'till: UNWIESIUY OF' MtCIIIGAkN DAILY. IF e_ _ _ _ _ _ __ 46 S Main Street. 11iyou didl not receive a camPARONZEHLMES' LIVERY 1.aasahrsmspeetn PARNZu why rot buy yourself one and get te best service. for Newv Year. $2.00 and up I- Office and Stable, 32 Forest }wards.1 petc aA NN T ARBOR IIZU SICL C O . Ave. Telephone 10. $5.00 to$10.00 gets ___pretty_____raeb01catamr' good one. Full instriuctions . m w" awa o .oa ~ oo~ 9qo.,rnhCicea emt'Pairilac2' with Ithen. Books about eor a pierA BR H NN0any ades,. i "them for the asking. r[HE e CaiAlSnkARO0PRp SAVX15S,00NK o fa9t eiecdae.Pcc esucst5f't -x- 0 Steettcca.Ni,45evtono. ieavd nlce cc, eeri illk~n~w York, fL t t1) is e e+~ a reo ice.eec ci t buys and fl sI -.M'is e~i'ac.l' 19 11c xCiii se.oiitie ,cccileps, e ra iV! 7 f ® 57.i eiit S ic ic ii fitcc,i e uaces peper ''ramaaaamaamaa~ammmaam~aeaaangaZieciicsVie-ires.;lCsas FR, lHiscck, BeSure Splendid 35C. letQaiis f(iiiTe. FIRTST OrA[anKid if, 4 TaViio s ii a ae t b iecrn, tsiess. You're Right V l$s. 10 /i tThe ('reahest vaie in Mn's5 0,tc cf ~ei t. i~ld. urnish KdGoeevroffered. iiNE On Fotwear Wi LA~ti (N. tacic. OiiF ow a. See Our -4 C. Hll ired Pff Seat I. - nr I Thr so rh' " in the tradead III1'h a it Thisc$ t~. ij -. n Lo e V id IFnd oornn saure, sC. iii yd yp re tehsic iiicrgi Wile.iuiiFoir-n-Hand;c Thsco uaate o t c 5af 25 M ST 14 AE"1ia 2Cap i 0 iiiiiiciCici;;sc Good tRithers toeiyoiussiuswant__________the______.______lTowney's Chocolates. W. C. Reinhardt, JNIVEKS'IYNOTES. 1Xt ToilC: ili OP 01:1:_V ~ Hot Lunches. 42. S. Maiii Street. ci vr uci i ,il acFii nciiA. Wii icmoli in hiiciiiosii (Ii __________ _________ dc i inlarch. ioine dy iidiicim 'ct , ' il p a sTT IN~S, 48 S. State St. ~ j ~ .E ~ iiscciiaiiicciii ci0ccj~li iti ii .liciiii 1ONLY 50. EACH THE OPERA HOUSE J EWELER, I0;111('iOdi iii hi ciii i; iii0,snlot1r e i;;icc; c i ...OUR NEW J a fur ich You ithii iiai iC''iI sat. iaicn ci nli iii-' cii ' i i;'i I((C lso f. ci 1fily. (0ethi' l ieh e U MIn --GIVE HICT) A CALL. ii~u "'h~enl eetclnP PHOTOGRAPHS isili will meeti Bosii iwitWM. ARNOLDLEADING JEWELER. Il'iftliiicwek iisol i ccii iii;;'Iocici'1c1i1)roost.Thecyst-iii h i iein1MU I11ST U D IO ]Berry m an S Alidia Ni iSoc-hi y s iiiatiiiiii sbei -Arisgiiii'is'dly ithe addiiono f .Ada PIANO AND COMPOSITION. E. Haron street rsentsiliat the oic'ci. ior tie low X1 iinEl i, isho isles tiii'role f the T J - N hiniie. iasi season she was iie citar; R . H' -. . IM . 