETS NOW ON SALE-Reserved tickets en tale Thursday, Oct. th, at 'Palmer's5 drug store, State street, and Wate's bosh stare, Male street. JAMES H. PRUJITT, Corresponding Secretary..