THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. Columbia's Gymnasium. :~ THERE'S NOTHING LIKE LEATHER, S. The new gymnnasitnl ot Colunlbi : '~J4ITRC WHEN WELL PUT TOGETHER. college given 'by Preoident Seth Low, 'ublished Daily (Sundays excepted) during 1<' the C7ollege year, at w ill be the finest building of its ind InH UIESTYO IHIA, i Aeia hefrttresoisothne'Oi- Times building, 79 S. Main St. be- -N - tween Liberty and William Sts. building, which will be knlownilao Ciii-RusaEnmlBoadAe- 31t.NAGIN(O EDITOR veroly Stlall, ,iirt'to coot $450,0t00,an Russia, canafameol B atAer. F._TaOOMAS , 1.,workcatntCalienrehasoareadyebeeri, 0. 1.CNE , 'A98.EO As it nitproaches colilIidion tie le ns1)11110OR -- will be miade to suit whatever cotii- BE S SH E TRE EDITRohS R N. MAIN,, OPP. COURT HOUSE, E. L. GEsues, '9s L. F. S. Scions. 98 tl tilt needs of the univerotity ic B. B. MEcaREAs, 'tO. H. B. SKOILMAN, 'tO L. 1q11r1. F. M. Loonats, '50. H. It. Couts, '90. r~L ru nj'ttrnrr C. St. GRaNs, t9. Athletic Editor. "liett'('to the gytllitsittl13to -I- ASSOCIATE EDITORS tilt the g;roundti level twithth le street, I (N W. W. toghes, '50. 0. W. Smith, '97. ani ois tth( grountd floor is te~it F. A. Fucik, '98OE. Louise Dodgec, 'tis. gitos wt-, \,i ROT W. P. Morrill, '5. Botler Lamb, 1900. 11111 ipol. (u110111 ol will containi A. 1i. Suith, '01. C. Lall, jr., 90951,. -240,000gtt nsof fieed a ndIllI will it ot' ttttIwict' the size (of thie - a, lnk i th 5'at' ymnaium.A "itidfl~la~iI'~ No time like the presttg Cto buyyou -l~~ The subscription price of the Doily is V-01 the edge~s of te builtling will be pidac- JI~ I O for te colicge year, with a re.tiler delivercy - before noos eacit day. tcs cotomonica' mldoshowero, ntl'de baths, iockcrs, and I self an Overcoat. We take stuck IFeb. 1st. tionts, antd other mattcc inteodedh for puilitoa- I 0Ie e "ina., ocrettiledi tothebit'Otor bt'tret 31 3 p. in., of the dtty preeis to10thtat 00ntwhicht 'liii' gy-tltlaoitilti will be.,~ likote 1This means that we have cut the pieo thee tee espected to atitear. Ipoo Office, Mleye' s of Stolleto Nesstattd, or5 sith Bttsittes slasoger Soloctibers twill etn- Over 1ts widest datd i witlb i h e et170ecotselomthoree o fla dllaech.c fer a favttr by coirtlog promtptly at thit'7, I office any failure of catrrlers to defiver papter. t1114 in it eerytcy ottoti ltlt'aptit11talt -IDwul 1i fi ol tittttiiYli)d'oteydSa fttr iltysi Itsl t~t iutttt'ttwillIte tmadle !It wolid e a good trade iyoun otin- will ~ ~ is ofti.iersvti ~titiii Overlcooklting lte loor ofthe r-t wiltoo t'ttve. ra1,. pe-1 tend to use it until next season. gyit':itlitt sill Itt',1tt rvti l l~lt. . rt~rutri fil hierte intthet'past tiltS thire's ntt - tilt'ttentie interior' of It'e litilitiis llcittiltt nIisht hsoa.-Ittt it' lttilt a rililnilg tack 12 feet - tate iaid ninesly'bs'itotlthgCmtii" ttnhtht 35 SOUTH MAIN STREET. tartS, or tt'"tktithe "as lof," ttet ilterdnr eddrcos tt is generttiyatgreedl trtottttl te it hittitf((tt~ttatt ~yitt ~~A l tie W t'ttiltti0dral t teiottot il' « attI Ittlotti se otttt11itt t-:gtit'tttttgttitttpil- SECOND ANNUAL LIGHT INFANTRY of Conrolh one.ton.ithth has e att thle tic. l d iosithe4 1 Ty'yr'm- ~ T~Y T~ s 4 F, iyorikharthipi to ailult-it's tt Michti- gun Sot-somtit me lit ot iotme. 'eti tt' stted thetot' attrtdlots :ud~te ttor aitit- letoisut is si ttiuly ieomiiiued by-all. It hlas ittein stidtiif.iiis tt'e'sttlti- mteat oftthelit'idcentbodtti hat finltly theteritolnts s-t-lttt itie stattttltctl lt.101I- gao neetd htive nto fetrtc i itl hrI li'bitittitof itrotesoitttaisllt MVore Freshmen Needed. Sli(t- fr'es-hmatniglt't'ctbt.wh-ilt-l iwill btt heltl this aterootitI 4:15 ii in ttoti 24, will flonishitntit titlttrttnity tttr tmaniy'neiss nti. It is beltt hl ti ltarge nsumbettrswilhl resptondthanti'thittat first titass cubtiltsil result. By- a iis- take it s-tt iititttneed it yestrday's Daily' that Nelson ''litt oilh Waus mtantetr of thie cltb. In ret'tiy, ntt tftiers huts-cy-ttlarte t''tlt'td<11th orgtsization huis nttoteno t'9rtltt. L. L~. Driggs. '101, uill t'taiit ttllthe it- "'ickets fttr thoe fresiniian sociatl to btt giveso lt Graniger's next Fritday night silo for sttle boy the ioeltt'rs of thio social csomittee. As previously sit- u-ounmed, they are 11. to. kSnouley, ciairmai, Meosrs. Nottingham imid F-ord, Misses Boulsoin and Belfortd. Communication, Wh~ly dt lott e litieratry' socito's ill whettnlite ~ stw t'eettrootst zetl atIht stlf'-seriliei lte'tt Ie iiibt'ro.that at leaut:ol ilt' nut ofthle (tollege sttu'dents A genine htigho chaos circus performance at the New Light Inofatrty Armory. General Ad~ission Evenings, 25, Cents. Matinees Weulnesday and Saturday, 2:80 p.nm., adults 25 coens; children, lb cents. Tite LUCKY CURVE of the GEC S 1RKER Fou tain Pe. SXiphnrFee si oteat Ball the t Itae itiotheutytle A perecten and warranted by the Parter PenuCompanytttanesulleWis. J.C. FREUD, '99, 47 S. University Ave. itttt i.ft Ot'I'iitesithy-itte ntsimore t'IN THE EQUIPMENT OF A lt-4t o 0ttIs it utt'ttttrs eacht, shiile STUDENTS ROOM, thttot' iltlthiss ii'eparltmeturftare li1t- t ho genertally coneetedith Ia tstrtnged lit betttter t'. stettiltd thointuhttiett h I stramnt is almust an abolutr necessity.'To secttre the -reatest rnjoyment from ttte sltileth s'ttttl le ladto luotiuer ~tporchase set the hoot your motiey soul afford. studllt oul be lai to llllra,~e 1 sEprert judgmenut pronouncesthe "Ba itoporttuity' to etnroll hiluuself as aState" tnstruments lie finest in thse soorl ttuotttr itt sie' tt these ethuist stit An excellet instrumetut is the Sotiets, hIeswottithielp tthes t ttti BAY STATE $10.00 tltst'lf