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January 16, 1897 - Image 4

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U. of M. Daily, 1897-01-16

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1 ! ~j ve-m Lepod,0 0LUnr .
/ ~ Pst-pid atniĀ¢e eFe
THAN HEY OOK a only46 S Main Street.
0 those chocolates in our 0 PAR IE
O indows. We had too PARNZ OLE'LVR
0 i
o of some kinds and so we s DOES YOUR LAMP SMOKE? and get the best service.
0 sol tiemchea inteal 0Office and Stable, 82 Forest
(f letting them get old inta TRY RED STAR OIL--NO SMOKE,! Ae Tlphn 16
0 e No Chanid Wicks, No Ofensive Odor, No Fouling of Cimney- 1 Branch Oflice at Painers' Pharimacy
0 0 A White Light-Btitras freely to the ltast drop of oil in the tlaitp EANABRSVNSBN
300 LB. WHILELHYLS -Clear as spring wtr-tbc per glloti-Deliv eed itt our cn, Caitail stok. 10,000. Srpis, 5tt0,0.
1 s 0 promptly--Sold otly byO Resnorcete$1,1a00ahi00a.
d--0 f this tte. ieeies deots. bys tid
!n yI y R *rD EAN & (()IN/ r"A N. t 'leaectingen nh i ttCtstdlcithies of the
N A~H' PAMC1 44 South Main Street. neted Sttc,, Dnet c acshdpn peper
!~ lF~ I IUD~r detiicaion. Safety deposit baxes to rent.
0 MII1 IMIUM~ ________________________________________ OtCrses: heis tet kPes.; W. ID.
tisrian. v(1te-Pe.: (Chas E. Hisc,
u*eaacea aaa~e woe~v Church Nottces. U. OF M. CALENDAR. Cashier: 5l. Ptitz'sate astr
B treSttday.. i~tii 11gi l~oltt'ii n hen'm1 Slty ha-- 9:. en .FIRST NATIONAL BANK f AnnAro
B e'dr bct I I,- tin' itcrmcii lCoit toi "tlcof ti I t'II~c-tttti t s Po ritu oplitat, Ott0 bt. 1upts atd Pecl, 00,000
S ubt (t I l Iii e t mii o o1 1 ttt't i o t Tensa is ' geeral bnkitg bsnes.
liii1 tioit ' ltzi.;l Nilit i . t Oti i-Ind- ' toregti echange ought anddsold. Furnish
ttt I'netere of r .
_- p e i h i~n.s't Iy ofln ty;e1ra foec tleyt-. 'lliot.lii l 017 to t E. It. 155, Prers. iARRtItSONf 5001.5
'hul-tl y. 7w 1I ] h titriri'f it Pet-.
Th rie~ it 'Y. Ali. ('. A. w~uil t b SIall Otis. Ab.Dcntn " . L. A. course. S. IV. CLARKStON. (ashier.
Oi-i.Footwe r.it by holig .ineiui pny(t'' tity. :lati. '. 1 pt., t'.. Iisittly ~ ~ r~~n~ n
There'slots if ttI sle tIn teatde atid thou itt370utt-ittt ec.I.- . S. Ittrtol .Itit . I
theytrepatticedt attre tlaniyou thin ,tdtibJ.1 .3usti ottat lmttit I li's" e - . i~o. t ati d itrnSet trees.
out nthlet. Ial- i al i n tte-ocu-iiy deut t. ltupitti l 50000. Sattpuset 20,0 000 Tittstt~
Thile-to, tmakl;'i you tt-sure 'e ~t i lii s sil lit' htlid uin -ktt 1 11.11. ndtl-------geieatt i uinites.
This store gaantees you it saeleet s-CIC S' DAR.1Er es C 1 Gt .N VieT s
Qet ii eery tiitiry tiattiitto oo bltero'-iic ml-n c oritt- i l v o uc 11sri Fii it' t RED, HPBt L , CPucer
we sell.I s od hoStaie fn, of toc i ' Ins u ti n l' ot'heA to il ctd vr t
gad Shoes tt esicaydate. h'buitt sl iiitl't'i5L'we' Chclts
t t Iitilllnnt;. lrii l.I. I i-ttwt. -__Chocolates._
I Ti)Ill-T. HtLunches.
Wv*.. ' 1Ifl c rct, Gss t711)-t tttood -lst tilts itt i-sit fit
iin1:3 -Ini., m.tioinl t hut [-t re.toIl i' lirea' tolas lerinllii.Si'- T rJTTL ES, 48 S. State St.
42 S. Main Street. ct i tliiti 1 t. ilu St ~tlittrttt iufOiittt
