THlE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. 30 of 10 eta. sapletto i /any address. Prices: 0 a Stlal o 1 Fe p / SatreetYr r liked your Beef Tea so wvell/ last night," said a gentle- j OnlyA s mien, "that she wanted mea to get some Beef Exotractv a os w eoo" a+ .! %( l so that she could mkeit lpY U A PS O E at home." You'll bie se- ~ SY U A PS O E S prised to find what a good, g hot drink we sorve for 50 TRY RED STAR OIL--NO SMOKE, 1 00 cents. Some drinks are 10 No Chand Wicks, No Offensive Odor, No Foling of Chimneys- cet beas0h a cent becuse he m- : A White Light-Burns freely to the lst drop of oil in tie lamp 0 terials cost more. They'rey S all good. ; -('lear as spring; water-ace per gallon-Delivered ill our cans, s promptly-Sold hinly by '4 suh finSret DEA N 8&.CO MPAN Y. SCALKINS' - :- PHARMACY, 4SuhMi tet ai~aa w~aaaaaaem aooosm~saAT HIEGRAND) Ot'.tiA 1101USE. vjetal tour iis eaoli nvill c00000. ________un __-fit twllto r rr te ig ll 1111 n tt lit' 1nfew trunk,. ltll- the7 00:101oera, "l li." y). VI. is 0 Ill ~l iit theil;1111 1111.i sll'A Bz nAKES TO ORniEIt P 0 1 011see tile lavorie lll.,t000 ldlltill cIl 0111 ll al :1O111i 1101ve WY OMEN an s ed. MN t5n1t1 0 t(1 eier'mIlloIl~diosl 1mo100e1111of 1this Iierol Illpual. Till, cr t asy Fitting. Shoes in 'la Ii:llte11, ll, tc it olei or111111t ill 011111' 115 1:1 le. fo nis 11e 0e."0. 1 501ato Siun wllo, aiii umeol th' 111t1fa- Repairing \ 1110 :brght Wttly tlnl' 1111v ' int 01 '11 1e1l1' 111 ill'(1(1hird lne 11stord Illi v l111ti lalt1 w1 1 1 r 10:kI Must :1.5'' 01011111 1110 if 11111 I e I- an1111man wag s 1111 d1:1 low1111011i alv1:101 . 511 11111i.N Iis N lorIlIIKpp,1.. silo is ci k \e in res100, but1t111110 0not0t11 he1 IIIil' tl Plloss st(of t 7011oll illec, a 110011- r y :1 ro'l0 oIl1 te Co unt11 rilli~y 01,111i1 0101, a lo ly fce :1111l il .end11 0lol11ll1I 11 to l11ilqulie 15n, 11t o vv lthrtlO' sti l tI s ic lifa111111 e11 oo gl ie ~ es 11110r 11.1a l osiettty f soeolloilg 11 110 lf0lo- l r's. 43 S. Main St - Upstairs. 011111 I Ior tln l'l0 rI 1501110 '110. 71110 8"A:111)1 wlvii10 s011 a11 tie1G1ra1'ld OUR LINE OF CH~OCOLATES 111111111011r lhI ,,ril 1r1 alie ft 2>.1 are someluthing 1l11. Halve you ever WHEN YOU KNOW tried tihen? A largerasotet ff every day. Onlly pure g~ods at I i' t .Where to ao for r J'lj )2t J ( I your wtrk-ytti 111101that xwell mide HanI st rf e / slothells cost no e thatiln Sho0p - CO.WSINTNADFORHAEh lop swork - We use o]tnl ho best CO.WSIGO N ORHAEk1yAND 26 SOUTH STATE STREET. maeir heottoouhytan ______________________________________ Ie11 tperators-Sttudy- echllformi, and Your Tailor! 1 1 I ft it- - Hasve you seen those nobby 7 OODSPEBED'S, Suits Milward is turning out. _____ 15 S. MAIN ST. MXIL.WARD 40 State St. onyLoaned! 'Os wltchll ao nds, wheell l ; or'10000th11 Pesnal Iro pery. tVat~es 11a0d.Jew- 110ry10Repaired11.1' ate rsid ce, -it ..W t o e l:illety It . Ans Artier, 111011.All boo- to A11 1 . ',.1110018 O. InosT.. 