Black Bull Underwear, Ypsilanti Unlion Suits for en:
Ours is the best stock of Underwear in Ann Arbor. Call and examine before buying. 28 and 30 South Main sf--..
Time Tabletllteisoed) Sp.27.11,96 sI THIS COLLAR IS THREE INCHES TALL,
ma n x---i4 N YtSecil.,A.M - 0 Mt AKE OF BENUT-POINT STYLES, I0 _ -e
Fiat x__-10 17 N .Limile. 92~ aGUE___
AascErAM .N Pa8fc s FLEXILBLE FOLD .-0 .' l
D.N Eapress.. 0 4540 Iwetern Ex ___155
G. R.Epes 11 5 1C5. Nt.15 E __s -'10 8pj.' *¢
OW, lRoooGLEi, H. WtHYES, - ' ''
G. P. & T. Agt., Chicago. Agt. 'be Arbor 4 .c.0 . rFs " ^, ',,. j) , o c '~
RAILROAD. The Oril Seepig tGar Lin e wee To-
Tho Trie.MA.t)106Led and iGolumbs
TaeTbeOt 7 1~.I INSIST -+'Ti<E AR9 The Ong Sepig or 0rawing Room Gar
NORTH. i BUT01.. ,0, , NITLensbetwesTledo, Colulmbs and E
7:30a.m A® iw '"~w
14:30 a. in ni. @@@00s9O0o0* a,,,m: 0 Tie Ony Drawing Sorn ar Linbetween
p' PTled, Colmbus and OCharlston,
-RnidibetwieieniAiiniArbor cod Tlido only W. Va.
All traisilodoly -oept Sunday. U, OF M0. CALENDAR. AT THEl VAlE11NTINE. Pulman Sleepers between Colmbs and
E.. 0,OIl tie. F Aet ____ Ghiag.
W H. BENNETT G. P. A. Toledo . I lifew- plai, vtte n cir1the' A nr- THE ONLY LINE winhO4 traineh wydlly
_____________________________ Wdniisdiy. .an11-2:, S p I., olIiiii dlis ie lavei trlil d sll wie betwen Toic ed a lmos.
TEwTHE KINDERGARDEN BILLIARD HALL 4 -Prof. Sale rerads ta bibs oil 5100ad.14 tolli a 1 tines A. tIr's I °s may~b omnTidov aor cow
''h ~llsplel ~el isllil.i1 l ly ph-iiii-i- + of l in ife tic oliii' ( btwen Toldo, Dowig G1ennde
R01121ICE1BOER n tier s lnic'Hleftrre te OIll i h Iraii -as.'Iir i inday.
vi I latd ( 1st Ill l'tis tpii;'- THO ONLY L1NEwih2 15 ri nons a nyadey"
osopical oc et}between Ted S o d Charesonl~, W.
RAIROD ICKT ROER ~ ti 1Silit. 8,4:2 p i.,li i b titei l'tSiiy 11ifl Is;lin fiiiet i:(:TIe OLY DIECT LINE botee oled
OVet~d lt I, liii-.1p.m, Icit ,b re i-ri' It siiill o ctse. T andOPULvit INE ,Fes
Wholesale 0Cigars, Tobc~coo and _1 I V 01 111211 u ioof -iesiiiatiPo lii 11- 0 .'1hlGal..obi15 oyrn G,aeoi od ot.
Cigarettes.(lul h1fon oe, lt so m cilaliviIifo-atis ex F linforaionreltive to ra e, ime of
1 ns ail. 4, 7:'0 i. i.. -tain, ee., wrb ll S olorloly Ooiciiid by any
Cor. Main and Liberty Sts. ''ioIl. Ireliil, t. u iiti s v1(1 [( left1011' gstoteOhic OeslaLnee.
Liery olry of Eligi ni' 15-llling liess itlltiii. T'ftlu' 11)1ri'"Sore MOULTON COUK, G. P. A.
('h111) t ie . A-loTOiEDtO,'li 11h 1 iluhOHIO
- ~ I~l~-scl17-.has.51. p. i.. b oi 1,I1ttlr oowritrls have shoe ii is d1111)1
-cgllciili sis'11litil ilt-; d<OM. BIrli;hissheoi lito b1rihei Grand Opr a Ecu se.
