hc ti I A jn! F 1 ? I F i I )NDAY, OCTOBER 12, 1896. FouR PAGES-3 CENTS. VOL. VIIL No. 10. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, MC W L , T SHUT OUT GRAND RANIDS. toicalet with tihe iban on Gratnd A BRILLIANT LECTURE. 1 L Raids 40-yrtdlite. n.adjnni Ta ® 1n 'Ta okGetyIpoe- ilthe ecottd hailf tie G(1w-ott titt,'ttoChauncey M.Depew Speaks onr Team ork reaty Imrove -tt ~mwats well worn ot anid tileWar Lar~ Crwd reset. ~ lsiteoreit about asth iey itleasiot, ol- the Money Question, LaeCodIrsn.1 ,1AND IMPRTER, - tnn-tit a score of 24 itoints tn 'teit __________________'Ille Warsity dei-itethe tleve1n(1 tmintes la ly. Ieitiau tito illlcid-tot Loo4tSatturdaiy ev-elnilg niversity flolil tile (tattd tRtapis Itti ol ett d igroatty here 01111 ttllrel'. steel. ItHtllwats well tilleti'to itear Chtatuncey, FULL UHESS SUITS A"SPECIALTY.( Saltttoiy by thte score of 44 tc 0. Tile Villa Henittger ototiFarnhatm madenetle . Depow. wile-wals gre-etedi wih en- _____ _____- c~l i II-l lnttcupovl-ll on5 iliratiy inl tile 111001of NO, 2 E, WASIIIIIT Ol ST. NEAR MAIN,. ii 0pittiw0eek, 111n11thi111 rcferewo-c inlgerl.tPingt iorthan1-11tht o wn01001ill till' Normllt Siel 1kickled 111. il re n lE [1 er ])'- T e leiiWill be pure acud fccliie l 11 lr tll l5im , Iiinl'lt I1 000' 111al l tli- Mil-iliL-n. * antd thte prices will be f ight at our store. We Ibuln of 101111' lxcellllnt Wook :t ite11- '11111 c .. ..- woond like to show yellu f10lltcl. 1111inllst 111 1111111 1111 0l-illl . ottr stock of Coumbs, 1 1.k Btrushes, Soaps, etc.. etc.O1 d ecpinly«-l W ub hr '11 ahr Your htuey back i ;ef nd1rnh1e alosoN( tp 1nct.,.. yolu're lnot satis fled. , i i 111tl111-i-c111 .ieitl 10 111t. # PALMER'S PHARMACY. 111 111-iniform. tiill'1t. 46 S. STATE ST. Te(m l hi wal W11,ConllOn1