-day stchool atInd lb tlistis:1).111-tP.i NIL ISD . 41 0 ti ll = ONLY 50C. EACH
p~t i- I rc 5 citiiti l u .1 i i (it-
nI'llon ,i Iy in] ,el i lit at i itsit. .Sig ititti stuni l0/IW1, ARNOLD, LEADING JEWELER.
(a , e nttii uc it)hit Cilt'i tlt i
Ii e -ma 8.ri-~ ' Itinttl 7 Stepe I. nid i s,it ~. tvlmnatl etc;- It esthe iii; leitsa PIANO AND COMPOSITION.
a pa't-tltlar l'friotualfill'rineni- cli l-i -i t ilt 'tiug tx-tplt' of HII.h'. II AI.L[1i. atan from- Pe tiiSauttat Consevatry OGemany.
- - 22 S. DIVISION ST.
brancee. W a ohlleoii iy h'ttt. 'I ltotd''ttlssiilbudtirlutsiicttdcuagansigIs
toha iig tttt o hled wth E1-lis Loi ftltciti eluutiti-10:111 i.a cuu.I. t . h. ylor,'oftti leet i'u'oo- Js eeve tLro-n lgn
Iat, i iii n stubjectThe ''lii'hill uing t, houeIeftir-e'tb 1. a1 i iti .011iiLine of Iew Pipes!I
S'T htl X fios' 147 ..11iutttt iy ssitlitt' tffe'edIt' nthe l noIlt antd ioldmmlies ieit ll hours Agents ,I tol1:t pptpertSc o.I'si dont i
"MOT [[L [NVI Siiitn'u Sttiuul If5i li titici. tify firHhctseuyte's nan.i osasii and iiietau o.s L
da ;ho, , l i~-hl ilc} I tt Ith i ti tintb i to iiIlstimiinn t s-+ R_? . E .JJc ii Y & Co.
es1;i:20 ip. im.. tt--etig uof teI ' . S tHlt tl i.0. (iONbeoferd. ( .isX'lY,I)I. 200.Sate St., Stger Blok.
Chocolates and Bon'yBons. C -. 1 0:ti.('Intti olu , ttul(t'I un'S-u---s'
Elegttntloixesm uan .oft i-i c lot- lI tu s'tsttie 1,11lt4t'II oIa' iitit c u-I - t ut e lit, ftc i u 1( 1 H0 itleI
rae Oi'1 ''lOl tnl. l~t lttit'''ttttit-i'i sl its-. it i l-u'111 are ut' tlu'iI li 11to'eIot t h . It '-.-4-r c ri PIrovision~s
litihee likt' sekuti- cthlit'gyutitsiuttut a dalkn s fS ntr
all D~ltSto ha 'iib nttil GCcat Novelly--Iou'kel Kinesope'tlof~ uutl otdso utiain
bnQ 'scto by h iig 'ouIp csll iafrI 1 e olCniieFoods for stle by
adgttitif''ltapletisO e Lsiuftortctcit A sbb'St I li(, r'~ I n aitliy t i hiticillO y i i ox ?
mRot si6.ni.isi'ttiiaing at tO'1 t it'~u-tu' ttss Iuh shi ltuticit lit i t I goal i reulgdaro,
alt. Tilit 'Quairel.''" illy l11mI.1' sI 5'-.ibcii z't'- S. I. 0D M \STTE ST.
Lttleof fin. J'cusl d lhfiut',27eu- om . s It ili br(tlu iu'l li .4 .tO iirl e te
E. V. HAN STERER i'un Novt o., 12il "Putiohait~, outbid swiuiit- is f end(it'rtuiinl. tatDAilrausoit R as
C'anfnctionet-y of eeydesecesption.ti gotui 1.ieDspopIll)l i tctStiusiruSl'oie _ le-".aies rs Sl ae
CDR. 4TH&WAS. 26 SO. STATE. AnT 5O>w
WHEN YOU UV TKNOWhttVhtho i'i'itt (t lI th
a .tUC(he ipy. Nut57S. Mis
Your Tailor! 'd Ci' 0 Ofr( tA TIN FIneatlst tre toe tCltth
J ii i et o Z. Iduti l liii. tchetcad hitet Grade
ave you soon tlhose ntbby yurII ' 1id ht el ae t. mblint Seiat. o17S
Sls Miivardnis tuining Qout.? cl~thtles coso atmaore tli ID slola-
~ILWARD 40 State St. 5II*c 11lo 0111ear- we 11iselonly thetohest FULL R& IXSON
I' iia~terhl-tilie OtSt tbolllly (riren A 1a nl l t o r 1a slist
DANDALL THE PHOTOGRAPHER (.,. id tolertos-Stuiily cfii ;f111r175 RESSUTSFR 5CET
R Washington Block, pts CLEANING AND REPAIRING
Ann Arbor. '22 S utates.. ouert iuey'. iBiliad Room.
Advertise in THE DAILY. ____ ____ 15 S. MoAtINST. Subcribe for Ithe Daiy.


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