THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. MICHIGAN (3ENT1A Time Table (Revised) Sp. 27, 1895. Mali and Ex--1 47 N. Y. Special-- 7 35 N. Y. Special-_- 4 18 M~all--------8 43 Eastern Ex---10 17 N. S. Limited-- 9 25 Atlantic Es --7 a3 Pacific Ex---12 15 D.N.Express.---- 5 401 Western Ex--1 55 G. R. Express ..1l 0,5 Chi. Nt. Es -f 101 G.PR. Ex ------5 0. W. RUGGLES, H. W. HAYES, G. P. & T. AgEt.. Chicago. Agt. Ann Arbor RAILROAD. Time Tablr, Oict. 27, 118SE. NORT. SOUTH 7l30a. sm. 1-7.30 a. so. 4:30 p.m :52 P. m . *Rn brtwcen Ann~ Asrbor and Tfodo only. All traisss daily extlef Suniday. E. S. GiL1loltfE, Agent W. Hi. BENNETT G3. P~. A. Toiedo 0. THE KINDEROABOEN BILLIARD HALL RAILROAD TICKET BROKERS Whsolesale Cigars. Tobaccos aiid1 Cigarettes. Cor. Main and Liberty Sts. "'fa y-. Is nadcf e f Ifssco Nao Rnme is Really Complete Withnut a new 1897 Model i Guitar, Mandolin, , r11Banjo or Zither. L-sl.s_ Dave se scaled dlown-s aoe-sult of tl., 'cf I 11"f eosss os o-".: riy so thaenotfyoucal .,w isi 1S iasisboos of ihe s-e latiest dsign From $t5.oe Upward. i t - a i Wsfsfsoos lls dslissis a rassltitt r f n fo ;f stles. Itsis fthe zele t,l-1i-anti s ot3 si . t is N-- 35-soleni sss.gisssifle, sssd iti one 1sfr s -ss ; lsssseass tht fssasfie oldfss-sssso-sss(lio. S s-I alsssesa,soldfslixsedfso sndsuiforin prcsese yill fisot- 50sslslssscoos see the sssknssowlsesgedsfadr 0-isosf ftse . r j-~ \)y t % Tue Oil _ l isepTis .ar -iii tAdO iTs ida so CelaiE155 5., . .----------- 3c LR . "Te Onlsat e .. inorem t ireto woe r s ' r55w 10 ,,;5 r 't o.-.".. QCININI n, in] m st ha ifErn a y T 4 Theon~gySleepoing Ca0i-se beelsnayes le 8sdo anbdfCoeuTmbounds. esabn y7 TheOliSeepingor wing oo Gearn The OnIsINOraw in m cools;[ineybdaty Toledo, Tsloi d C alesW. Leery Tff so Ilie-e8efilleTHEen Columbusgand . f -Iifii l is T1iif 1-flnilc. T e jscr -ie 1 iE O bY IfosE with ra in,, each ay dri. SewillnbToleanialefoeistoby , SiAgentol be i teTobleo ad. lmbs I rfotwoesceTBogidoromptlynat2:30en. in TI t-i 01 6r Ffit k71AD'~D ~ * . ~ ndla.Opz.H u~ li~i us- le i fbliween Toledo andL Charleston, u1W.aVa. SSTU NYRAYTJNE IwenTl E Of he Min-n~th T~id- . C.r FREUD. ,v'99.47featurerE aiy Ave.THE POPUIA ENT OF Tie SASO?!,s Ili-Sho -wts e I1ad ofospcia ineret t laiesandchidre. eallinfodtion iissilte togaelfs, tim1el of Michganandt~o Hub. 15 5llll~tff 1 sf1151 Is-il ss~ Ils bI-is tra inetc., wil1.lbe prersusyoesinThe an Is 51111 ler to e5GEO111E fY11 fililfP 11111 tillsany'ssJil sif lls- 11ff-is1. Ile S CA E E T O H Mislii~~ii 1 fllfillI ibf fll Ifs C. s-f rLvi-'- 9,fe 4ff I S. ni versity .Ave a cc iin a-a theiRuies.lI e Ossodoiilllliia (-sillillo:1Icthe 1%lce of paralleleillc11111siIlall the __rin_ i__il cite& .fastf, Teceres aisd Glee Clus. Ossr neso W s- Nissiiessfslsoiieconsisisigpositfsisf user lOOletifos lilliflltllilfs111-0011 ii TO flEN'T-A