1 id y, 1 . . 1 rI ci s \iAceel nit sie.
sh --V. - ltst:.ty. 1:11.c...l 52 litlIyAn-i i-s.srci it gies i ttii Iof iii W DN SlAY, JMtILL 1
(I tI-C As 1. D t at iiS. I..A.iiitlsiX 'ii'ttir Toldoil i Tri h elir t 4 Iiall The scocoosof lat a m
-i'-owI ~Faculty N otices. 1 - i in. I lie i-itiiiiig ivioV01 t its il M R A J" Fret1Yn d-
s'oi~ihenl"~,. ~ltalles A.11[1, ill ila,151 t1igml ceii
i'rnI.y e ili~ non cc' mncioaiihtiieii I Slllleli t xio delisire' to doigradualill i on ofN tit iil hor' nIllogre-ct sensaioat'reriic jmo-
! dut iction, centited
No Some teseally Conplete 'lx .inl rhetor~ice requecil~istedt i i ic---- - --
Withot a new 1897 Model inIoomli4. Thulrsday 2piTO tIENI' A idesitabl leie of 9
Guitar, Mandolin, rat.,forthr t t i'5lOlit2l 1ioof 0ours1e 2I rsiis lieataedlowih 1sh0otis'te, slatoI~- 7 7f f
asbu V} ! Bnj r ite '. N. SC'OTT. Ilary boolsIsoithlinht a1114oldiii 0 t~r
a itbun ano r iteriatli 71011 511sm loor Eite a
r ric-i'e h.eroislcid do- sa orec l ct ieI
\viiocctc hiii iola te scey 1-1011yoi nI i i,111 vl an hi ee,17 iiion__sreet. __Prices, - 3 c, 50c and 750-.
From $g.on Upward. to Prf'.( ('. i fylil', cf IJtie 1'lin5 t- 1.1)51' -.At ori licar l t' Illiigaic
- i-,i W,e iotctien AlliiclitiNiia rdicliideort litn sospbeforil eb-t. 1 ai 'courml' i 'I l111 'il-1 bag e 10 11 0
ico fi riii cic. I iothis estc1diit a i. o tt ali y b g o m
lieltcct v 0 1,si niitii aoog lsc tcscbiticis iclilie slci, iliitcigl'ilhy osill le ifri Ill l h rdrs'ni ae -otinn- wo ~'
t - ie.>]ai bd l l il iilece by ll fbst Sili 'ler School. If six dilc i ll'ft '
1v o , n a c t he . i c i lde tn."Ift terintnton bytcrer.1110n( -o i . coail' IIrsoses ". 1111.'e 11.If toun t
Oml, Ic l leisoc .i nii c t is s h um Oiie 110c t r0is i ll00 .1 1 1.5.5' ch~h peae oi'tify If . riliay Iit -igs- I THE NEW COLLARS,
3 f> ii npie ido e ne tcc . c i i lloe- .. ___
t e ie- i' ilpi, i tis ,iifi rcitot,ott le anddates foir the 79l0it 1 nn fJo n I.W iin, o re
A etshun mro~i~~cii~5fove wt ae inims a tcl- i~ttie lis -a wek1ttn;nitsin Great Novelty-Pocket iesohior NOTgAD WIAM
tt yearn got mnytiesis o by o reig-ularnclass wiork I 'aicicatestIi' vinig P 10ot gah.l, Ats like Vita.
LYON & HIEALOY, frhetf rislhias i eliy 11101i tine eiallyl scoe or hin toseote. Three subjects RENTSCIILERl
C0'r WAB1ASHIAVE. & ADAMS ST . CHICAGOO csht Iii'etothei gyl. rl~r0111. I outOThe"Qarrel' "illy BulreS PH c-zc c r A TME39ER
BII.IIIGAIAN, At lllllti'. +unny Sory"' tnd "Tie Skirt Dance"
IIfT Lots of fun. Potpat1:i for 23 cents. ANN ARBOR. MICH.
51' 1/ ii lihiillt~t~liil if Ili' ~l-hri ul'nin Novety Co., 1122 De.ror t,
- itlllftbf lli'o nnl ill batll I en5111'-Chicao, Il. j
dtay at ', It 1.N. ANI)IblSON. , "Ro(ady Chatge Lap l Butto" LV I ..A1 .
('ilaa olds two nikes, practical an iie-
SUPPLIES fu________ 'lbil. ftEverybody owil owear on. ost-
'Thee v il bei a iieeti'o of alt cal- paid for 25 cents. Youilin Novelty Co..,
Spaldng Laguoe Ball, MIts. Moltac. ditties fo thei 'Vrsity taceam11111112 Dearbornt St., Chiceago Ill
Man'ages sbiiuid seod fio n a pes and '1a1d all intrested it ri.oi'k sllleti'-o iellE
oelal rates Ery r eldc fur s,R N LTEPOO AHR
Golf, Crcet, Teici and hFeld, Gyna'thRoin 24ot 7:0 p.lea., Fr id o7.AN LLTEHTO APR
slow Fqalomento and otfit . Complete L.IL,'rt 1t'lys.
Caatogueog Srnog and Comme"Sports I i 411,Takb~tas'' Washington Block,
free. "The Name the Guarantee"
TO RENT, (An ror RI T R
A. G. SPALDING & BROS., Good first class pianos to rent for
___________________________rooms. All opolnents firt class,
cnd door nort of camnps. Imported and dometic cigs. Ladles' s-
Subsribefor he D ilyI B. J CONIAD,18 S Inglls. tie hair dressing and banhing palor, p
Subcrie fr te D ily BI. ONEADiS . tgalsstares. J. R. Tro aeond he S1atenSt. -.vertiseI in THlE DAILY