--lihd -aiy - Contains Good Drawinns and
theshdDal (Sundays excepted) during VreadSvrlSois
teCollege year, atVesan.Svrltoi.
THEUNIERSTY F MCHIAN. The first -number of Wrinkle for the
tirroent Timen building, i'l S. Main S.1b e-
tween Liberty and William Sts. New Year is on saaie today. Sit er'
MANAGING EDITORt Cut is by J. S. 'Symon, otid is a style
J. F'. THiOAS, 97. eo drawinigsnot often used in ite pa-
BUSINEiSMANAGER seT. J. V. Metal eiutibules the
0. 11. HAaS, 'OS.
EDIo iitle-psage. The idea, is niot nt'w, but1
E. L. GnasInIR, 'Os L. F. S. hSrnivS, 'os. thelierawitig is very clever.. The !li-
Fi. Mi. Luouis, '05. Ii. . Saoi.o, 'OS L. Ff,: 9l,,,, lE i l.,.;,,,~ ilool
:";' ' ;;K;
Aw P /A
Re ins the jury of shoe buyers and iteg
ours by a heavy majority. Footwear
should be top quality. The feet cant
saod anything else. Pricea solid be
iow, so as to keep the shoe tax within
bounds. You won't feei our thoe
prices, but they wviii make you feel
pleased. There are no corn growcrs
like bad shoes. Come to us ansd get
soiuethiung that you can wcar yoturself,,
instead of the shoe xearinug your foot.
L. GRUZNER, %o uryr.
C. Al. GaEsN, 09. Athletic Editor. year to lake fliii'r+ rino it. Ness
ASSOCIATE 'DITORIS Year foritie inexti llie. Itinel thas
W. v. hlughes, '98, . 5Wx. Smith, '97. lit eygo i .siisaiC.W
F. A. itacit, '98E. toolse Dodge,c)9. toeygodraigsindC . 'Ilt
W5. P. Morrilii, '98. Butler Lath, 1000. Il" 'autis, txho tos not hesretoforet' op
A. sl. Smith, '50. C. Lull, jr., 99.1 i* s't'tt as ii ru , lrseis t -o.
'lite'e is tis iiiextelleit diitvll?-by y)
________ss___,_________Miss Mowsrs'. Thlevese1'is ty .A. I. No time like the pee to0 uy your-
The subscription pricer of thoeDotly is 2.505 Siiiti, 1i. AM. Bcss tvln inti 11S.5 '%reen
for the colle,,e year, witho t regulatr delivery I
before ooon ecltdtte. Notices, 'ommoounica- Sliitil. Thslie hr) stoir lotli i- },'' self an Over-coat. We take sttck CFeb. 1st.
tions, 'ad other ttttttt'r iotteotdt e t or otulicat- 5 'b
fore o p. m, m aidtoi t heti i editortbeftort' iF
tie.of uthbe ltdaprevaiost othalstyoiwhise crh sh'A .Sa i itcrisio. t!tedyiecot otttetii t;yomols. II. l. Bostonian is lie aishle 'hs means that Avc have cut the prficeko0
thev arc rxptced t it :eaor,
Subsecrietioonssmooy be lot sa it TheD ily' st ,ieclse.til"fhoe, "hts'il's) i fve '-
DfeMeyetsor Stolt's Ntetossn, or toneotctsroSoe occ
with iButiotestsxMaoaer. Sottrtiers toitt rion- tdonts."' (. W. I randsi11t15 his namett'veot tfr oothre o iv aoilars ech I
fee a favor by reportintg p romtloo~y at tisl
office any faoluare oitri er:,oto delivecr ppelrr ttY tOd'iii il'"ios 'ok 0iiI tl e a c.'
jotrs." 'ite 1ttiiny' of jilt's a 1st' If.'ube e (odtrade if you did not in-
The loo ts' r0 'ieis coil dti mii lee lst1o0t5C ii sea on
t~rfl lt a edt iei ni etsao.iore iseisoitr thiiti'ftr setaker ooh. ' i (i 1it.105115li ls ii ii ed tt~h l~
't'o'shii tioi's lirtity ito ~ltit stf oJ'n
I ts'e oslo)ariti so to tit s 1tilt'We~oill- -__
toe ~ ~ l sootoed fhttl'oenast'srbtiorooxxlls itltiIIIr,
ibis. Julius Caostar Butrrowss'. It its tots Nslt ' ts s'i'tii-t'i i"I s St I ii
prevailed iupssn to acceptsthesloeitittsa e djt U.UI it ii n u
t-li Is is-iitist 1ot i'Dal-35 SOUTH MAIN STREET'.
