Iih t*0 NESDAY, JANUARY 20, 1897. FouR PAGES-3 CENTS. VOL. VII. No. 76. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, WED] r I 1 @CHJAS. A. DANA lesitbine fc&r the War Departmenit. S. C A. AMENDMEN'TS. Wadi 5; asapitdAs~r.n Le d ng T ior The Brilliant New York Sun i eiycit .Wihoh-e e Some Changres Proposed in the hreld neuil nter the snrrender ni Lee. Elitor Speaks Here 'Thursday. lliter tier xvii his servic es werel Board of Directors. AND IMPORTS #ieg0 I ley I ii litalieitolssof the (1hi- Ati PO T R (,'I teexAnde see lDine.xili givre IDi-,iiilte enr-celt year ii- . rt oIelbi.1,anw(h~l 1c)e fthli niei ill.e i'Studlent,,' toetdreto so aeneseldthe exisiing art- fULL OI1ESS SUITS A SPECIALTYteie xtri iii~~t ile t lietli ec(iiteses niet nviti ii le te 0ietl0i o1n (i inet _____________ iiglii , llstseegis aibtiertiskec ir.1i gjieth tof elee-iilnnyCli siciti Asaicition itl ieiel gr eat. YorkicIlieeleeeeial selntieysendestability teeny NO. 2 E. WASHINGTON ST. NEAR MAIN. Jhexste:2 inii«-eownis teuenteneeespaperer.i1n~lscrt se'lii is> -gs of itse 'illehit. 'is iiose t -islit i she.t'hn'essleed- t et- ltce-e hee sebce slesfes tif alen'lecercrl oit te ese ase SprigGodun y npitil April 1st. 155l) ; inc.zenceseeoiifeel ssg iti''isSccto'cs eiht: tilt~tteel its csc'--crellc'snitlltle su SupisaSeily tteliscee'a"to'ltvt lls t1'tcre e ~lrstes - t ileeus'les- .Inicschi'is t ot In eeticens ofi1isvreer- ley, . (1st-etdilteor, seisesi eceefrom . huis det, .1.J. Lacy; Iecse neg secr-xr 1tie- I ltticcis ti -else 'ttelnits' (ise'istises .1s- W AHB'BOO TOM E iittlstn-ei le's-te'.i-s-n cl-I W. Chececltein; c ele'nsrs~i t-i- sec-ciiees.l tsecuen.fort'the'tIsrisC fee UpTeaDw on Ilsgeel to siges. 1",ce - 11I-Itel l'cte'e's; tlere-neeecer. C ( shiti-h thn-ne n'ere iliniaslls chsoen UpTw onTw le -n as staosse emepeloy'edbl 8l0eg i--n' 'rteittoss;et-rilXVI.Xtts'ee' 20 S. Slate 4 opposie nent douse netitie. C. l '..J.Xblecttt. e ebcis e es al. Ann Artbor5Maen a-. t P~ar StsatosnIn :special woerk telflees-I ciC .Abt.SbciefrteDiy