VOL. VII. NO. 75. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, JANUARY 19, 1897. FOUR PAGES-3 CENTS. 0 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~1 (M II ,0 UIESIYOSRAOY Nichigan Coaching Criticised. : NEW COLLEGE PUBLICATION. fil ollow iiig is anlextvoel fioltol it Leanw1TaiorA Short History With Present 'rie reot Ily printedi in the DlUrti Homeopathic Medical College Status of \York. tttidiidaiiAii i'i'(0' Issues a Bulletin AND LJMLORTER .LdXI.,, 1 ii esily I )hei'r'at'cr ilt ti 'Ialeiday's loiirtilotel iii" idoti'lfite ' ililiel in of lie ttomt'opa'lliic - list-ini 0tring 43;sears, heiii ti ll tit t i ti ito beifittilied by li t1 v;< oti i f edcilCollege,'' imllislied ky autiior- FULL OHIkSS SISASPECIALTY, il 1t8i4tihlough il(i' 'fforts of itt oi- trutol to plirify otletie-,trietbut ]'o ity of Pie tegeillo. IS the looyt to ho~ SUISlAtit 'falipai. nloig l tth ' i'e tiig It' tt o s latit'at;I& ''tlte' ol' ,il 'added to tilelUnliv'ersityI's iot of pub- re'l.,br.''rat)vllin stiedl I toro otl olos '-1i dat. I se tt toted ioitos.'Tlits is the tirot of a series NO, 2( E. WASHINGTON ST. NEAR MA a In d .1iit ft liir ott11iiitttitt i it'l hfl It 'to t'llup I t'll' l.sh 'eves. 1t ?5 the of ililetilis lhartrwill eiAtteastr to d~e, , ., o ® o j die( t oftf hei'Bi'rlitn I )ito"'rIttr, i' iii.=o t lilil togtEillt it It ea's1ttof present to thet laofesoioii the stabts of 0Irti-eret ai lt, mu menoriin ir 'iofh t' i rii li tet' altilig.iandti I titittofthe dl'atiintiat the present lime. SSO A P !!1'l,;fora r int alti'is Intl c ltteh frozet tiltii'as donie by Mitigi il iieii atidinot "['ii ntry tiut tis tpurptose.a brief We 've gt Iineiisassortment of 0 Tiedi'. Wli tlie ttit'tiv'.ii tf tihest' e i astclliipeop ieitt t'ttttti' 1 tot's' , oilniittt y oft eelosOf t all o ege oo potet l i tsoil ps5,10,no pr itruiitls itame at a th nc1etusi4ori'al, littitiig to took tem ti t till lt i-ttfyet' is gisenl, itugetler «ittl tltt=el'li fume ittem,jiust soap tndal soap for t1,'a0cato, I far tic.Try {tinttl lraiis Bhriiioti, iof htli-Iin, tiktlwil iii r iti t (ih' t la ttyedt ouI li t tltif'Lton ail s t ttistit's if libtriry, laioa- oo'oakelext lisle, ,r f te O sr -ot. T dr reeerl ,rltt It1, 11111umber oflteiutll te 'ofeti niiol h~ll OT tt~ LfW~llt'0 I'iti Iit l Wtll iti' lolwinr ti il' tlti tll lii ittiooe t lost's SIal 'Tt' yi is tutl o-.itlde A(nol l i ni s&ie o ~a00 LliiS st'. ltudii itofti ~iili tlot''etuttto ttilr i ds tiitl tinoittr o'n 11 ititn ~i t: ur ittitlehinltcearot"n it, ii""r- A'1 'uhestaito s tlts ncs' i tut ~ ehitis l ltt Ist 'atttttt' iitc tii it 1e1 o" cn itt' it t't fli 'in- t th ht'st ti r s otsiitIht'h uilpre, ISttilfotis'01 i io T M.S A BIE ' tri st. ithitiisl'( ol :t0-tari. l.lies.to tilt st il tt Ittftslttttdut. ott Iis 0 t- i s l i( tio urmdUoe. O eiou io 0 O e iiinIo.io no- itttio' tytos n i ty at's ftiit st voh ut- fti' ittilin tttt sli h I lI itt' tth 't ludents i t to 't a foltt ows:t1t' t' ini 9inii hhonslrA (111oyd b i l'(s rlt Ileli( l f c / 1tl, t:ii Ityh ve xelIila lila Op 10 anl t'siot L 5 sotse ii li tt',t5Nit Dsint o oitht s t>tnoi-o trisr to.t't'th t s t'ttth it,;iutitoreniiiss 27 Thompson Stxreet. Istuuiento for thei'nist' of hi'the u~l~tis titttth Io Ihii ts llt'trttt-io t estut if it ftr I'll 'pit ht'iislitlt' ioh st-ill bet 'hi't~l )A K O STORE. tIe i ti til tit~iE til ttttthuttirelrc 7I lalnits\ll Otto~ ii' t~I illhti~i l t iis't ot' l.hi'Oth sil j [gt tto iitt nt ill suth gtttth t'toildi pitlzt is ka irl I" hlitriiuttti, trtll ti1us 1000 Glno Chub Election, Nosy is the host timeO t 1)y tti an1th ti utE's- g iso i ua't'tlst. t isith itE'lv Jlz' 'tugthi to hutisi (ii thitir- t sut''ii fll'l''sltnll' T h7 - jEk r 'fii't''ae ito ft'th~lti ii' fttn O,1[t='{;I- nmght 1 51NItsltg' it the' tru t'ouihtttti S W.V ft E R .j..J[1 3 Otitill o phhltt gl'Ohtiy. A1 llge flI- itt J-t'i liguo' tutlleo "for loing" litttorntu'Nliu 1iu~iutt.i ideual lticiy is tustuiltuhulc inl coeiitio' t'sui lilugedr But, -Ito u~lbt lhis liu- lit irltait, s let ed h'ttt' l iiuuungt'i' tuitt We hate the best qua~lity ant ttihellistutiylhitu' 1 t 0-u tuuh t uuu h ouiu s ttI5 l'ilui' of Stuh Bu1i, huid., at the lowest price. Som teao. Frh1 10117Iil V1e of th l itu'ttiniut'ui osttitttnvuu'rs itubt11 tit'Oith iif tiut' ihltuss of Pro F.tti tiltt'oluiia't \''~lohu sUM Supplies a Specialty. tctoli1si1 toiitI, ScaebhIt'ti, l'tiuuuhthteih N. solt thurt'c~ 55-il lul uttllg 111 Et11g- work ______be ____________- and__________ mu Itnony at L~ichl (Iherelio ry, IihI MuaxlI ltuiglw ausit uItih. MI Sinuuuulttus iZttiol II. Ituil'iisll-i Itute chhutof if thue of lile csituss this st-eels tilli' 0 Wis-h I cit to Ihudstli, Wins, F~ritday wshore' W A RI BOOMK 9S L'0RE I wvsetthI'u' laleu, tuind Cleotelaind fb- utostluy. Ihiss Gertirudtet Bet- still th' ths'y ossislted iin this estustlishototf Up Tows Dows Touts I hey, chief stcntist iun the tveetuihuor eb~trge of EIglish hA uio f s. Scott !a, c'hkituc 'of Phi Iiuappoi Ps;iz in uIlu 10 S. State St Opposite cosrt D3onso,, Ann Arbor Mlain St. iburunu. bisnitirely recos-e'tl. 1l'd~su'ity of. l'isoisiuo