1.1 Ait NiIll.ini " 1),r iaa. ,I F io i Stiatt'gao sev tcy, Geicay. Y o uLuc;' I i(a Union 1ritheiii' l ci; 22 S. DIVISION ST. LI _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __r" tli I h- td eli f lillln t1l [ Mcici; tlrtisc neili l;. 'Iia t ieiei'ee iiiiiic f iiir hfuliii's. "oo chj;ust Receicd a Lige n Eeant lar \iil~n o l n+ o.tri 1 s o on" ii at he('-Irnil ;Wiededay Lin.e Of N~e-M Pipes ! P e riapr l e l sii. i li;gi rdl .i~traiiiitire li.i.hclillafit i iii i e I lii ad Cot'a i s i ts a cill h1usnsAetic 11o 'Pts cl~ i rc i 'r u ; i i imii iii iiitii' t(celitllc ls ci-Ie(ii Vicciy.lilittic iiatiial iiii'iiiiandiiioll F? R . ..i C)L-.Y' & C ). IF i t i mcc e sno ; l ~ le ilicitG ro ceries, - - P ro v isio n s ,:vo11) i ;;ic e.abrlinl No eIetpay ary partcllar elieni .tc~ieia iroi; ii ~i'eiii iiliicc biimiiioie wi th iicileeir liieandi andi all ids of Saitiarim apreilrfrienut for rm m clicltant etotwl ti;';-I Foods for sale by a we;lih of cliailon aiiicomp uii branee. What eold le equnal ru lIn.1 o c i- ciiia ntIi rhoi' c los hai iii' aliiiot leiilii;eiig iS t l riszo r. & C ., to having th t box filledl with wosic; eitoi ;ili'iiiltiie iii'iiiiigiveniltheii'ie itiek';cicsc"'ti4 S. STATE s. CIi(S H LET t 'iitit i ~eed such ti occec es ilV~l..An.ltonflZiteufel, I 'clici0 iiiiii il ~candidai'eti'ffortheaiiraci'iiian:rc ~IM lu T [f~[L. [ r Oi iit -si ii N t'imetirefo ust reportit lc st thre'e fni;io uns Y.oalise s FORsSut cae eatIChocolatesaandBon w Bonsb. ts fr Faucsic're oasle atitheifac ANlg classEwork.ES Elean bxesati fw eab- 1l endiltrsndcrCookiii.'icklnuus'. iT. II~I. T-i aiil.Trrt.Aii]a id ViiCc Epiec Sahy a rfate ones, "packed neatly, Ilk Prie';'it) toosuls o ;iy part of ts' hal.No> .Mi hoiiscw. Nti 'ciftht imetinn' iii ncii; 20 S. Ingalls siueet, parlr siiie, teiiy Ni5 .Miica al ieto Il1set y Oa 4. MAlRT IN. is~aesidiiiene eCoh al ie, le sn y lase ill is' given ltii. ifrnace, heat, light and bal, $. 0 , M;'uiiuic ta s es ad Fne Grd. and guaranteed to please tthe ____________________________________ Cfis. iaiingitgaSpeilty. N. 17 s. most disuiniin ting at DOES YOUR LAMP SMOKE? Entae T R Y E D T A R O I L - - - O S O K E F U L L 'R & H X O S ASlash. I. ice gS lesiii Ev V. H HAGTRE, TYRDSA I-N M K hhI rcs o sot No Chand Wicks, No Offensive Odor, No Fouling of ('himneys- tm FORl ofcioeyoLveydsrpto. AWit ih-ursfeltotels CENTSl ntelni' RS SISFRtt L ET 2S.STT. -Clear as spring water-l0c per galo-Deliveredt ia our cans, CLEANING AND REPAIRING. VOR. 4TH& WASH, 2OSTE. promptly-Sold only by ~ ia i.Oc ie' hiir hca DE AN S& CO IP A NY. Subscritbe fir the Daily. 44 Soth Min Stree. Subscribe for lbs Daily.