THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. Publisbet Dally (Sundays excepeed) during the Collegec year, at THE !UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN. segrecet Times building, 79 S. litl St. be- tweenu Liberty and William Sts. ANAGING EDITOR J. F. THOMaAS, 97. 0. HI-I ls, '99. EDIT[ORS E. L. GeZSEst, 'I8 L. F. S. Sessoos, '9. FI. li. Loo.ssis, '98. tH. B. Suet.Loot, '98 L. H. B. COowese, '99. C. li. Does, 99. Athletic Editor. ASSOCIATE (EDITORS W. Wy. Hughes, '99. 5. IW. SmiS, '97. F. A. Sacib, '9SFE. Louise Dodge, '119. W. P. liorrill, '98. Butler Lamsb, 19110. A. at. Smiths, '97. C. Lull, jr., 99 li. Tbhesubscrition price of the Doily is 62.501 for the college year, withs a rgular delivery brfoseesoon ecltday. Notices, cmunica- lists, and other matter intesnded for publica- tion mast be hanoded it at tlhe Doily office be- talc Sp. iss., or stalled to thte editor before3 p. in., of the day previous to thsat ass seich thry are expecctedto appear. Subscriptions may be ceft at The Dailli Dibce, lieyer't or Stoflet's Newstansd, or withsBusitn'stsllanager. Subcribsas wsill con- ferea aor blyrportingso mp~ttly1at ths officecanyfasilurecsflcarriers to deisver paper in'lii' tietol ith15' til rle5sfrecni-ts rftiltllit ib lst thesid Issic~""oc tr~ie'ts_'is UNITY CLUB LECTURE. Rev. J. T. Sunderland on the Great Cities of India. Tue cilgli'b tecture of ibe Unily ('lsb ccssise wst telis-ered last esessisig by R~es'.J. 'T. -sllltet'ladialt "'he Csteal Cities of India." 1'r. tltlltes'rlsa~ tl issilg b'et s enit b, the Driitiis FsreignUnVitasria tt S'cii'tli 'to iD-stigatetse thisccehurstches of DIsellisirz; 1sl 1111911Isstli