The lossist'that Pof tess). so 's r'resfosr Wrinikls's stilts' hal Itidoes - .o rroriurrn-u drnttic i iur-iuzuis
phtonly'."Site A so.Ies'o1Roif A c 1..ii oot h'ar s'so ss vigit. 'ii ostils'rot(Ii-
toe ropeatedtolttthe's-ssiiiiiioo Ni oy i' ' t o.iit '(s k ionthe tto' nt'O' Ii' i o o sh eit
vol is sqit'general ltoitoiss patros o lii it sit 's ttil. its' I 'tostoly' l1,0 tdITv ii
the littloral t'oiisii tors's. i te i 0- t ' 5', till mortoot''tr lesos itotsuoc s.e 1s
piosiy htss ts isutts't'aioo'' lst. onre ti sisho t' l lt' olt111b r is quoits' retol_________ _________ _______________
05111 taloilspportuniity' itoijosy i i tt il th1o'. 'tie hit' efi')ftsili to hi' tounds is _
sowoldt bo'ghoily svs'it'ssiiis'si15oy1tollovIthat oi Itoeri'is toosmuchslired-dsin o t tlt'r, LAD IES tJACKETS W 've
eo's of etoisis'. 'tio Daily toakst's iis toil'W'rinkle's stroclo hsoldi is in tis'
Oclsoil t iv' 'hlxoesstis ii D rsil.SaYnd CAPES a ILot of
elilihsie._______ DDES Y PR OF.SANE at Half. ~
Tin' cosnsttiiittisio iilyestioi'dhy's hContinuoed fron First bPoge.) R oll11 11)1
tDotly sottis' look stlol i sp o s o tis'lit- in ites' <. l oe Novel' toit.tle' tO'lu llrtiis niilt' 11t3")- I
erary' societie's, toonsisson aiOii.diuets- ilti iill oottliiso w y o toprovideto'u irselftWt-ills sylist
tihollt hat shlouihoreciveit' illill ,ltii i Ctoorii'Calle 'at s 'os e xols'. Dks
i11-ts il'he ll.t. sosoot sloill' ot si1ll liii'
lien. Bosthi sootittios looets 'tOO it Isis :lb otto'olusisilins sWtould i lvsts ooe We loose' loots 1 011 1'al thosoheisiosolu ant1d o".k ('hours lo sell, If yeii osoit
eulippeed hailis, htl of t l i pi 11 N" t ho e It o ooios'n l to1 e' it this' iiis'' iliiit c Ite ts tots o'legt-it inii siln. oeto 'm gi s ll'tl'slels
toeing especioally owoll tiittol 101p. siiot lttiet.sak' tudS osterisl .e s this colitlty It. Prii'e'fool' it onSdowill buy it efore
ar°e prao'tically oltoi l ubs i l ' i to's It \vst- elto.'s' 1 l. -boo nuliosiho' 1 1eo' ts- lio otili ls110 irge oily' saill +iou.1S Ave ow-ouilod like to o buttl.itttsc
affordo ppsorsieituity Itfo ' orilltoointrol i t <111f,st l iso oi'' tf itisic.'. iroogh bosts t to r-'ill ofiL olsi atoe selling soitl houoo. Siltoniod 10 oon s ilto i'oiii
tos at systlititis'iisilglit bil l fitoiioo,$1 li
practice Ilhilublic' sp7estlsiloii tic
toe fotnnohoioviere else iIinthe' loutr
sits'. 'Thoe lils siolot'e ro~oss lotso
eoery' uio'e'in1g.
Among the Colleges.
A lato- school iis Go be ostohoisltool at
the U'niversity of Illinois.
OTihe 'iiv'rsity of \Wisc-oonoin Is a(.'-
teptett th~e eli (elof t htth -is ersily
ot Teninsy'ivsiiotot rto o 1.051'ce0011itheo
Selauykiii Itiver.
Th'iere we'e'5' ct soidiots'ili o'.
centl preliinatry' deibate,hitdtot Wil-
11aios ('ollege, in preparation for the
annual debiate with D~artnonti.
Found--A smll silver broicelet, in-
scribed wsith words of endeaa'ment.
Prove property at Steward's office . 72
isso)lly eotosissoooy oitloili ton atlishisalli'
-iliilossjhlo' i ho ~ts 5155l ish's inhuman11511
stacilty oft si'toltplisllilig ev-ery' thilote
stts'oetaslo, i ifoiy'sle°it' s lt tto stoy!
ash ( It' o''oti relotly' is-illsart otf"tils's-
eison. tRossiniWotoor an llo Noyerio't'
inlthir ef'otslste'ndeed ho isietO'I t
llosli'toluthle'onlyiyothiotiic polet.
Wagner's pnrobolemolwos to essootihool
mitls,'is exporessioni switho doanostic tart.
Ito' waos, as is 'nece'ssoary, at onceoeot,
phliooihoer suet inisicoti~i, Ibis igre'tt
oo'oiitplisbmout soas to Create Sue
mitoern elilerti. T'l enoochihaibid eeni
oo s'uroioantie, thoe Italian too symo-
tooic.Hote soled'o the difficulty throoughi
the loelipoot the Gtermniaa spirit, of
Avhieh he is e'sseitioiiiy an incarnation,
His lofty phrilosophiy is expresse-d in
-sentinseset and ;hence lie is galled obo--
ctr G v-r cW
LA ISE ryFR CAPES. Iasets lle iii our tast stoocks gtoat
tt i l eu c to sui ol til F e lt. . W e d o a ll
an ltric teal t iiolsierilig cliexoper ihoolsi uouy other 4*
hionse ini lie' euinly, and theos-ork ise
MACK & C0.,
MACK & C01
56-58-60 S. MAIN ST. -FURNITURE,.
Advertise in The Daily,.