desirable CiliC eOf ..isfreessinereeiptsosiaplions. Ifyssouloil-salr ros1e1~dwt htNaesain ssiist supiplyes-iisu-cweill seissiWssfisseos C. (O. I). iiesiisos.i 5at IeI('fliogs- off013 il-iIIIrois usitiWlihu1lill#1si~l -ssitipiieeof iiexaiaions, idirctoosicsssthe faictory. ary bows w0ifthi fit111sf cld Wilee A Washburn improves with age and makes a('llis+isoib1-IsINove-~lf-e. Thso. 011110kOllhlr1o11111s011eiiil1111. ltllflltiiec It gift thst increases in value as the yearn go by. It iscreally worth many itimsaits css. -sINl liilsfsltf I-sill110111 ilililidiiilil. t,17 S. Divisionl stret~. LYON & IHEALY, 115111 o l111.Olil o t 111 iisyili7othois WdR. WABASH AVE. A ADAMS ST., CHICAGO. f Ils 111I-fslilfef5j~e~ l N tle i et1s11 1111- -lul ii. isiif ol THE OPERA HOUSE JEWELER, tocfier lo lie SI ii ili ait'l1-ft l f 11tisCa'sofcrnish you isithflirsclassi i-e. il lis 1:151 - Ca. iOetlandinn is~rpairinlg,aspciaiity. 111111 ~ld i-live asf01 sill iii ri-Iil 1I - GIVE 11MIt)A GALL. tos1su . t fI 10111 01 lio ' llt 1 r 1'I1101, ll il-s re--rds the011-0d11j)-1 1fsiisll.IP OA GR P17 r E I i i NIOTA AND WINAMAGI3 _IIE-R This Space is Reseved for the Pope '111g. co: HARTFORD, CONN. oililils 11111 5 f. co,"lhil7 idiffer.Ii f'1 - Spcsial rates to Sesiio11511 thf(lilg 11 10 Wsfel sle11111 ly-li1 IN T ER_______________________ E. Iluron Street - fcltai1115- elilio-Iilihii: hf' illic- __________________________I tionl 10o1thoe linii llg 1111 11111o1 inR 1sf I tatthefi 11deidedolil 111ei 0 M onley L oaned O~ls -- i 10 fIifec1ffsWS0011if1Sfpll O naf chs DlonSWees oandther 4 E B esnlPoet.WthsadJw- 1N sibcr Te olcyofN ~iiu fr ne lr Rpare. ffceatreidnct1.ierty st , AsnnArfbor, Much. All bas-t iusotluec before 0L-ekilgeg li rotriciil o ess caefidontili. Hisirs, 7Sto lha. os. and I SUPPLIES a 7 tox 91p. so- IfOSEPss . WATSo. lBargaisk duios 11 i siinry to1 spofrts thian is isi- in Second-iHand Watches and Diamsonds.- Spaidfeg LetugiseBil, it s, MIls, etca 1.1-e-t-il 1111 Suirfase'. If is 'ot inilg Maaes c should osd fleor amples and OTF00 5. SHAVING PARLOR and Ba5th -speciafl rates. Every reqisitffer sc enniS, lu-SS thanisi ae-cies of cstrrliel' 5511nd 5u" roensa. All ssppointmon-s fioot ilass. Golf, U-celittreach sond Field, Gymna- Imported and domestic cigars. Lades' SG-fS- siuni Pqaipoments and outit . Comnplete s-eafcs sdistrust anilon-,gtheic olle'ges tic hair dressig and biatiiing parlors, up Ctsafogue of Sprinog an d Summler Sports lleir e c' . t wa~ pobalythatstairs. J. R. Trojianowski 3B S. State st. frete. "Tim Name the Guarasstse" wh-Iichlte (iii ieiglisli facultylya1111idii RENTSCHL[.EER, A. G. SPALDING & BROS.50 miesw, antd which 151olsIpted tihe cooitomi- RQQ ein York, Chicage, Philadelphsia- iplatedSe luision act. Thao't it wvill foalt H T C ~ P E of its puSpis0elhould anuyhinug lifcit ANN ARBOR. MICH. Subscribe for the Daily r :.