THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGANIDAILY. 0 aaaawaraaaaaaaaaaa STHEY'RE BETTER THAN THEY LOOK s those chocolates inouor 0 windows. We had too S of some kinds and so we w sell them cheap instead 10 of letting them get old on oor hands. 0300 LB. WHILE THEY LAST CALKINS' -:- PHARMACY, Bulletin,: New : usic. HAsEFE J "The New Bully Two Step." STI O RE 'The Bully Song." 46 S. Main Street. "You're not the only Pebble on the Beach." PTOIEHLE'LVR "Ifbli~l.5 t;o ll t (11 in-'n1 -s illtiti-st' . lilt-ieN: -i its rIs luler's and tWiliams and OWernes Co.'a cltiiistxil -t is. 111 ii it i t Xi sy-es(ginncs) .1Mldr cly a0 tt t .. B iinrBons ck it'Niltakel ace iill t i'11 S The Nit ' l ay 011' i liti'li iit'ilut -iis Living 'll wiloas. Ads litk f e I-- liii l tl ciusli tt ly eins. t li IltS drn onay(7 scople o K llecl i. Te e anl 1-ije 'el g t'll ' :1ti't Ii isi (' 1111 ; lil Stili . Fo nen Slto r td"h itDld1 tICE ft e?." I ;ef'niI at fr-iiyttiienal N. lG oceries, o p r 71Fufel InLte fftn" oitid fr2 cdl , x rsil -c. vst iil E t ur lntilts' f antaiu GroeainNot-city-1Co'P2 e ains ., r ''li tte 'itittl hy o li.1n5 Ohvicag Po grah.tht.lie ita- id uorletulicgc lexih'. Tru1s,1Ylses Dres Suit Case scp rnetoscpe.T3re su______i__12_S.STAT _ST out. he "Qarrel" "Bily BuBe est QI1 .Ualiet e o pe Chitoy n Te kr anc" , 11 qfp~t'oll s; Ties . ICleaply So'P.e t Toulin Nvelty Co, 113 Derb0rnlSt, thoreRoINeetPyueral Ili:laeitorthCloth rr~s .n~i. in an d Mietallic Caskets and Fine Orade 'Valus. pElITheSigreaiiestivaiueie Me'lesCofis. Embalming a Specialty. No. 1tS j v $ 000 Kid Gloves ever' offered. F ourth ave. See Our 48c. ®uhsdPufSaf FULLER &BIXSON uatie eti Window. 1d w 48C. Large Wide Enil Four-in-Hasnds. PRESS SUITS FOR 25 CENTS CEANING AND REPAIRING. B2 S.State it.. Oser tBosey's Rilliard Itnom. 21 S0. MAIN ST.,XVAGNER & CO., F'UENISIIERS. Subsscribe for the Daily. 04