1111ta inScnHa____a___s__n__iaon_,, 6 South Main Street, - ti tate Street, Cor. William. U 0F N1. SHAVtNGO PARLORIanod ah - _______________________________ rollms. All 'ppoitments fCrltlass. Imported 1100 doteslgamsr. Lades' aris- upW1117r fl ELIEhQ$ p URSOC AAfl tic haimdrtessiog aod battiog parlors, p l1II4 1flfhI fhln stairs. J. 1R. Trojaoowski 30OS. State t. W UTR fL~ UO Un~~N M IU RENTSOHLER, We therefore oifer our Stock of 'ext Book, Fountain ® ,Poes, Blank Books, Stationery, in FACT OUR EN- PHOTOC APH~R TIRE STOCK at prices lower thin have ever iefore ANN ARBOR. MICH. been offered in Ann Arbor. Students wilt do well tom avail themselves Of this sale, and0 procure their Scondl ANDALL THE PHOTOGRAPHER Semester Text Book now. Washiington Block, 'W elyy .i Ann Arbor. V Beoard at Prettymnan' s, on N. TImn- GOODS MUST BE SOLD. OPEN FRIDAY MORNING. veraily iav You will find the Daily there to grt you each day, wih .1all ~ ~ r u~ £ A r ~'a ~. the latest college news.Ok'~. 1(E A V ~ L IU1 HALLEF?'S STOREZ 46 S. Mlain Street. PATRONIZE HOLMES' LIVERY and get the best service. Office and Stable, 82 Forest Ave. Telephone 106. Branchl Office at Palnmers' Pharmacy THE ANN ARBOR SAVINGS DANK 0CaptalStoleS.05000. Saeplua,$11500. R~esourc001 $1,700,0Mtl. Org.asited under the General Banking Lase of this Slate. Recerives deposits, boys cod Otlis exchan~ge on the principal eities of the tUoited States. Drafts cashed up~on proper identification. Safely deposit boxes ts root. Orrionas: Christian leelo Ores.; W. D. Haorrimn, Vice-Ores.; (has E. nisceok, lalhler:1M.1J.Iritz A15ssisntashiler. FIRST NATIONAL BANKofOraized 186 Citlal, $100,000. Sureplus cod Profits, $40,000 Transacts a geseral tbanking business. F'oreign exchansge bought and soid. Furnishl ltlers of credit. E. l. KOINNE., Ores. iHARSSION SOUTLE, Vice Pros. S. W1. CLARKESON, Cashier. 1 r ar~nl ilrrlanim fi~nk iCr. Alaisn0110ilHuron Streets. Capitol$5)0,0-0. Surpluls ±,310000. Transact generl lbacklill basioess. R. K rFsPes. CiOs GREN, Vice Pres FR.11, II0115 , Ctoier. Lowney's Chocolates. Hot Lunches. TUTTLE'S, 48 S. State St. Q ONLY, 5OC, EACH .= OUR NEW U, OF M PIN, aM ARNOLD, LEADING JEWELER. MUSIC STUDIO. PIANO AND COMPOSITION. RC. 1H. KEMv PP Proml Stuttgalrt Conservatory, Cermasy. 22 S. DIVISION ST. .JusttDeceived abLareoand Elegant Lino of New Pipes T not .1110 Cold Lunoches at all Ihours. Agents fot lve 11,11111iliam s an10 Worsiers Co.' 'hocolate Boll ios. R. EB.JOL1.LY & CO. 205S. State St., Sager Betc. Groceries, --Provisions and all huinds of Saniitarium Foods for sale by St irsor. & C o.p N-k S. STATE. ST. A4nton Teufel, HEADQARSFOR 05 Trunks, Valises, Dress Suit Cases AND TELESCOPES. Trunksanad Valises Repaired Neatly and Chropiy. No 5755. Mainlst. 0~ M. OMAR.TIN, luneral IDirector, CoIth -. andl Metallic PCaskets 100 Fine Grade Cloffis.Embalmnga Specialty. No. 17 5. Fourtilavo. FULLER & HIXSON A Slash irn Prireo.osr ashort time we wsill PRESS -SUITS FOR 25 CENTS CLEANING AND REPAIRING. 22 S. State at.. Over Rosey's Billinrd Itoom. Subscribe Ear the Da3ly.